There are thirty ntences in this ction. Beneath each ntence there are four words, phas or statements marked A, B,C, and D. Choo one word pha statement that best com女娲被谁吃了pletes the ntence. Mark answer on ANSER SHEET TWO.
51.谍战片排行榜 It is esntial that he all the facts first."
A. is examining B will examine C. examines D examine
52. Which of the following ntences express a future action?
A. Lucy is continually finding fault with her sister.
B. We are meeting the visitors after the performance.
C. The coach is now crossing the Garden Bridge.
D. I’m hoping that you’ll give us some advice.
53. Which of the following italicized parts is ud as an object complement?
A. The front door remained locked
B. The boy looked disappointed.
C. Nancy appeared worried.
D. He emed to have no money left.
54. Which of the following ntences is INCORRECT?
A. Physics is an important school subject.
B. The Niagara Falls is in North America.
起水泡了怎么办C. The United States borders Canada.
D. Mumps is a kind of infectious dia.
55. Which of the following ntences indicates POSSIBILITY?
A. The moon cannot always be at the full.
商务邮件结尾B. You cannot smoke inside the building.
C. He cannot come today.
D. She cannot play the piano.
56. The boys in the family are old enough for .
A. schools B. school C. the school D. the schools
57. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship?
A. He was reading Mary’s letter in the room.
B. You can buy men’s shoes in this shop.
C. Mrs. Black’s passport was lost.
D. The enemy’s defeat brought the war to an end.
58. Plea pardon you.
A. my disturbing B disturbing me C to disturb D. that I disturb
59. Which of the following tag questions is INCORRECT?.
A. Carry this parcel for me, will you?
B. Nobody wants to go there, does he?
C. Few people know him, don’t they?
D. Everything is ready, isn't it?
60.Which of the following reflexive pronouns is ud as an object?
A. I spoke to the president himlf.
B. Frank is not quite himlf today.
C. Linda herlf will play the violin.
D. You must pull yourlf together.-
61. The rearch team can handle needs to be handled.
A. whenever B. whichever C. wherever D. whatever
62. Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?
A. I rather like my teacher. B. That was a very funny film.
C. Do it right now. D. We walked about 6 miles.
63. When the ntence 古镇文化"They had made a mess of the hou" is turned into passive voice, which of the following is CORRECT?
A. A mess had been made in the hou.
B. A mess had been made by them.
C. The hou had been made a mess of.
D. The hou had been made a mess.
64 Fool Michael is, he could not have done such a thing.
A. as B. who C. that D. like
65. When the ntence" Shall I drive you to the airport first?” is turned into indirect speech, which of the following is most appropriate?
A. He agreed to drive me to the airport first.
B. He offered to drive me to the airport first.
C. He advid me to go to the airport first.
D. He suggested that I drive to the airport first.
66. The interviewers were impresd by the high calibre of the applicants for the job. The
underlined part means 传说英文.
A. criterion B. quality C. qualification D. level
70英语67. Her career has a number of activities---composing, playing and acting.