music《What Is Love》
What is love If it's not with you
I know when you're alone you feel it too
In your arms is where I long to be
Cau being with you gives me sanity
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it
And what good is the party If you're not around
Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
What good is love
If it's not your love
It's a crazy party Im so glad to be with everybody
Balance Shake your body down to zhe ground
What's a song If you can't heart it too
Can't imagine dancing without Jewel
A shooting star, ain't really nothing to e
金牌数In the brighest night, be nice to me
I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel
I wonder if you know it And what good is the party
If you're not around Listen to me now
What good is love
If it's not your love
明尼苏达州来的鸟还有自己的舞步For a bird from Minnesota you've got own moves 这不是舞步这是事故Oh actually that's wasn't a move,that was an acident.
不过我接受你的恭维But I'll take the compliment.
多亏拉斐尔能帮我们照顾孩子Glad Rafael is watch the kids.
是啊,这样今天你得和我在一起..一整晚Y es and it Looks like you're stuck all night.你是我的唯一布鲁Y ou are one of my only Blu.
那太好了,因为公的就剩我一个了(...汗)Ah,that's a good thing, since I am be the only other one.
-比翼鸟新年快乐-拉斐尔他们在哪?- Hi, lovebirds, happy new year! - Rafa,
孩子们和路易兹在一起不用担心!The kids are with Luiz.dont worry!
担心?我们很担心Worries, right here.
-路易兹孩子们呢?-什么?我又没有孩子- Luiz, where are the kids? - What? I have no kids. Jewel & blu - 我们的孩子Our Kids!
-哦对了我交给小不点了-小不点!- oh right! I leave them with Tiny. -Tiny?
干嘛她可是这里最棒的保姆What? She is the excellent babysitter.
我是这里最差劲的保姆I'm a horrible babysitter.
这一定会很炫的This must be awesome!
行了我已经计算过了All right,I've done all the calculations
每次爆炸都会完美的踩在节奏点上And each explosion will be pperfectly synced to the beat.
除非我没有算上这个...Unless I didn't carry
我觉得...这里会有红色蓝色绿色黄色...紫色Here's Red, blue, green, yellow, purple.
我觉得会是...And it'
我觉得你们爸妈不会想看到这个的I don't think your parents will like e that very much
那我们开始吧Here we go.
-你这是要去哪儿啊小鸟-这是什么?- Where are you going, little birds? - What is it?
-爸爸-你们知道规矩的- Ah Dad! - Guys, Y ou know the rules
没有大人的监督不能放烟花No pyrotechnics without adult supervision.
我们问过小不点了We ask Tiny
这就更糟了抱歉小不点That's even wor. Sorry Tiny.
工钱我不要了布鲁先生Y ou don't have to need pay me salary, Mr Blu.
下次玩一定要先问我Kids next time, ask me.
-可你每次都说不-不我没有- But you always says no. - No I don't.
-爸爸你在否认现实- Daddy, you're in denial.
-好吧亲爱的我经常说不嚒Ok honey, did I always say no?
是的哦我是说...不...yes! oh
太好了,现在妈妈也在说不了Great, now Mom same too.
听着我们是地球上最后的蓝斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉Listen, we are the last blue speakes Macaws left on this planet
我们得注意安全We have to stay safe.
-有蓝色羽毛的鸟- Birds with
-要团结在一起-Have to stick together鼻翼长痘的原因
我闻到烤鸡味了I smell chicken.
啊不不不....No, no, no!
啊不不不....No, no, no!
根据我的计算这是他今天说的第27个不了By my count he said "no" 27 times today.
-救命-啊...- Help! - What?
大家伙快跑Everybody fly!
这不公平凭什么只有爸爸玩的这么爽Oh man! How can Dad gets time all the fun?
看啊成功了Look! It worked!
看来今年开了个好头Well, this year has a great started.
里约大冒险2RIO 2
亚马逊之行第七天Amazon Expedition. 7th day.
距里约热内卢2000英里3200km from Rio医生一生何求
我们到达热带雨林的中心We can reach the center of the rainforest.
当我们沿着河流毫不费力的向前划行的时候We are surrounded by plants and animals struggling for survival.
周围都是挣扎生存的植物和动物As we effortlessly guide down the river.
毫不费力的是你Effortless for you.
哇哦好漂亮Wow! How pretty!
吐出来快吐出来Spit it out! Spit it out!
我们已经接近亚马逊树林鹌鹑的栖息地We are nearly the nature ground of the Amazon uru-buck.
六个月前我们从走私者手中救下这只小鸟6 months ago, we rescued this little bird form smugglers.
那时候它生着病,营养不良还断了一条腿It was sick, malnourished, with a broken leg.闸坡
而现在我可靠的助手..But now, my
我是说我的妻子兼同事I mean, loveing wife and colleague
就要把它放归回自然will relea it back to natural habitat.
艾叶洗澡都没事了你可以走的就像这样It's okay, you can go now. Just like this.
还是让我跟他说吧Let me talk to her.
走吧Go on!
-你觉得他会没事吗-给他一点时间- Do you think she's gonna be okay? - Give her some time 欢迎回家Welcome home.
等一下它..好像在说什么图里奥Wait a minute. What she is saying, Tulio?
他是不舍得我们在和我们说再见It is just hard for her to say goodbye.
不我觉得他好像在警告我们No, I think is trying to warn us.
不不不琳达这可能是吸引异性的舞蹈No,no,no, Linda,It may be some mating dance.
图里奥看那快划快啊Tulio, look! Paddle! now!
好的好的Okay, okay!
往右...不不不往左To the right ! No,no the left
往前往前Forward! Forward!
你想清楚再说图里奥Make up your mind, Tulio!
这下可糟了Che and sprinkles!
哦不快划快划快点!Oh no! Row, row! Faster!
感谢上帝你没有事Thank heavens you're ok.
啊琳达真难以置信Linda, this is incredible!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:54.65,0:08:58.72,music,,0,0,0,,《Breakfast in Rio》
早上好珠儿Goodmornning, Jewel
嘿你们看我找到了什么Hey,everyone look what I found.
布鲁?Blu ?
-好了谁肚子饿了想吃早饭-难以置信Okay, who is ready to some Breakfast? -Unbelievable.
你知道么那些全麦煎饼Did you know that this whole pancakes
所含的维生素矿物质是普通煎饼的两倍has twice the vitamins and minerals?
而且加上蓝莓后味道会好上4倍and with blueberries is 4 times to tasty.
嘿蓝莓都哪去了Hey Where are the blueberries?
爸爸你在找这个吗Oh Dad, looking for this?
给我吧bring it!
已经到了最后关头他的脚仿佛有魔力一样In the final minutes, he has his magic in feet
他射门了he shoots!
球进了!- Goal!
噢耶我接到了我真是太棒了Oh yeh, I got, I'm good.
爸爸注意了Hands up, Dad.
哦帅呆了A wesome!
嗨妈妈Hi, Mom!
-这下惨了-该走了- Busted. - Time to go.
亲爱的你饿了吗Hi, honey. Are you hungry?
布鲁我跟你说过的Blu, we talked about this.
是吗我不记得了哦对的你拿的是什么Did we?Ummm,so,uhhh,so whatta you got there?
-早饭-很好笑不过说真的这是什么- Breakfast. - That's funny, but Seriously what is that? 这是个巴西栗It's a Brazil nut.
离城市这么近的地方居然也有I never thought I'd find one this clo to the city.
-我要教孩子们怎么打开-你是说打开这个吗- I want to show the kids how to open it. - I mean, so?
爸爸已经教过我们了Daddy already shown us.