antediluvian made a long time ago
anthropomorphic having human characteristics
antidote medicine ud against a poison or a dia
antithetical direct opposing
apartheid brutal racial discrimination
aphasia loss of the power to u or comprehend words
aphorism conci statement of a principle
aplomb lf-confidence
apostasy renunciation of a religion
apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions apotheosis deification; glorification to godliness
appea make quiet or calm
appellation identifying name or title
apprehensive grasping; understanding; unhappy feeling about future appri give notice; to inform
approbation approval
apropos appropriate to the situation; apt
apt well-suited; quick-witted
arabesque a complex ornate design梦想长大
arboreal of connected with trees
ardor enthusiasm
arduous steep; difficult; ascent; laborious
argot jargon; slang
arrogance proud superior manner of behaviour
articulate speak distinctly; connect by joints
ascend go or come up
ascendancy dominance
ascertain get to know
ascribe consider to be the origin of or belonging to
aptic surgically clean
ashen deadly pale
asperity roughness; harshness; ill temper; irritability
aspersion slander
assiduous diligent; hard-working; dulous
assuage make smth (pain, desire) less
asterisk the mark * (e.g.. omitted letters)
astringent substance that shrinks
astute clever, quick at eing to get an advantage
atelier artist's workroom
atonement repayment death of Jesus
attenuate make thin; weaken; enervate
attune bring into harmony
audacious daring; foolishly bold; impudent
augury omen; sign
august majestic; venerable
auspicious favorable; successful; prosperous
austere verely moral and strict; simple and plain
auxiliary helping; supporting
aver affirm; asrt; prove; justify
aversion strong; dislike
avid eager; greedy
avow admit; declare openly
bacchanalian orgy
bait to percute
baleful harmful; ominous; causing evil
balk obstacle; purpoly to get on the way of
baneful causing harm or ruin; pernicious; destructive
barrage artificial; obstacle built across a river
censure expression of blame or disapproval a rebuke
centurion leader of a unit of 100 soldiers
chaff to tea good-naturedly
charlatan quack or fraud Charlie is a charlatan becau he ud ungenuine dipl chary cautious; wary
chastiment punishment
chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot
chicanery legal trickery; fal argument
chimera illusion or fabrication of the mind
chil steel tool for shaping materials
chivy to tea or annoy with persistent petty attacks
choleric irritable; bad-tempered
chromatic of color
churl bad-tempered person
学生的英语单词chutzpah nerve; gall I admire Julia's for her chutzpah of not being afraid to circumscribe to draw line around; to limit
clamor shout; complain with a lot of noi
clerical of the clergy or clerk
clientele customers
clinch come to grips; ttle conclusively
cling to resist paration
clot half-solid lump formed from liquid
cloture closing device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting
coagulation change to a thick and solid state
coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance
coax get smb to do smth by kindness
coda passage that completes a piece of music
constrict make tight or smaller
consume get to the end of
consummate perfect; make perfec, complete
contemn to scorn or despi
contentious argumentative; pugnacious; combative; quarrelsome
contiguous touching; neighboring
contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing
contumacious insubordinate; rebellious
conundrum a riddle; dilemma; enigma
convalesce to recover health gradually after sickness
蔚什么什么风conviction firm belief
convivial fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
convoke call together; summon
convoluted complicated; coiled; twisted
cordial warm and sincere
cordon line (of police acting as a guard)
cornucopia abundant supply
corporeal physical of or for the body
corpulent having a large bulky body
correlate have a mutual relation
corroboration additional strengthening evidence
countenance to favor or approve of
counterfeit forgery
countervail counterbalance
covert disguid
covetous eagerly desirous
cower crouch; shrink back
coy shy, modest (esp of a girl)
cozen to cheat
crass very great (esp. stupidity)
cravat piece of linen worn as a necktie
craven cowardly
crea line made by crushing white line on the ground in cricket credulous ready to believe things
cringe to behave in an excessively rvile way
crotchet highly individual and usually eccentric opinion
cryptic cret; with a hidden meaning
cumbersome burdensome; heavy and awkward to carry
cupidity greed; lust
curmudgeon bad-tempered person
curriculum cour of study
cursory quick hurried
curtail make shorter then was planned
dainty pretty, delicate (food); difficult to plea
dastard coward
daunt intimidate; make fearful
dawdler person who is slow; waste of time
dearth shortage
debacle a breakup; overthrow; sudden disaster
deciduous ephemeral
declaim/declamation to speak pompously or bombastically
declivity downward inclination
decorum propriety; properness
decree order given by authority
decry disapprove of
deferential showing respect
defiance open disobedience or resistance
deign to condescend; to give
deleterious harmful
delineate to portray, depict, sketch out
deluge great flood; heavy rush of water
demagogue person appealing not to reasons
demur to hesitate; rai objections
denigrate blacken; belittle; defame
denouement an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot deplete u until none remains
deposition dethronement; depositing
deprave make morally bad, corrupt
deprecate protest against; express disapproval of
dereliction derting and leaving; to fall into ruins
derision ridicule; mockery; deriding
derivative unoriginal; obtained from another source
derogatory insulting; tending to damage
descry catch sight of; e smth in the distance desiccant substance ud to absorb moisture
desuetude cessation of u; disu
desultory aimless; haphazard; digressing at random deter discourage; hinder
detraction slandering; verbal attack; aspersion detumescence diminishing or lesning of swelling
deviance being different in moral standards (from normal)
dexterity skill (esp. in handling)
diaphanous transparent; gauzy
diatribe bitter and violent attack in words
didactic intended to teach; preachy
diffidence shyness
dilate speak comprehensively; become wider, large
dilatory intended to delay
disabu to free from error
disallow refu to allow or accept as a correct
discern e with an effort but clearly
如何写好一篇文章陕西大学排行榜discomfit confu; embarrass
discompo to destroy the composure of
disconcert upt the lf-posssion of
disconsolate cheerless; dejected
discountenance refu to approve of
discour speech lecture
discredit refu to believe
discreet careful, prudent
discrete individually distinct
disdain look on with contempt
dincumber free from encumbrance
disheveled untidy
disingenuous sophisticated; artful; trying to deceive; cunning disinter dig up from the earth
dislodge move force from the place occupied
dismal sad; gloomy; mirable
disparate esntially different
disproof proof to the contrary
disquiet to take away the peace or tranquility
dismble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)
disminate distribute (esp. ideas)
disnt have a different opinion refu to asnt
dissipate to be dissolute
dissolute marked by indulgence in vices
dissolution disintegration; looness in morals