Police help people walk through the deep water in Chengdu, Sichuan province, on Monday. Rainstorms have swept across the province, causing vere flooding and landslides. Meng Delong / for China DailyRainstorms sweeping across parts of China have affected millions, and Sichuan province has been hit the hardest by vere floods and landslides.席卷中国部分地区的暴雨导致数百万人受灾,灾情最重的四川省发生了严重的洪水和山体滑坡。从气象上来说,24小时降水量(precipitation)为50毫米或以上的雨称为“暴雨”(rainstorm/ downpour/ torrential rain)。特大暴雨是一种灾害性天气(disastrous weather),往往造成“洪涝灾害”(flood),在山区还会引发“山体滑坡”(landslide)和“泥石流”(debris flow)。Landslide(山体滑坡)是暴雨使山体不堪重负,由山体薄弱地带断开整体下滑,而debris flow(泥石流)是暴雨使沙土石达到水饱和,在重力的作用下液化的泥沙石向低洼处流动。
downpour 暴雨
floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水我的心事作文
flash floods山洪暴发
蝙蝠吃什么water level水位变变变是什么歌曲
波浪卷短发flood level 洪水水位
warning level 警戒水位苹果itunes
watercours 河道/水道
water discharge 排水量
water volume 水量
water rervoirs 水库
to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤
bridge collap 大桥垮塌
low-lying areas 低洼地区
to inundate crops 淹没农田
worst-hit area 最严重受灾地区
direct economic loss 直接经济损失张飞绣花
to evacuate 疏散
inflatable boats 充气艇
rubber boats 橡皮艇
课堂教学五大环节emergency respon system 应急系统
red/orange/yellow/blue rainstorm alert 红色/ 橙色/ 黄色/ 蓝色暴雨预警