
更新时间:2023-07-09 14:20:48 阅读: 评论:0

金融财经类词汇 a-z
accommodative monetary policy适当的货币政策
according to the international practice按照国际惯例
adver lection逆向选择
adjustable fatigue调整疲劳症
affordable housing projects安居工程
aggregate demand总需求(社会总需求)
aggregate purchasing power社会商品购买力
aggregate supply总供给(社会总供给)
allocative efficiency资源配置效率
allocative decision(基金等的)分配方案
city什么意思anti-dumping duty反倾销税
anti-inflation policy反通货膨胀政策
arm’s length transactions独立交易;非关系户交易
Article VIII country经常项目可兑换的国家;接受国际货币基金组织协定第八条款
austerity policies紧缩政策
autarky   封闭经济(指由政府造成的,含贬义)
blue chip stock蓝酬股
bonded area保税区
bottom (trough) of business cycle周期谷底
bridge bank过度银行
budget constraint预算约束
business cycle经济周期
business tax营业税
buyer’s market 买方市场 三峡教学设计
Cayman Islanders (为逃避监管)在开曼岛注册的(金融)机构
capacity utilization设备利用率
capital account convertibility资本项目可兑换
capital budget建设性预算
capital flight资本外逃;资本抽逃
capital reflow资本回流
carryover effect翘尾因素
cautious in lending慎贷
central bank lending中央银行贷款(再贷款)
chain debts三角债
chamber of commerce商会
change in rerve asts储备资产增减
change-of-ownership-bad accounting principle所有权核算原则
CHIBOR(China inter-bank offered rate) 中国同业拆借市场利率
China Insurance Clau(CIC) 中国保险条款
CHIPS(Clearing Hou Inter-bank Payment System) 同业支付清算系统
circuit breaker涨跌停板
city commercial bank城市商业银行
claims on the non-financial ctor对非金融部门债权
clearing hou清算所
clod economy不开放经济
commodity-related cash reflow商品回笼
competitive devaluation竞争性贬值
concealed accounts账外账
concerted intervention联手干预
conditional convertibility有条件的可兑换
conduct of monetary policy制定和执行货币政策
conform to a certain standard符合一定的标准
consumer price index(CPI)消费物价指数
contagion effect扩散效应
convergence criteria趋同标准
convertible currency可兑换货币
cost-push inflation成本推动型通货膨胀
countercyclical policy逆周期政策
countervailing duty反补贴税
小学生数学小报credit control信贷规模控制
credit crunch信贷紧缩
credit rating信用评级
credit ratings资信评级
credit reference system信用查询系统
credit to related interest对关系人贷款
美术画板credit worthiness信誉度
creditor country债权国
cross-border banking跨境银行业务
currency board货币局制
currency composition币种构成
currency mismatch币种搭配不当
currency outside bank流通中现金
current account经常项目
current account convertibility经常项目可兑换
current budget经常性预算
custody of government debt国债托管
customs and practice惯例与做法
西芹炒肉丝cyclical divergence 经济周期不同步
debt fatigue债务疲劳症
debt forgiveness债务减免
debt overhang债务过重
debt rescheduling债务重组
debt rvice ratio偿债率(当年应付本金和利息与出口总值之比)
debt-equity swap债权转股权
debtor country债务国
demand elasticity需求弹性
demand expansion需求膨胀
demand-pull inflation需求拉动型通货膨胀
denomination mismatch币种搭配不当
deposit insurance system存款保险体系
deposit money banks存款货币银行
diminishing returns收益递减规律美人松
disburment of foreign capital实际利用外资
disguid irregular (or illegal) fund raising变相社会集资
disguid unemployment隐蔽性失业
distorted signals信号失真
distributional efficiency产品分配效益
domestic credit国内信贷总额
domestic debt内债
down-stream enterpris下游企业
dual exchange rate system 汇率双轨制;双重汇率制 
early-warning system风险遇警系统
easing monetary policy放松银根
economic depression经济萧条
economic fundamentals宏观经济基本状况;经济基本面
economic indicators经济指标
economic recession经济衰退
economic sanction经济制裁
economic stagnation经济停滞
economies of scale规模效益
economies of scope多元效益
effective supply有效供给
effective tax rate实际税率
electronic data interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换
emerging market新兴市场
endogenous shock内生冲击
enforcement action强制措施
entrenched interest既得利益
excess capacity生产能力过剩
exchange rate misalignment汇率失调
exogenous shock外生冲击
expenditure changing policy影响支出的政策
export-oriented economy出口导向型经济
external debt外债
external liberalization 对外开放 
final consumption最终消费
final product最终产品
finance companies财务公司
砥砺的意思financial crisis金融危机
financial deepening 金融深化
financial derivatives金融衍生物
financial disintermediation脱媒;资金体外循环
financial disturbance金融风波
financial fragility金融脆弱
financial oligarch金融寡头
financial panic金融恐慌
financial repression金融压抑
financial turbulence金融动荡
financial unsoundness金融不稳键
financing gap资金缺口
fine turning微调
fiscal agent国库代理
fiscal consolidation财政整顿(包括增收节支和改善结构)
fiscal creation of money财政性发行
fiscal outcome财政决算
fiscal overdraft财政透支
fiscal restraint财政节制
fit and proper test(对高级管理人员的)资格审查
flight to quality资本逃险;资本惊逃
forced saving强迫储蓄

本文发布于:2023-07-09 14:20:48,感谢您对本站的认可!



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