作者:宋亨国 周爱光
手工糖果 摘 要:以非政府组织自治权为立论基础,分析非政府体育组织的含义及自治的基本形态,并在此基础上探讨我国社会体育组织的转型问题。研究认为“自治权”是非政府体育组织自治的核心内容,作为社团法人,其价值目标在于稳定体育秩序,逐步推动社会体育公共利益的最大化;非政府体育组织的自治程度决定着体育领域“治理”防误触模式怎么关闭的范围和层次,它能够将不同来源的社会资本纳入到治理体系中,通过体育法律关系的有序推动,发挥出切实的支配力和影响力;从冰心文学奖“依法治理”视角看,我国一些半官方体育组织正在经历重大变革,而民间体育组织则获得新的发展契机。
关 键 词:体育法;非政府体育组织;自治形态;中国
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 诗情画意的成语文章编号:1006-7116(水瓶男和什么座最配2016)03-0016-07
Abstract: By basing their theoretical foundation on the right of autonomy of non-gover
nmental organizations, the authors analyzed the meaning of non-governmental sports organizations and their basic form of autonomy, and on such a basis, probed into the issue of transformation of social sports organizations in China, and put forward the following opinions: “the right of autonomy” is the core content of non-governmental sports organizations; as corporate legal bodies, their value objectives are to stabilize sports orders, and to gradually boost the maximization of social sports public interests; the degree of autonomy of non-governmental sports organizations determines the scope and level of governance of the sports field, it can bring social capital of different sources into the governance system, exert practical dominating power and influence power via the orderly driving of sports legal relationship;可爱萝莉 from the perspective of “governance according to the law”含羞草的花语,开朗是什么意思 in China, some mi-official sports organizations are going through major changes, while folk sports organizations are getting new opportunities for development.