1.They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.他们举世著名行了重婚婚礼。
2.Their families are now connected by marriage.他们两家现已联姻。 公司实习报告
3.Her father reluctantly connted to the marriage.她父亲牵强地同意了这桩婚姻。
四川省博物馆 4.I wish you joy of your marriage.恭贺您新婚之喜。
5.Many women successfully mix marriage and career.很多女人能胜利地将婚姻和事业结合起来。
摇滚音乐 6.Notwithstanding his objections the marriage took place.尽管他有异议,婚礼还是进展了。
7.The father oppod to his sons marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。 河南二本线
8.She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks.几个星期以来她仔细地考虑着他的求婚。
9.She is related to me by marriage.她和我有姻亲关系。
10.His family were adamantly oppod to the marriage.他的家人坚决反对这门亲事。
time you want as marriage attestor crow!到时候你要当结婚证人喔!
12.We bantered Nick on the subject of marriage.我们就婚姻问题取笑尼克。 违规建房
13.Our parents gave their blessing to our marriage.我们的父母应允我们结婚。
14.The marriage ceremony took place in the church.婚礼在教堂进行。
is a condition of a successful marriage.和谐与否是婚姻胜利的先决条件
16.Her parents refud their connt to the marriage.她的父母对这桩婚姻持反对态度。
17.He is desirous of her hand in marriage.他渴望娶她为妻。
18.It was money troubles that busted up their marriage.是金钱纠纷使他们的婚姻裂开了。
19.Chastity before marriage is still demanded in some societies.有些社会仍要求婚前保持贞洁。
20.He talked to a counllor about his marriage difficulties.他和辅导员谈了他的婚姻窘况。
帅男明星marriage的意思 篇三
n. 结婚,婚姻生活,亲密结合,合并
marriage词组 | 习惯用语 篇四
marriage law 婚姻法
happy marriage 美满的婚姻
marriage certificate 结婚证书
gay marriage 同性恋婚姻
successful marriage 胜利的婚姻
marriage registration 结婚登记 回族过什么节
by marriage 与婚姻有关的,因婚姻而产生的
marriage ceremony 结婚仪式,结婚典礼
marriage age 结婚年龄
marriage proposal 求婚
marriage licen 结婚证
arranged marriage 家庭包办婚姻
marriage contract (婚前预定财产权,继承权等的)结婚契约
forced marriage 逼婚
trial marriage 试婚
mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻;着眼实利的婚姻
节约用水的措施 mixed marriage 异族通婚
civil marriage 公证结婚;世俗婚礼;非宗教仪式婚姻
propo marriage 求婚
marriage vows 婚礼宣誓