1. 我每天都头痛,非常痛苦。I have a headache every day, and it's pretty painful.
2. 我有一种头痛叫做“贝克综合征”。I have a type of headache called "Bicker Complex Syndrome".
3. 你有头痛吗?Do you have a headache? 24节气口诀
4. 这次头痛痛得太厉害了,我需要吃止痛药。This headache is too much for me, I need to take painkillers.
5. 我可能因睡眠不足而出现了头痛。I may have a headache from lack of sleep.
晚岁当为邻舍翁6. 压力常常会导致头痛。Stress often leads to headaches.
古代宝剑7. 经常尝试放松肌肉可以帮助减轻头痛的症状。Trying to relax the muscles regularly can help reduce the symptoms of headache.
xuanwu8. 搞清楚头痛的原因可以帮助你更好地控制它。Figuring out the cau of your headache can help you better control it.
9. 把少量的咖啡因摄入量会有助于缓解头痛。Reducing the amount of caffeine intake can help relieve your headache.
拭目以待10. 如果你长期服用止痛药,你可能会发现头痛并不好痊愈。If you take painkillers in the long term, you may find that your headache doesn't heal well.