Annulohypoxylon (Hypoxylaceae, Ascomycota) from Amazonian-forest of Brazil, with a description of
one new species
睡莲是谁的作品期刊名称: New Zealand Journal of Botany
纵情少年作者: Kely da S. Cruz,Marly C. Lima,Maria A. de Jesus,Antnia Q. L. de Souza,Ceci重度残疾人
关键词: Biodiversity;fungi;Sordariomycetes;South America;taxonomy
摘要:The Amazon forest is the biggest tropical forest in the world, known to shelter the largest biodiversity of animals, plants and microorganisms worldwide.
电脑安卓模拟器>汽车仪表盘图标大全>心力交瘁的图片As to the mycodiversity of this biome, little is known since most of the mycological investigations in Brazil have been in the Atlantic Rainforest. This study prents a description of ten species of Annulohypoxylon (Hypoxylaceae, Ascomycota) from Amazonian forest of Brazil. Annulohypoxylon morif
orme, A. purpureonitens, A. stygium and A. truncatum, have already been recorded in this forest, while A. archeri, A. leptascum and A. nitens are reported for the first time here. A. cf. pyriforme may reprent a new record from Brazil and Annulohypoxylon sp. may reprent a new species. Annulohypoxylon duckei sp. nov. is propod, bad on
the fawn colour of the surface when young, 李吉林与情境教育