土建词汇 (汉英)

更新时间:2023-07-08 05:02:52 阅读: 评论:0

10分钟最大平均风速  maximum average wind speed for 10 minutes
28天龄期抗压强度  compressive strength at 28 day-age
A形柱  A-pole
H型截面  H-ction
T形梁  T-girder
T形组合角钢  back-to-back angles
T型薄腹梁  T-ction roof girder
T型截面  T-ction
U形箍筋  U-stirrups
U形环  shackle
V形缝  splayed joint, V-joint
V形檐槽  arris gutter
Z-型钢  Z-ction
Z型角铁  Z-angle
矮树林  bush
安定性  soundness
安全(容许)荷载  charge of surety
安全出口  emergency outlet, fire escape, safe exit, exit
安全岛  pedestrian island
安全度  degree of safety
安全盔  hard hat, safety helmet
安全帽  hard hat, safety helmet
安全梯  ladder escape
安全通道  safety passage
安全系数  degree of safety, safety factor
安息角  angle of repo
安装  building-up, erect, fabricate
安装焊缝  erection weld
安装荷载  erection load
安装与调试阶段  installation and commissioning stage
岸壁  bulkhead wall, quay
岸跨  approach span
岸首  bankhead
暗插销  inrt bolt
暗窗  blank window
暗的  concealed
暗缝  buried joint, coped joint
暗沟  blind ditch
暗沟排水  blind drainage, underdrainage
暗沟填料  blinding material
暗门  blank door, blind door
暗线  buried wire
暗线槽  conduit
暗箱  booth
暗销杆  dowel bar
凹槽  channel, recess
凹缝  open joint
凹陷  cave-in, falling
八角窗  bay window
扒钉  anti-checking iron
把手  grasp
坝顶  dam top
坝肩  dam abutment
坝脚  dam toe
坝坡  dam slope
坝墙  dam wall
坝址  dam site
疲惫的句子说说心情坝轴线  dam axis
坝座  dam abutment
白铁皮  galvanized iron
白土  argil
白蚁利莫那班  termite
百叶窗  blind window, louver window, shutter
百叶窗式的  baffle-type
百叶帘  shutter blind
百叶门  blind door, louver door, shutter door
斑马线  zebra crossing
斑脱土(岩)  bentonite
板底标高  soffit level
板肋  arris of slab
板棱  arris of slab
板梁  plate girder, lattice girder
板式基础  mat footing, mat foundation
板条  bat, batten, boarding
板条隔墙  battened partition
板条门  batten door
板条墙  battened wall
板条心胶合板  batten board
板围  hoarding
板岩  slate
板桩  sheet pile, sheet wall piling
半敞开小室  benchtop cave
半地下室  partially-expod bament
半风化状态  mi-weathered state
半光瓷漆  migloss enamel
半光漆  migloss paint
半透明玻璃  translucent glass
半透明的  translucent
半永久建筑  mi-permanent structure
半圆饰边  beading fillet
拌和  agitation, mixing
拌和厂  batch plant
拌和楼  batch plant, batching plant
绑扎钢筋  wiring reinforcement
绑扎钢丝(绑钢筋用)  bonder wire
棒钢  bar steel
包尔曼桁架(多弦三角形桁架)  Bollman truss
包铝的  alclad
包铁木材  armored wood
包铁皮的  armored
宝库  magazine
饱和度  degree of saturation
饱和砂  saturated sand
饱和系数  saturation coefficient
保护层  protective coating
保护电弧焊  shielded arc welding
保护焊  shielded welding
保温层  heat insulation cour
保温型彩色压型墙板  insulated plastic coated corrugated steel deck siding
堡垒  fortress
杯形基础  footing socket
贝利式(桁架)桥跨  bailey span
贝利式桁架  bailey truss
备餐间  pantry
备件(品)库  spare parts storage, accessories store
备用房  spare room
背衬  back lining, backing
背衬梁  backer brick
背衬料  back lining
背衬砖  backing brick
背撑  back shore
背风(的)  leeward
背后挡板  backboard
背靠背组合角钢  back-to-back angles
背面支柱  back leg
背视图河南风俗  back view
背有凹槽的门框  buck frame
被动土压力  passive earth pressure
锛子  adz
本土  mainland
本土的  indigenous
崩塌  avalanche, collap, eboulement, falling
崩塌防护  avalanche defence
泵坑  pump pit
比较布置(方案)  alternate layout
比较设计(方案)  alternate design
比重  specific gravity
闭合  closure
壁橱  built-in cupboard, clot
壁孔  aperture
壁纸  wallpaper
避雷器  lightning rod (conductor), lightning arrester
避雷针  lightning rod, lightning conductor
沈阳南湖公园臂  arm
边界标志  bordering
边跨  side span
边框  cheek
边梁  facia
边模板  cheek board
边坡整平工作  bluff work
边缘  border
边缘  margin
边缘地  borderland
扁斧  adz
扁钢  steel strap, flat bar
扁钢丝绳  band rope
扁铁条  band iron
便门  access door
便桥  access board
便桥式脚手架  bridging run
便梯  auxiliary stair, cat ladder
变电所  substation
变截面梁  beam of variable cross-ction, haunched beam
变截面柱  column with variable cross-ctions
变位  displacement
变形  deflection, deform, deformation
变形钢筋槟榔芋  deformed bar
变形金属板  deformed metal plate
变形模量  modulus of deformation
变压器检修间  transformer maintenance room
标灯  aiming light
标杆  aiming post
标高  elevation, level
标号(水泥或混凝土的)  grade
标签  tag
标志)  beacon
标准尺寸  ga(u)ge
标准防火门  fire-rated door
标准规范  standards and specifications
表面  facade
表面处理极限乔丹  surface preparation
表面化硬化  cementation
表面接缝  face am
表面裂痕  alligatoring
表盘上的眩光  glare on the panels
表土层  A-horizon
表土夯实  superficial compaction
冰冻期  frost period
冰冻区  frost zone
脖子上长痘痘是什么原因引起的冰冻线  frost line
波纹  corrugated
波形石棉瓦  corrugated asbestos sheet
玻璃  glass
玻璃厂  foundry

本文发布于:2023-07-08 05:02:52,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:表面   安装   钢筋
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