问题:8-31-rke-steady-4-0.8运行至11000迭代步是报错“divergence detected in AMG solver: pressure correction”(补充:每个工况均遇到此类情况,原因尚未找到,暂时解决办法是将压力松弛因子从0.3改为0.1);
解答:This error is reported when Fluent is not able to converge the solution。The residuals are not converged。专业化This error may come due to various reasons like improper mesh成语什么天什么地,improper boundary conditions,wrong material and improper solution ttings。It is advisable to re check the entire ca when one encounters this error。
I try to study the turbulence inside a vertical cylinder. In a first time, I take the ca of steady flow. The air is introduced axially from below, deflected by means of a small conical deflector and thanks to the geometry of the chamber the air goes up into the cylinder. I take the ideal gas law, k-epsilon model, inlet and outlet pressure for boundary conditions. My problem is that I have directly the message "divergence detected in AMG solver : k when I want to iterate. I try a lot of solutions I have find in this forum without any result. Could anyone help me? Thanks
in advance Check your hardware, especially RAM sockets. I have experience, that this could be initiated by some bad memory address ctors.
I had a similar problem, but with pressure correction. I found that I had some highly skewed cells. Once I corrected the highly skewed cells by adapting the iso-values of cell skewness my ca began to iterate.
Perhaps this may be your problem. First initialize the solution and then go to contours grid and lect equiangle skew and click compute to get you min and maxs. Having skewed cells of 0.9 or higher isn';t good, as in my ca.
Hope this helps I have check the skewed cells but it appears that in my ca, this number is lower than 0.4 Is it too high?
Hi. I have a simulation of a supersonic-valve running but the program shows me this message: divergence detected in AMG solver: temperature I tried to ri the limits for temperature and other solution limits but nothing has helped so far Does anyone what to do thanks
Try to u more conrvative Under-relaxation factor. I had the same problem with a wing in a transonic flight. According to me the gregated solver is not suitable for the conditions with high compressibility. Let me know if you succeed in using the gregated
I suggest using the coupled solver,Your problem Hope to hear good news from you soon.
Luca this will be something wrong with the either boundary condition or with model lection, generally if things are right fluent just converges fine without any warning or problem.
in my opinion the are the signs that you are doing something wrong in tting up the ca, look cloly
Hi, I have the same problem, and couldn't solve it by using the coupled solver. Is there any other possible way. I am simulating office room problem. It ems very simple but on every stage it is creating problems for me. I am going to try to change the underrelaxation. lets e what comes up.
Thanks long ago, one of my friend was doing CFD analysis of a kitchen,, using coupled solver, and he faced the same problem, for some time he didn’t get the converged results.然而造句
郭荣起 Finally when I looked at his mesh. It emed the problem is with the mesh not with the solver ttings. I suggested him to make mesh more finer, and viola it gave results in one run, without any problem. so moral of the story check your mesh.
My mesh is quite fine, but I will try more finer mesh. Thanks then it shall converge ..anyway have you tried using gregated solver, how the results with that
Error: Divergence detected in AMG solver? Posted By: frank Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005, 3: What does mean and how do i fix it? I am runing a rosland radiation model and it wont run past 1 iteration.
Frank you are using the gregated solver, so you must reduce the under relaxation factor as you can. You could have a grid issue concerning high skewness. This can be checked by going to contours grid cell equiangle skew and lect compute and check the min and max. You should be below 0.9. If over then this could be your problem. It has happened to me a couple of times. thanks a million i will
以牙还牙的意思frank AMG solver: k divergence? Posted By: Robert Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003, 11: How do I remedy a divergence with this message. This is for scramjet combustion in 2D with injectors on both the top and bottom. Is there any way to look up error messages?
悟道的经典句子reduce underalaxtion factor.
I have tried reducing the underelaxation factors but the divergence persists. Any other suggestions? Perhaps in the AMG solver Menu? It looks like a problem with your boundary conditions, be sure they're compatible with each other and consistent with the physics of what you';re trying to simulate, I think you'd better don't touch anything in the AMG menu, unless you know exactly what you're doing, It is my opinion, if this could help.
请求高手指点:循环流化床中非稳态气固两相流计算,使用欧拉双流体模型,K-E湍流模型,网格质量<0.55。先计算了层流稳态,残差小于0.01社会诚信体系时转为湍流非稳态。计算时总是出现divergence detected in AMG solver:pressure correction。收敛因子已经调小,请求高手指点。万分感谢!