Ladie s and g entleme n:I ama volun teer of the Ch ina
Fou ndation for Po vert Al leviati on. Las t inter vXXtio n , e h ad an i nvestig ation f or moth ers inpoor mo untaino us area s, ande ent t o a mou ntainou s villa ge in G uizhouprovine.hat Ihad sathere m ake meso sadand imp ressive. Somehildren are in lothes made o f ovenbags ,herd go ats inthe sno.The fr ozen re d faesin theold ind touh m e deepl. In ad dition,the om en ,hoare mot hers of the hi ldren ,kno lit tle abo ut outs ide orl d beaus e of la k knole dge .Th e do no t haveas to e arn mon e, anddo nothave aappropr iate me thod to bringup thei r den dant
ei ther. M ost oftheir h usbandhave en t out t o ork t o allev iate th eir eon omi bur den,lea ving th em take are of hildre n and o ld pare nts. Ob viousl,the ome n s sit uationin poor
mounta inous a reas is not lo ok good.Compar ed iththem, e are al l ver l uk peop le in t he orld. You u suall d rinking offeein a ba r, pain g to pl a games in a p ark,and buingexpansi ve oatin a bi g marke t.Evert hing lo oks sobright. Theref ore, Ihope th e
luk p eople i ll lend a help ing han d to he lp themothers! Perha this o ntribut ion for ou isonl a s mall ex penditu re, but the ad d up to love,and lov e an br ing the m happi er life! The m one don ated il l be us ed forhelping mother s learn to rea d, trai ning th em to g et orki ng skil l and p rovidin g omenmedialtreatme nt.Lets
share our go ok lukith the unfo rtunate s and o ur bene volentlove il l ontin ue forever! T hank ou!募捐倡议书英语范文二: Ladie s and g entleme n, ou a re allver luk people in the orld!E verda h en ou e ak up,ou an s ee thepeopleou love hen ou open o ur ees.You an smellthe per fume fr om thepeopleou love. You a n hearthe sou nd from the pe ople ou love i th ou e ars. Yo u an ki ss thepeopleou love and sa to the m ho mu h ou lo ve them. You a n holdtightlthe peo ple oulove it h our h ands.Ho ever, i n the o rld, th ere are some p eople h o an on l e t he dark ness no matter da ornight.There a re some people ho anonl hea rd sile ne no m atter h ere. Th ere are some p eople a n not e ven mak e a sin gle sou nd. The re aresome pe ople ho do not even h ave a h and antouh an thing.Therefo re, I h ope the luk pe ople il l lenda helpi ng hand to hel p the h andiapp ed peop le! Pe
r haps th is ontr ibution for ou is onl a smal l expen diture, but th e add u p to lo ve, and love a n bring them h appierlife!Le t s sha re ourgook lu k
ith t he un fortuna tes and our be nevolen t loveill ont inue fo r ever! Thankou!女士们先生们,在这个世界上你们都是非常幸运的人!每天当你们起床的时候,你睁开眼睛就能看见你所爱的人。你能闻到你所爱的人的香味。你的耳朵能听见你所爱的人的声音。你能亲吻你所爱的人并亲口对他们说你爱他们有多深。你能用你的双手紧紧拥抱你所爱的人。然而,在这个世界上,有些人无论白天还是黑夜就只能看见漆黑的一片。有些人无论在哪里除了寂静什么也听不见。有些人甚至无法发出简单的声音。有些人也没有手可以触碰任何东西。因此,我希望幸运的你们可以向残疾的人们伸出援助之手。或许这对你只是一点小小的支出,但这可以积少成爱,爱可以带给他们更幸福的生活。让我们和不幸的他们分享我们的幸运吧,我们的仁爱会永远流传下去。谢谢!募捐倡议书英语范文三:
Ever one,I a m Li Hu a fromClass S ix, Gra de Thre e. In o rder to make a good n etork e nvironm ent, Ihope ev erone a n u n et ivil ize, to be a i vilized Netize n. I ha re some ideas:First,
pleaget the good i nformat ion fro m the n et andignorethe bad net .Seond,pleaarrange our ti me in a plan,don t d rop our lf in to thenet and an t o ut. Thi rd, ple a hat friend l, anddon t m eet net friend in our mind.Fourth, please look o n everb od; don t antto knohih thi ng theother p eople d on t
an t ou kn o.Let s make o ur life and st ud bett er toge ther. L et s ma ke a go od neto rk envi ronment. Let s to beivilize d Netiz enLi
Hu aChildr en s Da is ing! To tr ul shoour are for th e nextgenerat ion, st udentsshouldu thi s Child ren s D a to ma ke a la sting g ift --a donat ion toProjetHope in theirhonor.A s olleg e stude nts, eunderst and the valueof edua tion an d
猪肚子怎么做最好吃the p ositive impatit an h ave ona perso n s fut ure b i nreasin g marke table j ob skil ls andearning poer.Unfortu natel,man
hil dren ho have p ostpone d their shoolplans t o get j obs tosupport theirfamilie s are u nable t o affor d the e xpenof edua tion to da. Wit h our s upport,Projet Hope a n ontin ue to g ive des ervinghildren the ha ne to s trength en them lves, theirfamilie s and t heir mu nitiesthrough eduati on.
白血病 n.le ukemia诊断 v. d iagnose One pos sible v ersion: Dea r fello studen ts, Ase all k no, Lin Yan is a verexellen t stude nt in o ur shoo l. Shestudies ver ha rd andhas bee n highl though t of bher tea hers. U nfortun atel, r eentl h er fath er hasbeen di agnod ith le ukemia.As far as I’m onerne d, it o st toomuh toreoverhimlf from s uh a se rious d ia.What’s or,her fam il isn’t a rih one. I f too m uh mone has be en spen t on ur e, ther e’s nodoubt t hat Lin Yan il l be fo red todra out of sho ol. Ashairman of the Studen ts’ Uni on, I’l l spare no
eff orts to give L in Yana handand don ate som e moneto her.Here I also a ll on a ll of u s to do the sa me to h er. I j ust hop e thatour lim ited ef fort il l makea diffe rene to her fa mil inneed.
捐款倡议书英语英文捐款倡议书Lad ies and gentle men: Iam a vo lunteer of the ChinaFoundat ion for Povert Allevi ation.Last in ter vXX tion ,e had a n inves tigatio n for m othersin poor mounta inous a reas, a nd e en t to amountai nous vi llage i n Guizh ou prov ine. ha t I had sa the re make me sosad and impres sive. S ome hil dren ar e in lo thes ma de of o ven bag s , her d goats in the sno.Th e froze n red f aes inthe old ind to uh me d eepl. I n addit ion ,th e omen,ho are mother s of th e hildr en ,kno little aboutoutside orld b eau o f lak k noledge .The d o not h ave asto earn mone,and donot hav e a app ropriat e metho d to br ing uptheir d endan t eithe r. Most of the ir husb and hav e ent o ut to o rk to a lleviat e their eonomi burden,leavin g themtake ar e of hi ldren a nd oldparents. Obvio usl,the omen’s situat ion inpoor mo untaino us area s is no t lookgood. C ompared ith th em, e a re allver luk people in the orld.You usu all dri nking o ffee in a bar,paingto plagames i n a par k,and b uing ex pansive oat
in a bigmarket.Everthi ng look s so br ight. T herefor e, I ho pe theluk peo ple ill lend a helpin g handt
o help the mo thers!Perhaps this o ntribut ion for ou isonl a s mall ex penditu re, but the ad d up to love,and lov e an br ing the m happi er life! The m one don ated il l be us ed forhelping mother s learn to rea d, trai ning th em to g et orki ng skil l and p rovidin g omenmedialtreatme nt. Let’s shar e our g ook luk ith th e unf ortunat es andour
ben evolent love i ll onti nue for ever!Thank o u!篇
7.8级地震,现已造成上万伤亡。突如其来的灾难给灾区人民带来了极大的痛苦. 作为一名留学生,我们远在他乡但心不曾远离我们的祖国.我们身处千里之外,能够做的也许不多,但还是一些事是我们能够也应该做到的: