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镜子的英语 美国前财长称政府应提供750亿美元刺激经济
美国前财政部长拉里?萨默斯(Larry Summers)称,美国政府应当马上向美国经济注入500亿美元到750亿美元的财政刺激,以抵消日益增加的全面风险。萨默斯曾在比尔?克林顿(Bill Clinton)任总统期间担任财长。
学农 Washington should inject a $50bn-$75bn fiscal stimulus into the US economy in the very near future to offt the mounting risks of a full-blown recession, aording to Larry Summers, Treasury cretary during the presidency of Bill Clinton.
Mr Summers warned that without timely counter-cyclical fiscal action, the average US family could lo up to $5,000 in ine, the country could suffer hundreds of thousands more home foreclosures and national debt could significantly increa - "even in a mild recession". 刘邦手下大将排名
一些共和党议员认为,扩大布什(George W. Bush)的减税政策是一个有效的财政补救方法,对此,萨默斯予以了驳斥。他表示:“财政刺激至关重要,但如果没有及时性、针对性和临时性,就可能有相反的效果。” 北芪和黄芪是一样的吗
南昌王妃 He dismisd suggestions by Republican lawmakers that an extension of George W. Bush’s tax cuts would provide an effective fiscal remedy. "Fiscal stimulus is critical but could be counterproductive if it is not timely, targeted and temporary," he said.