2005 – 2011 美国佐治亚理工学院,公共政策学院
2003 – 2005 美国阿拉巴马大学,政治学系
2000 – 2003 云南大学,公共管理学院
2016 – 复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院,教师
2011 – 2016 上海财经大学,公共经济与管理学院,教师
2007 – 2008 德国弗劳恩霍夫创新研究所Fraunhofer ISI
Rearch fellow
1、国家社会科学基金一般项目(项目编号# 18BGL219),高校高层次海归人
5、上海浦江人才计划(项目编号#13PJC052), 基于科学计量学视角对上海科
2014 John Walsh & Li Tang,Identification disambiguation in databas. 美国商标专利局2014年8月5日授权通过,专利号US8,799,237 B2。该专利
已经成功技术转让给美国一高科技公司Search Technology, Inc. ,专利技
2019 Li, Feng & Li Tang(通讯作者). When international academic mobility meets local connections: Evidence from China. Science and Public Policy,
2019 Walsh, John. YouNa Lee, Li Tang. Pathogenic organization in science: Division of labor and retractions. Rearch Policy, 48, 444-461.
2018 Guoyan Wang, Guangyuan Hu, Chuanfeng Li, Li Tang(通讯作者). Long live the scientists: Tracking the scientific fame of great minds in physics.
Journal of Informetrics, 12(3), 985–997.鹌鹑蛋的营养价值
2018 Weishu Liu, Guangyuan Hu, & Li Tang(通讯作者) . Missing author address information in Web of Science-An explorative study. Journal of
Informetrics, 12(3), 985–997
2017 Tang, Li, Guangyuan Hu, Weishu Liu. Funding acknowledgment analysis: Queries and Caveats. Journal of the Association for Information Science
and Technology, 68(3), 790-794.
2017 唐莉, 胡光元, 刘维树, 杨寓涵, 赵炜. 创新型城市的基础科研发展评估:基于深圳的实证分析. 公共行政评论, 10(6), 47-64. 人大复印报刊资
2017 唐莉.信息计量在科技创新政策研究中的应用-现状、局限与前景[J]. 科学学研究, 35(2),183-188.
公司合作2016 Tang, Li, Michael Murphree, & Dan Breznitz. Structured Uncertainty: A Pilot Study on Innovation in China's Mobile Phone Handt Industry.
Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(5), 1168–1194.
2016 唐莉,Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie. 中国科研成果的引用增长是否存在“俱乐部效应”[J],财经研究,42[10],71-84. 人大复印报刊资料的《创新与
2016 Murphree, Michael, Li Tang, & Dan Breznitz. Tacit local alliance and SME innovation in China. International Journal of Innovation and Regional
Development, 7(3), 184-202.
2015 Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Jan Youtie. Is there a clubbing effect underlying Chine rearch citation increas? Journal of the Association
for Information Science and Technology, 66(9), 1923–1932.
2015 Liu, Weishu, Guangyuan Hu, Li Tang(通讯作者) , & Yuandi Wang.
China's global growth in social science rearch. Journal of Informetrics,
9(3), 555-569.
2015 Wang, Qingfang, Li Tang, & Huiping Li. Return Migration of the Highly-Skilled in Higher Education Institutions: A Chine University Ca.
Population, Space, and Place, 21(8), 771-787.
2015 Yang, Xue, Gu, Xin, Wang, Yuandi, Hu, Guangyuan, & Li Tang(通讯作者) . The Matthew effect in China’s science: evidence from academicians of
Chine Academy of Sciences. Scientometrics, 102(3), 2089-2105.
2015 Liu, Weishu, Li Tang, Mengdi Gu, & Guangyuan Hu. Feature report on China: a bibliometric analysis of China-related articles. Scientometrics,
102(1), 503–517.
2014 唐莉.国际视野下科技创新政策研究动态及对我国的启示.复旦公共行
政评论[J], 第12辑,1-6.
2014 Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Yu Meng. Developing an innovative materials enterpri in China: A nanotechnology small business ca study. Chine
Management Studies, 8(2), 201-217.
2014 胡光元, 唐莉, 刘云. 中美在石墨烯领域的研究轨迹及政策建议[J]. 科研管理,35(4), 68-75.
2014 Liu, Weishu, Mengdi Gu, Guangyuan Hu, Li Chao, Huchang Liao, Li Tang, & Philip Shapira. Profile of developments in biomass-bad bioenergy
rearch: a twenty-year perspective. Scientometrics, 99(2), 507–521.
2013 Tang, Li, and Guangyuan Hu. Tracing the footprint of knowledge spillover: Evidence from U.S.-China Collaboration in Nanotechnology. Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(9),
2013 Meng, Yu, Philip Shapira, Li Tang. The Emergence of Science-Driven Entrepreneurship in China: A Ca Study of Technological Innovation in
Nano-Pigment Inks. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management, 17(1), 162-176.
2013 Youtie, Jan, Thomas Hinze, Juan Rogers, Philip Shapira, & Li Tang.
Career-bad influences on Scientific Recognition in the United States and
vc是什么意思Europe: Longitudinal Evidence from Curriculum Vitae Data. Rearch
Policy, 42(8), 1341–1355.
2013 Tang, Li. Does "Birds of a Feather Flock Together" Matter: Evidence from
a Longitudinal Study on the US-China Scientific Collaboration. Journal of
Informetrics, 7(2), 330-344.
2012 Hu, Guangyuan, Stephen Carley, & Li Tang (通讯作者). Visualizing Nanotechnology Rearch in Canada: Evidence from Publication Activities,
1990-2009. Journal of Technology Transfer, 35(4), 550-562.
2012 Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira. Effects of International Collaboration and Knowledge Moderation on China’s Nanotechnology Rearch Impacts.
Journal of Technology Management in China, 7(1), 94-110.
2011 Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira. China-US Scientific Collaboration in Nanotechnology: Patterns and Dynamics. Scientometrics, 88(1), 1-16. 2011 Tang, Li, Stephen Carley, & Alan Porter. Charting Nano Environmental,
Health and Safety Rearch Trajectories: Does China Converge with the
U.S.? Journal of Science Policy and Governance, 1(1), 1-16.
2011 Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira. Regional Development and Interregional Collaboration in the Growth of Nanotechnology Rearch in China.
Scientometrics, 86(2), 299-315.
2011 Youtie, Jan, Alan Porter, Philip Shapira, Li Tang, and Troy Benn. The U of Environmental Health and Safety Rearch in Nanotechnology Rearch.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(1), 158-166.
初中英语完形填空2010 Tang, Li, and John P. Walsh. Bibliometric Fingerprints: Name
Disambiguation Bad on Approximate Structure Equivalence of Cognitive
Maps. Scientometrics, 84 (3), 763-794.
吃什么菜去火2018 Tang, Li & Guangyuan Hu. Evaluation woes: metrics can help beat bias.
Correspondence, Nature, 559, 331-331.
2018 Tang, Li & Guangyuan Hu. Orchestrated efforts to foster responsible rearch. Letter, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 104, 140-140.
2018 Guangyuan Hu, Yuhan Yang. Li Tang(通讯作者). Retraction and Rearch Integrity Education in China, Letter, Science and Engineering
Ethics, forthcoming.
2018 Tang, Li. Return entrepreneurs: bind and impact. Book review of Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Global Perspective:
Global Returnees. Science and Public Policy, 45(2), 287–289.
2017 Fang Liu,Guangyuan Hu, Li Tang, Weishu Liu. The Penalty of containing more non-English articles. Scientometrics. 114 (1): 359-366
2013 Tang, Li. Beyond the Hype: Exploring Interfaces of the Knowledge Economy. Book review of Knut Ingar Westeren, eds. Foundations of the清蒸石斑鱼的做法
knowledge economy: Innovation, learning and clusters, Edward Elgar
Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, 2012, Science and
Public Policy, 40, 814-815.
2010 Tang, Li. Deciphering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions. Book review of Charlie Karlsson, Roger R. Stough, and Börje
Johansson, eds. Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Functional Regions.
Science and Public Policy, 37 (8), 640-641.