AMS-H-81200A 钛及钛合金热处理

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SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The u of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular u, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the ur.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revid, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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Issued APR 2001Revid
JUN 2003
Superding AMS-H-81200
Heat Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys
This document is intended to replace MIL-H-81200.  The original issue of AMS-H-81200 was taken directly from Military Specification MIL-H-81200A and contained only minor editorial and format chan
ges required to bring it into conformance with the publishing requirements of SAE technical standards.  This revision B changes the heat treatment requirements for parts from “may be heat treated in accordance with the requirements of AMS 2801” to “shall be heat treated in accordance with AMS 2801”.  As an exception, it allows continuation of heat treatment procedures for specific parts which have been previously acceptable to the purchar.  It also adds the requirement that the heat treat parameters ud for heat-treat-respon-tests of raw material conform to the parameters ud for heat treatment of parts (See 3.1.1).
The original Military Specification was adopted as an SAE standard under the provisions of the SAE Technical Standards Board (TSB) Rules and Regulations (TSB 001) pertaining to accelerated adoption of government specifications and standards.  TSB rules provide for (a) the publication of portions of unrevid government specifications and standards without connsus voting at the SAE Committee level, and (b) the u of the existing government specification or standard format.
Under Department of Defen policies and procedures, any qualification requirements and associated qualified products lists are mandatory for DOD contracts.  Any requirement relating to qualified products lists (QPL’s) has not been adopted by SAE and is not part of this SAE technical document.
AMS-H-81200A SAE AMS-H-81200A
This specification covers the heat treatment of titanium and titanium alloy mill products (raw
material), including wrought and cast products, by material producers.  This specification also covers furnace equipment requirements, test procedures, and general information for heat treating
procedures, heat treating temperatures, and material test procedures for the heat treatment of
titanium and titanium alloys.  It also describes procedures which, when followed, have produced the desired properties within the limitations of the respective alloys.
1.2Heat treatments:
The heat treatments covered by this specification are:
Anneal Solution heat treatment
Beta anneal Beta solution heat treatment
Recrystallization anneal Age
Duplex anneal Stress relief
In addition to Commercially Pure Titanium (Ti40, Ti55, and Ti70), the following titanium alloys are covered by this specification:
Alpha alloys Alpha-Beta alloys Beta alloys
5Al-2.5Sn6Al-4V ELI3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr
5Al-2.5Sn ELI6Al-6V-2Sn15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purcha order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.  The supplier may work to a subquent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified.  When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.
磨面读音AMS-H-81200A SAE AMS-H-81200A
2.1U.S. Government Publications:
Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
MIL-STD-45662Calibration System Requirement
2.2ASTM Publications:
Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA  19428-2959 or
ASTM E 3Metallographic Specimens, Preparation of
ASTM E 8Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E 146Chemical Analysis of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys
ASTM E 290Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic Materials
2.3SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA  15096-0001 or www.sae.
AMS 2750Pyrometry
AMS 2801Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts
2.4Order of precedence:
In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document shall take precedence.  Nothing in this document, however, shall superde
applicable laws and regulations, unless a specific exemption has been obtained.大鸟伯德
All heating and quenching equipment and procedures applied shall yield products complying with the requirements of appropriate acquisition documents.  Equipment and procedures shall be designed to minimize the introduction of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen or other contaminants and in any ca shall not allow introduction beyond levels established by the acquisition documents.  Deviation from
process requirements specified herein or the application of process different from tho contained herein, may be ud provided that compliant products result, the exceptions have been proven satisfactory, and that they are made known to the purchar with accompanying data or other
关于教育的诗句justification to support the deviation prior to application of the deviant process.
授权委托书样本3.1.1Heat treatment of mill products and titanium alloy parts: The requirements specified herein are
applicable to the heat treatment of mill products (raw material) (e 6.4.1).  Producer heat
treatment of heat-treat-respon-test samples shall conform to AMS 2801 (e  Parts
(e 6.4.2) shall be heat treated in accordance with AMS 2801 except as specified in is permissible, for specific parts, to u equipment, practices and test methods which
conformed to AMS-H-81200 or MIL-H-81200 and were previously acceptable to the purchar.
3.2Heating systems:
3.2.1Batch furnaces: requirements: Such furnaces may employ electrical heating elements or fuel combustion
as heat sources.  Muffle furnaces and retorts are also allowed.  Allowable environments
surrounding the furnace charge during heating are:  inert gas (argon or helium), vacuum, slightly oxidizing mixtures resulting from the combustion in air of hydrocarbons (gas or oil), and air itlf.
When removal of surface contamination is not feasible, inert gas or vacuum environment shall be employed.  The lection of an atmosphere shall be such as to establish conformance with 3.1. gas: Inert gas within the furnace shall be circulated as necessary to protect all surfaces
of the workpieces comprising the furnace charge.  The dew point of the inert gas shall be
minus 65°F (-54°C) or lower.  This requirement shall be met during all stages of a heating,
soaking or cooling cycle.  Ducts and zones which are to contain furnace charges shall be so
aled as to prevent contamination of any charge to the degree that it is rendered nonconforming to specified material requirements. Vacuum furnaces ud for outgassing hydrogen shall be capable of reducing hydrogen
concentrations within the charge to levels complying with 3.1.  Vacuum furnaces and retorts ud for prevention of surface contamination shall be capable of yielding product conforming to 3.1. hydrocarbons: Furnaces heated by the combustion in air of gas or oil shall contain a
slightly oxidizing gas mixture.  There shall be no impingement of flame upon the furnace charge. atmospheres: Endothermic, exothermic, hydrogen, and cracked ammonia
atmospheres shall not be ud during any heat treatment operation. purging: Prior to thermal treatment of workpieces, each furnace which has contained an
atmosphere unacceptable for heat treating (e shall be purged with air or inert gas, as applicable.
Purging prior to introducing air or combusted hydrocarbons: The volume of purging air introduced shall be at least twice the volume of the furnace chamber.  During purging, the minimum temperature within the chamber shall be the intended soaking temperature of the charge.  When air-flow purging is impractical, the furnace temperature shall be t at 200°F above the intended soaking temperature, and be held at that temperature for a minimum of four hours.  Following purging, the furnace shall be stabilized at the required temperature, charged, and the charge heated and soaked in accordance with, as applicable.  Following the thermal treatment and any subquent cleaning, pickling, or other process which may
introduce hydrogen contamination, specimens shall be taken from the charge and subjected to the test specified in 4.7.3.  Results shall show compliance with 3.6.5, as applicable.
Purging prior to introducing inert gas: Procedures for purging shall comply with  The volume of gas introduced shall be at least twice the volume of the furnace chamber.  Furnaces shall be charged while cold, and then purged and filled with inert gas.  The charge shall then be heated and soaked in accordance with, as applicable.  Following the thermal treatment, samples shall be taken from the charge and subjected to the test specified in 4.7.3.  Results shall show conformance to 3.6.5, as applicable.  Additionally, samples shall be taken from the charge and examined in accordance with  Results shall show conformance to
Temperature uniformity: Batch furnaces shall be so controlled that, during heating and soaking periods, temperatures at all points within the working zones are less than the maxima of the ranges specified in Tables I, III, IV, and V, as applicable to the product.  After a charge has reached a pre-lected soaking temperature throughout its thickness within a specified range, the temperature at any point in the working zone shall lie within the limits specified below, as applicable to the thermal treatment intended.  Regardless of temperature tolerances, no soaking temperature during any thermal treatment shall be higher than the applicable maximum, nor lower than the applicable minimum of the specified range.
3.2.2Continuous furnaces:
General requirements: Such furnaces may be heated by radiation from electrically-energized heating elements or by combusted hydrocarbons.
Heat treatment
Temperature tolerance
°F °C Annealing
±25±14Beta annealing or beta solution heat treating ±25±14Recrystallization annealing ±25±14Duplex annealing ±25±14Solution heat treating ±25±14Stress relieving ±25±14Aging

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