5 年过渡期:a five-year transition period
脱贫:水性杨花的意思poverty alleviation
巩固脱贫成果:to consolidate poverty alleviation outcomes
农村低收入人口: low-income rural residents
常态化常扶:to strengthen assistance on a regular basis
教学机智“ I 四五”时期:the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025)
"三农”(农业、农村、农民):agriculture, rural areas and farmers
举全党全社会之力:with the efforts of the whole Party and society
农业农村现代化:modernization of agriculture and rural areas
全面推进:comprehensive advancement
实现中华民族伟大复兴:可爱的故事to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chine nation
农村改革:reforms in rural areas
乡村振兴:rural vitalization
乡村治理:rural governance
乡村建设:rural construction
乡村公共基础设施:rural public infrastructure
农村基本公共服务:rural basic public rvices
农村消贽:rural consumption
构建现代养殖体系:to build a modern breeding system
推进水产绿色健康养殖:鸡属相to promote green and healthy aquaculture 优化农产品贸易布局:to optimize the trade of agricultural products
农业现代化示范区:agricultural modernization demonstration zones
红线:a "red line”
耕地:arable land漂亮英语怎么写
高标准农田:high-standard farmland
高产枪产:with high and stable yields
粗食产量:grain output
稳定粮食播种面积:to stabilize the sown areas of grain
提高单产水平:to improve the yield per unit area
重要农产品供给:the supply of major agricultural products
农产品质星和食品安全:the quality of agricultural products and food safety
农民收入:farmers' incomes