Wind and honey bee pollination of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis 'HORT16A')期刊名称: New Zealand Journal of Botany
作者: Goodwin, RM,McBrydie, HM,Taylor, MA
年份: 2013年狡猾是什么意思
新闻报道格式期号: 第3期生蚝怎么储存>振藩国术馆
关键词: kiwifruit;Actinidia chinensis;pollination;wind;honey bees;Apis mellifera耳朵进水
语文答题摘要:The aim of this study was to determine the factors required to pollinate 'Hort16A' (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. chinensis) kiwifruit. Pistillate flowers (88%) opened between 0500 and 1200 h. There was no indication of nectar production or viable pollen on pistillate flowers. Stigma receptivity peaked on the cond day after anthesis and then declined. Excluding honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) significantly (p<0.05) reduced fruit t and ed number. Flowers expod to wind pollination for 5 days produced fruit with an average of 110 eds. When equal numbers of staminate and pistillate flow
ers were prented on a tray, only 2.8% of visits were to staminate 'Sparkler' flowers and 2.2% to staminate 'Meteor' flowers. Single bee visits to pistillate flowers produced averages of 51–61.7 eds. The percentage of staminate