The advantages and disadvantages of the gap between rich and poor
i•贫富差能激发民众上进积极性吗?有利方认为:社会贫富差,就象是自然界 中水位差或电势差,差距越大流速越快,社会经济发展也越快,因为这能最大 程度激发人趋利之心及劳动积极性,这点也可从现实中得到佐证,如世界上经 济发展最快国通常是贫富差距最大国家。
13 the gap between rich and poor can inspire people upward enthusiasm? There are always think: social gap between rich and poor, as is the potential difference in nature or water level, the bigger the gap flow more quickly, the social and economic development faster, becau it can greatly stimulate people benefit heart and enthusiasm, it can also be obtained from the reality, such as the world economic development the fastest country usually is the nations largest gap between rich and poor.
不利方认为:在社会制度不存在公平缺失前题下形成贫富差是合理,其己能起 到最大化提髙人们劳动积极性效果,这就象是一场公平奥林匹克比赛。而由缺 失公平社会制度所造成贫富
心理健康教学计划差,只会起到阻碍社会有序发展负作用。不合理贫 富差不但不能激发人们劳动积极性,反只会激起人们对财富偏激性而表现不择 手段,象千万学子争考落取率几有千分之几公务员,数十教授争当一处级官员 现象,没人想去勤劳创业,都想当官争做天子脚下市民。还有就是社会犯罪率 上升及社会稳定性下降,也会紧随贫富差提高和下降。而“有利方” 一些例证 更是荒谬,如象水位差论,社会要想实现持续发展,是不能将水(资源)提到 高处一下子倒掉,这会断流,而不能实现细水长流。至于说经济发展越快国家, 贫富差扩大也越快,是有这么一个现象,但世界上最落后、最混乱国家也是贫 富差最大国家,这(最快)可用“最后疯狂”来做解释是最恰当不过。
DorTt always think: in the social system does not exist between the rich and the poor form a lack of fairness premi difference is reasonable, it has to maximize people labor enthusiasm, this is like a fair Olympic games. Poverty caud by the lack of fair social system difference, only plays a negative role to hinder social development. The unreasonable gap between rich and poor will not be able to stimulate people's labor enthusiasm, anti will only provoke the extreme wealth and u unscrupulous divisive tactics, like thousands of students test for fall take rate a few thousandths of civil rvants,
dozens of professor to be a level officials phenomenon, no one want to diligence entrepreneurship, all wants to be to become the emperor at the foot of the public. There is a ri in social stability and social crime rate dropped, the gap between rich and poor will immediately rai and fall. f,Some examples with Leef, is even more absurd, such as water level difference theory, society to achieve sustainable development, is the water cannot be mentioned above (resources) of a sudden fall, it will stop, but can*t realize the long. As for faster economic development of countries, the gap between rich and poor to expand quickly, there is such a phenomenon, but the most backward, the world's most troubled countries and the gap between rich and poor countries with the largest, this (fastest) available ”final crazy11 to do the interpretation is the most appropriate.
假如给我三天光明好词好句2.贫富差能有利提高本国商品世界竞争力、促进社会新技术开发发展吗?有利 方认为:贫富差让部分人处以相对贫困阶层,这样可以给社会提供大量廉价劳 动力,如共同富裕,那苦差劳动谁去做啊,所以贫富差是一国商品在世界上具 有强竞争力。同时,让一部人富有,形成社会高端及奢侈商品需求,从而会起 到促进社会高端奢侈商品产业及整个社会生产力梯次发展。
The gap between rich and poor can improve domestic commodities world competitiveness, promote social development new technology development? There are always think: the gap between rich and poor let some people a relatively poor, so that we can provide a lot of cheap labor, such as common prosperity, the hard labor who do ah, so the gap between rich and poor is a commodities has strong competitiveness in the world. At the same time, let a person rich, high-end and luxury goods form the social demand, which will rve to promote the development of high-end luxury goods industry in society and the social productive forces.
不利方认为:通过牺牲劳动者及低端产业(特别是农业)应有利益,在短期上 看可提高本国商品价格竞争力,增加些就业,但从长远看,国家会陷入输出是 真金白银(商品资源)及血汗,牺牲是战略性产业。输入是可能引发国内滞涨 及随时都在贬值它国货币,导致国家经济发展可持续性下降。另外贫富差也不 能起到促进社会高端产业功效,比如我国已是世界头位奢侈品消费国了,但国 内却还未出现一类奢侈品世界头位生产国事实,而富人们奢侈消费却是我国资 本外流、导致国内生产成本升累赘。而国内i些不需富人需求促进高端产业航 夭、军工等产业倒是能蓬勃发展。总之,成为髙端商品消费国决不是好事,能 成为高端
商品生产国是好事,这无需有个人需求市场,其实集体有计划奢侈消 费,象登月之类集体壮举更有效。
Don't always think: at the expen of labor and low-end industries (especially the agricultural) interest, in the short term can improve domestic goods price competitiveness, increa employment, but in the long run, the state will fall in output is real gold and silver (commodity resources) and sweat, sacrifice is a strategic industry. The input is likely to spark domestic stagnation and always in the devaluation of the currency, leading to the sustainable development of national economy decline. In addition to the gap between rich and poor is not to promote high-end industrial society effect, for example, China is the worldf书字怎么写s first luxury consumption, there was not a kind of luxury world head producers fact, and the rich peopled luxury consumption is Chinafs capital outflow, resulting in domestic production costs ri. And some domestic dema nd to promote without rich high-end industry, military, aerospace industry is thriving. In short, become the high-end consumer goods is not good, can become the high-end commodity
producing countries is a good thing, it need not be the individual needs of the market, in fact, collective planned luxury consumption, such as the collective feat more effective.
3.贫富差能增加社会就业率,利于社会稳定吗?有利方认为:就业率是事关社 会稳定第一大事,而扩大贫富差能增进社会就业,其机理就是贫富差能促进社 会商品生产或服务梯层化,从而最有利于扩大社会就业岗位。相反,如社会很 均富,人们所需商品和服务层次都很类似,这不利社会产业发展及就业率。
3, the gap between rich and poor can increa social employment rate, conducive to social stability? There are always think: the employment rate is the first event is related to social stability, and expand the gap between rich and poor can promote social employment, its mechanism is the gap between rich and poor can promote the social production of goods or rvices ladder layer, thus the most conducive to the expansion of social employment. On the contrary, if the society is very rich, level of goods and rvices needed by people are very similar, the adver social development and employment
不利方认为:贫富差虽能增加象“二奶、保镖、天上人间・•・・•・”等等职位和 行业,但
这些职业基本上对社会生产力提升毫无贡献甚至是反作用,这种纯粹 是为分配而就业模式没半点可取之处。确,由个体生命有限性影响,完全由私 人利益驱社会生产会过分倾向眼前和局部利益,不能完全适应社会全面和长远 发展需要及有效增加就业,但这个问题完全可通过公平民主集体规划建设来得 以改善,这样既能增加社会就业,又可提升社会生产力,而无任何不利影响。