The spirit of Chine philosophy
Philosophy is systematic, reflective thinking on life. Reflecting thinking is the thinking on thinking. Before we start to think about life, we must first “think our thinking”. What the philosophers call the Univer is the totality of all that is.
Taoism as a philosophy teaches the doctrine of following nature; while Taoism as a religion teaches the doctrine of working against nature.
It is 神奇遥控器ethics (especially Confucian ethics) and not religion (at least not religion of a formal, organized type) that provided the spiritual basis in Chine civilization.
God is a personality in Christianity, and conquently the love of God by man is comparable to the love of a father by his son.
In the tradition of Chine philosophy, there is a distinction between working on learning and working on Tao. The purpo of the former is the increa of positive knowledge; that of the latter is the elevation of the mind. (为学日盛,为道日损) philosophy belongs to the lat
ter 田字格字体category.
The highest achievement of a sage is the identification of the individual with the Univer.关于杭州的诗句
Chine philosophy is both of this world (入世) and of the other world (出世).
This-worldly philosophy: emphasizing what is in society, speaking only about moral values not super-moral ones, for practical u and realistic and superficial.
Other-worldly philosophy: If a sage wants to realize the highest achievement, he has to abandon society and even life itlf, idealistic.
This-worldliness and other-worldliness stand in contrast to each other as do idealism and realism. The task of Chine philosophy is to accomplish a synthesis out of the antithes.
Chine sage: sageliness within and kingliness without (内圣外王). In his inner sageliness, he accomplishes spiritual cultivation. In his kingliness without, he functions in society.
Philosophy is not simply something to be known, but is also something to be experiment. Philosophy is a system of precepts internal to the conduct of the philosopher.
Suggestiveness is the ideal of all Chine art, whether it be poetry, painting, or anything el.
The background of Chine philosophy
In thinking, the thinker is usually conditioned by the surroundings in which he lives. The ancient China is a continental country, making their living by agriculture. In Chine philosophy, the farmers’ outlook not only conditioned its content, but also its methodology.
世界上最大的高原In the sphere of nature and in that of man, when the development of anything brings it to one extreme, a reversal to the other extreme takes place. Reversal is the movement of the Tao. (反着道之动,居安思危)
Taoism and Confucianism differ becau they are the rationalization or theoretical expression of different aspects of life of the farmers. The Taoists idealized the simplicity o
f primitive society and condemned civilization. They also idealized the innocence of children and despid knowledge. Confucianism is the philosophy of social organization, and is also the philosophy of daily life. Confucianism emphasizes the social responsibilities of man, while Taoism emphasizes what’s natural and spontaneous in him.
One must make a logical analysis in order to distinguish between what is permanent and what is changeable in the history of philosophy.
New Chine philosophy won’t confine itlf to “concept by intuitions”.
T夏至未至插曲he origin of the Schools
If names be incorrect, speech will not follow its natural quence. If speech doesn’t follow its natural quence, nothing can be established. (名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成)
Members of the Ju School had their origin in the literati.
Members of the Mohist School had their origin in the knights.
Members of the Taoist School had their origin in the hermits.
Members of the School of Names had their origin in the debaters.
Members of the Yin-Yang School had their origin in the practioners of occult arts.
Members of the Legalist School had their origin in the men of methods.
Confucius: the first teacher
S老公你辛苦了ix class: Book of Change (Yi), Book of Odes (Poetry), Book of History, Rituals, Music, Spring and Autumn Annals. 易,诗,书,礼,乐,春秋。
The six class had existed before the time of Confucius, and they constituted the cultural legacy of the past. While transmitting the traditional institutions and ideas, Confucius gave them interpretations derived from his own moral concept.
Society: the rectification of names. Let the ruler be ruler, the minister minister, the father father, the son son. Every name in the social relationships implies certain responsibilities
and duties.
Human-heartedness and righteousness (仁,义). 忠恕之道是孔子实现仁义的途径。
The superior man comprehends Yi, the small man comprehends Li. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。
The Taoist taught the theory of “doing nothing (无为)”, whereas the Confucianists taught that of “doing for nothing (为而无所求)”.