《管理的实践 The Practice of Management》摘抄
概论 管理的本质
Introduction The Nature of Management
第1章 管理层的角色
Chapter 1 The Role of Management
3月24日是什么星座1.在每个企业中,管理者都是赋予企业生命、注入活力的要素。The manager is the dynamic, life-giving element in every business.
2.在竞争激烈的经济体系中,企业能否成功,是否长存,完全要视管理者的素质与绩效而定,因为管理者的素质与绩效是企业唯一拥有的有效优势。In a competitive economy, above all, the quality and performance of the managers determine the success of a business, indeed they determine its survival. For the quality and performance of its managers is the only effective advantage an enterpri in a competitive economy can have.
管理层的重要性 The Importance of Management
1.只有超人一等的管理能力和持续改善的管理绩效,才能够促使我们不断进步,防止我们变得贪图安逸,自满而懒散。Only superior management competence and continuously improved management performance can keep us progressing, can prevent our becoming smug, lf-satisfied and lazy.
第2章 管理层的职责
Chapter 2 The Jobs of Management
1.企业的本质,即决定企业性质的最重要原则,是经济绩效。The esnce of business enterpri, the vital principle that determines its nature, is economic performance.
首要职能:经济绩效 The First Function: Economic Performance
1.在制定任何决策、采取任何行动时,管理层必须把经济绩效放在首位。管理层只能以所创造的经济成果来证明自己存在的价值和权威。Management must always, in every decision and action, put economic performance first. It can only justify its existence and its authority by the economic results it produces.
2.管理层的第一个定义是:管理层是经济器官,是工业社会所独有的经济器官。管理层的每一个行动、每一项决策和每一个考虑,都必须以经济作为首要尺度。The first definition of management is therefore that it is an economic organ, indeed the specially economic organ of an industrial society. Every act, every decision, every deliberation of management has as its first dimension an economic dimension.
管理的首要职能是管理企业 Management’s First Job Is Managing A Business
1.管理者不仅是经济动物,同时也是开创者。只有当管理者能以有意识、有方向的行动主宰经济环境、改变经济环境时,才能算是真正的管理。因此企业管理也就是目标管理,这将是贯穿本书的基本原则。Management is not just a creature of the economy; it is a creator as well. And only to the extent to which it masters the economic circumstances, and alters them by conscious, directed action, does it really manage. To manage a business means, therefore, to manage by objectives. Throughout this book this will be a keynote.
管理管理者 Managing Managers
重装ie1.要取得经济绩效,就必须有一家企业。因此,管理的第二种职能是利用人力和物质资源造就一家能创造经济价值的企业。具体地讲,这就是管理管理者的职能。To obtain economic performance there must be an enterpri. Management’s cond function is therefore to make a productive enterpri out of human and material resources. Concretely this is the function of managers.
2.根据定义,企业必须能够生产出比这家企业所拥有的资源更多更好的物质产品。它必须是一个真正的整体;大于或者至少不等于它的所有部分的总和,它的产出大于所有投入的总和。The enterpri, by definition, must be capable of producing more or better than all the resources that compri it. It must be a genuine whole: greater than-or at least different from-the sum of it parts, with its output larger than the sum of all inputs.
3.在人类所有能够运用的资源中,只有人才能成长和发展。Man, alone of all the resources available to man, can grow and develop.
4.当我们谈到成长与发展时,隐含的意思是人类可以决定自己的贡献是什么。我们习惯上总是认定基层员工——有别于管理者——只是听命行事,既没有责任,也无法参与有关自己或他人工作的决策。这表示在我们眼中,基层员工和其他物质资源没有什么不同,而我们也根据机械法则来考量员工对于企业的贡献。这是很严重的误解。然而这种误解和基层工作的定义无关,而是未能看清许多基层工作其实是具有管理性质的,或是如果改为管理性质的工作,生产力会更高。换句话说,只有管理管理者,才能造就企业。When we speak of growth and development we imply that the human being himlf determines wh
at he contributes. Yet, we habitually define the rank-and-file worker-as distinguished from the manager-as a man who does as he is directed, without responsibility or share in the decisions concerning his work or that of others. This indicates that we consider the rank-and-file worker in the same light as other material resources, and as far as his contribution to the enterpri is concered as standing under the law of mechanics. This is a rious misunderstanding. The misunderstanding, however, is not in the definition of rank-and-file work, but rather in the failure to e that many rank-and-file jobs are in effect managerial, or would be more productive if made so. It does not, in other words, affect the argument that it is managing managers that makes an enterpri. 肝不好怎么办
5.管理“管理者”也就是运用资源来打造企业,使资源能充分发挥生产力。To manage managers is therefore to make resources productive by making an enterpri out of them.
管理员工和工作 Managing Worker and Work
成——从纯粹的非技术性员工到艺术家、从推车的工人到执行副总裁都是企业员工。这意味着要对工作进行组织,使之成为最适合人类的工作;对员工进行组织,使得员工最有效地进行工作。这也意味着应该将人视为资源——也就是说,人具备独特的生理特质、能力和限制,因此应该像处理其他资源(例如铜)一样。给予同等的关注。但同时也应该将人当成不同于其他资源的资源。每位员工都有自己的个性和公民权,能够掌控自己是否要工作,以及做多少和绩效好环,因此需要激励、参与、满足、奖励、领导、地位和功能。只有通过管理,才能满足这些要求。因为员工只有通过工作和职务,并身属企业才能得到满足,而管理层则是给企业注入生命的重要器官。The final function of management is to manage workers and work. Work has to be performed; and the resource to perform it with is workers--- ranging from totally unskilled to artists, from wheelbarrow pushers to executive vice-presidents. This implies organization of the work so as to make it most suitable for human beings, and organization of people so as to make them work most productively and effectively. It implies consideration of the human being as a resource --- that is, as something having peculiar physiological properties, abilities and limitations that require the same amount of engineering attention as the properties of any other resource,
e.g., copper. It implies also consideration of the human resource as human beings having, unlike any other resource, personality, citizenship, control over whether they work, how much and how well, and thus requiring motivation, participation, satisfactions, incentives and rewards, leadership, status and function. And it is management, and management alone, that can satisfy the requirements. For they must be satisfied through work and job and within the enterpri; and management is the activating organ of the enterpri.