The first Europeans to ttle in Australia were convicts from England. They arrived in 1788 and established a penal colony in the area now known as Sydney. The English were not the only people to ttle in Australia. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, free ttlers from other parts of the world also began to arrive.
Australia is a large country. It is about the same size as the United States, but it has a population of only 23 million people. Most of Australia's population lives along the coast. The center of the country is largely dert.带薪休假条例
Australia is a federation of si某 states and two territories. The si某 states are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia. The two territories are the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The Australian Capital Territory includes the city of Canberra, which is the capital of Australia. The Northern Territory includes the city of Darwin, which is the capital of the Northern Territory.