
更新时间:2023-07-08 10:03:25 阅读:32 评论:0

熊猫的图片    关于孙悟空的英语故事 关于孙悟空的英语故事:Fighting in the Bottomless Cave When Tang Priest and his three disciples come to Mount Pitfall there is a female mou spirit there. As soon as she es Tang Priest she falls in love with him. Since he is so handsome, she wants to marry him. The mou spirit first changes herlf into a pretty girl and then tied herlf to a tree. Then she waits for the Tang Priest and his devotees(信徒,爱好者) to pass by. When they e her they save her. Then the evil mou spirit asked then to take her with them by telling a fabricated(焊接的,组合的) story designed to win their sympathy. At night they stayed in a temple. The evil spirit took Tang Priest to her Bottomless Cave using an evil wind. When the three disciples couldn“t find their master they followed them to the Bottomless Cave. Monkey changed himlf into an inct to go inside the cave. He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himlf into an eagle to turn the table upside down. The
evil spirit trembled with fear. Then Monkey changed himlf into a fly and flew into the ear of his master and said something. Tang Priest did what he said. He invited the evil spirit to take a walk with him in the garden. There he picked a big peach and offered it to her. She was very plead and ate the fruit right away. After a moment, her stomach was in such pain that she couldn“t bear it. Just then, Monkey shouted in her stomach: "Let my master go, otherwi I"ll kill you." It turned out that the peach was changed by Monkey. As soon as Tang Priest went out of the cave, Monkey. As soon as Tang Priest went out of the cave, Monkey jumped out from the stomach of the evil spirit. Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand had a fierce fight with the evil spirit and there was nobody to protect the Master. Tang Priest was again taken into the cave by the evil spirit. Monkey entered the cave and did not find his master but he saw the memorial tablets for Heavenly King Li and Nezha. Monkey went to the Jade Emperor with the tablets in his hands. The Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly King Li and Nezha to subdue(征服,抑制) the mou spirit and get Tang Priest out of the cave. Then the master and three disciples went on their way to the West to find Buddhist scriptures(佛经) 唐僧师徒四人,来到陷空山,山上有一个耗子精,
她见唐僧仪表堂堂, 便想抢来成婚。她先变成一个年轻美貌的姑娘,把自己绑在树上,待唐僧师徒救 起,又编出一套谎言骗得唐僧同情,让带她一同前行。夜晚,耗子精用妖风把唐 僧擒到住处无底洞。悟空三人发现没有了师父,便追到无底洞,悟空变作一只小虫飞往洞中,他见女妖正给唐僧劝酒,逼唐僧与她成婚,又忙变成一只老鹰,直 扑过去,掀翻桌子,女妖吓得胆颤心惊。悟空又变成小蝇,飞到唐僧耳边,低声 说了几句。唐僧照计行事,请女妖来花园散步,唐僧从桃树上摘下一个大桃子递 给女妖,女妖欢天喜地地吞食下去。片刻,肚子疼痛难忍,悟空在肚子里高叫:
玩得开心    “快放我师父出去,饶你性命!”这只桃子正是悟空变的。女妖放出唐僧,刚出洞 口,悟空从女妖口中跳出,悟空、八戒、沙僧大战女妖,唐僧无人保护,又被捉 走。悟空二次进洞,没找到师父,却见到李天王和哪吒牌位。悟空捧牌位找玉帝, 玉帝命李靖父子收服耗子精,放出唐僧。师徒四人继续西行取经。
    关于孙悟空的英语故事:Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice The Tang Priest (San zang) and his three disciples were on their way to the Western Heaven to obtain Buddhist scriptures. One day they were traveling in a high mountain. When Monkey (Wukong) saw
it was cloudy and misting in the valley, he knew this mountain was bound to harbor fiends. He drew a magic circle with his cudgel on the ground to protect his master. He told Pig and Friar Sand to protect the Tang Priest and for the three of them not to leave the circle. He then went to have a look at the mountain and pick some fruit to bring back to eat. This mountain did indeed have a corp fiend called Lady White Bone, who had been here for a thousand years. It had heard that anyone who ate a piece of the Tand Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. The first time it changed itlf into a young, beautiful girl holding a basket of food. With her charming smile, she almost succeeded in talking the master and his two disciples into coming out of the circle. Just at the last moment, Monkey came. Monkey came. Realizing that she was an evil spirit, he raid his cudgel and hit her. The fiend changed into a gust of smoke and fled. The cond time the fiend turned itlf into an old woman, who walked towards them leaning on a stick with a crooked handle. Monkey recognized it and struck it again. Like the first time, the fiend fled. The third time it turned itlf into an old man, sitting before a hut waiting for the Tang Priest to come. Monkey saw through the fiend’s di
sgui, raid his cudgel and struck it down. The fiend this time left a piece of cloth from the cloud, saying: “ If you’re as kind as a Buddha, how can you kill Keep Wukong with you and no scriptures will you get.” Sanzang believed the writing. He blamed Wukong for killing three people one after another, and forced him to leave. Without Monkey, Lady White Bone captured the Tang Priest easily and invited its mother to eat Sanzang’s flesh together with it. But, Wukong came just in time to save him. He killed the old fiend on the way to its daughters’, impersonated it, then got into the cave and saved the Tang Priest. 三打白骨精 唐僧师徒去西天取经。一日,走到一座大山中,只见天色阴沉,谷中 浓雾弥漫,悟空料定必有妖怪。他用金箍棒在地上划一圈,让八戒、沙僧保护师父在圈内休息,他去探听虚实,顺便采些鲜果来充饥。
    这座山内千年修行的白骨精,她听说吃了唐僧肉可长生不老,于是她 三次设计捉拿唐僧。第一次,她变成一个美丽少女,手提一篮馒头,笑着想把师 徒三人从圈内骗出,悟空赶到,举棒就打,女妖化一缕青烟跑掉。第二次,她变 成老婆婆,拄一根拐杖从山后走来,悟空认出又是白骨精变的,举棒又打,白骨 精故伎重演,化烟脱逃。第三次变作一个老头,在一间茅屋前坐等唐僧的到来。
    悟空看见,上来就打,白骨精招架不住,便用计从云端扔下一黄绢,上写:佛心 慈悲,切勿杀生;再留悟空,难取真经。唐僧信以为真,怪悟空连伤二命,逼悟 空离开。悟空走后,白骨精顺利地捉了唐僧,在白骨精邀母亲来吃唐僧肉时,孙 悟空赶到,并打死老妖,变成白骨精的母亲进洞救出了唐僧。
    关于孙悟空的英语故事:Fish Spirit Makes Trouble Tang Priest and his three disciples traveled westward. One night, they arrived at the Tongtian River, which was 800kilometers wide with torrential waters. They had to put up for the night in a nearby village becau they had no way to cross the river. They came to a hou in which lived a man named Chen Cheng and his family. The whole family was crying. The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to nd him a virgin girl and a virgin boy every year as a sacrifice. And this year was Chen Cheng‘s turn. Learning this, Monkey King consoled the Chens, and promid them that he and Pig would act as the boy and girl to wait for the spirit in the temple. At midnight, the spirit came to the temple to reach for the girl. Pig, the pretended girl, in a hurry swirled his rake at the spirit. The spirit fled into the river. The next morning, Tang Priest and his
disciples woke up and found the 800-kilometer-wide river frozen. San Zang urged his disciples to cross the river over the ice. When they reached the middle of the river, the ice cracked and the river swallowed Tang Priest who was then captured by the spirit. The three disciples ran after the spirit who knew he was no match for them and did not come out. Monkey King had to ek help from Guanyin (a Bodhis-attva)。
    It turned out that the spirit was a big goldfish in the South Sea lotus pond. The fish escaped from the Buddha to hurt people. So the Buddha was asked to retrieve the fish spirit. Later, the four were worrying about how to cross the river. Suddenly, there came an old turtle, who said, “Iud to live in the river. Now that you have chad away the spirit, I am back. Let me help you get across the river.” So the four jumped over the turtle’s back and the turtle took them to the other side of the river. 唐僧师徒四人,一路往西行,傍晚来到了通天河。只见河宽八百里, 水势汹猛,无法渡过,只好在附近村子借宿一夜。他们来到一户叫陈澄的家中,见全家人正痛哭流涕。经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男 童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。悟空听了,安慰陈家人不要怕,他和八 戒扮作童男童女到庙中等妖怪。关夜妖怪闯进庙来,刚伸
远嫁的女人手抓女孩,扮女孩的八 戒心慌,轮起钉钯就打,妖怪一溜烟跑回河中。第二天清晨,唐僧师醒来,见八 百里河面冻得明镜一般,唐僧急催徒弟们踏冰过河。走到河中心,只听“咔嚓” 一声,河面裂开一个大口,唐僧落到河里被妖怪捉去。三个徒弟追到河底,妖怪 自知不是对手,闭门不出。悟空没办法,只好去求观音菩萨。原来这妖怪正是南 海莲池中一条大金鱼,乘菩萨不备,跑出害人,于是菩萨收回这条鱼精。师徒四 人正愁无法过河时,游过来一只老龟,老龟说:“我原住在河中,你们打走妖怪, 我又回来了,我送你们过河吧!”于是师徒四人跳上龟背向河对岸漂去。

本文发布于:2023-07-08 10:03:25,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:悟空   女妖   妖怪   变成
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