(1)虚假陈述 fal statement
意图误导或诓骗而对明知是虚假的或轻率地相信其为真实的事实所作的陈述。制定法所称公司的董事或其他职员对有关公司财务状况的虚假陈述,不但指该陈述是错误的、不真实的,而且指为了欺骗有关人员有意作出的欺骗性地陈述。联邦刑事立法规定虚假陈述涉及到三种明显的犯罪行为:1. 用欺骗手段伪造或隐瞒重要事实;2. 作出不真实的、虚构的或欺骗性地陈述;3. 制作或利用虚假文件。
A fal statement is a statement that is not true. Although the word fallacy is sometimes ud as a synonym for fal statement, that is not how the word is ud in philosophy, mathematics, logic and most formal contexts. A fal statement need not be a lie. A lie is a statement that is known to be untrue and is ud to mislead. A fal statement is a statement that is untrue but not necessarily told to mislead, as a statement given by someone who does not know it is untrue.
A fal statement is when it is not true, regardless of whether or not you know that it is fal. A misleading statement is when it gives a fal impression, is uninformative, unclear, or deceptive.
(2)虚假陈述 misreprentation
指以语言或其他行为作出与事实的实际情况不符的意思表示,如被他人接受,会导致错误的理解。虚假陈述一般旨在欺骗或诱导他人,若符合下列要件,即构成法律上的欺诈:1. 就现在或过去的事实作出实质性陈述;2. 明知该陈述系虚假不实;3. 其意图是使他人信赖和受损。在合同法中,一方如就合同的重要实质内容故意作虚假陈述以损害对方利益,则对方可以撤销合同或使之无效,并要求损害赔偿。在保险法中,被保险人如就保险标的故意作虚假陈述或肯定地表示知悉而实际并不知悉,从而误导保险人,使其对所保风险或保险费的确定作出错误判断,均构成虚假陈述。但虚假陈述系就确定的事实而言,应区别于只是意见、允诺、信念、广告用语、合同保证条件等表述。仅仅是疏忽、沉默或不作为
A misreprentation is a fal statement of a material fact made by one party which affects the other party’s decision in agreeing to a contract. If the misreprentation is discovered, the contract can be declared void and, depending on the situation, the adverly impacted party may ek damages. In this type of contract dispute, the party that is accud of making the misreprentation is the defendant, and the party making the claim is the plaintiff.
In some situations, such as where a fiduciary relationship is involved, misreprentation can occur by omission. That is, misreprentation may occur where a fiduciary fails to disclo material facts of which they have knowledge.
(3)虚假陈述 fal reprentation
教然后知困前一句普通法上的此种侵权,可以是虚假地陈述事实,也可以是在有义务披露某项重要事实时没有披露。要提起对虚假陈述的损害赔偿诉讼,原告必须在实质上主张并证明以下几点:1. 陈述已作出;2. 陈述是虚假的;3. 被告知道陈述是虚假的或对不知道的事当作真实的来陈述;4. 原告相信陈述是真实的;5. 原告信赖该陈述并据此行事;6. 原告因此受到损害;7. 损害赔偿金额。
laugh是什么意思A reprentation is defined as “fal” if it is misleading or untrue and the person making it is aware that it misleading or untrue. A “reprentation” is not specifically defined other than to say it is any fact or law. The nearest synonym would be a “statement” either said or in writing, or in fact implied.
It is also clear that the fal reprentation must have been made deliberately, and with the intention of causing actual prejudice and actual benefit.