A | |
abandoned hole 报废孔 | |
ablation 消融(作用) | |
abnormal curve 非正常曲线 | |
abnormal value 异常值 | |
abrasion 磨蚀 | |
abnce 缺失 | |
absolute coordinates 绝对坐标 | |
absolute elevation 绝对高度;海拔 | |
absolute error 绝对误差 | |
absolute level 绝对标高 | |
absorbability 吸附力 | |
absorbed water 吸着水 | |
absorbing well 吸水井;注水井;渗水井 | |
accelerated consolidation 加速加固 | |
acceleration 加速度 | |
acceptance test 验收试验 | |
accepted scale 采用的比例尺 | |
acceptence of work 工程验收 | |
access road 通道,便道 | |
accidental error 偶然误差 | |
accretion of river bottom 河底淤高 | |
accretion of sand 淤砂 | |
accretion 淤积 | |
accumulated value 累计值 | |
accumulation curve 累积曲线 | |
accumulation terrace 洪积阶地 | |
accuracy of calibration 标定精度 | |
accuracy of measurement 量测精度 | |
accuracy of obrvation 观测精度 | |
accuracy of reading 读数精度 | |
accuracy 精度 | |
acidimetry 酸量滴定法 | |
acidity and alkalinity test 酸碱度试验 | |
action 作用 | |
active surface of sliding 主动(土压力的)滑动面 | |
active drainage area 有效排水面积 | |
active earth pressure 主动土压力 | |
active fault 活断层 | |
active pile 主动桩 | |
active remote nsing 人工源遥感 | |
active ismical area 地震活动区 | |
active stabilizer 活性加固剂 | |
active state of plastic equilibrium 主动塑性平衡状态 | |
active tectonic system 活动性构造体系 | |
active water 活性水 | |
activity 活性 | |
actual error 真误差 | |
actual load 实际荷载 | |
actual measurement 实测 | |
actual state 现状 | |
additional load 附加荷载 | |
adfreezing force 冻附力 | |
adfreezing strength 冻附强度 | |
adhesion 粘聚力 | |
adhesive water 薄膜水 | |
adjust 调整,对准 | |
adjustment of coordinates 坐标平差 | |
adjustment of obrvation 观察平差 | |
adjustment 调整,对准 | |
admissible load 容许荷载 | |
admixture 掺合物 | |
adsorbed layer 吸附层 | |
adsorption 吸附作用 | |
aeolian plain 风成平原 | |
aeolian soil 风积土 | |
aeration zone 饱气带 | |
aeroview 鸟瞰图 | |
age determination 年代测定 | |
age 年代 | |
ageing 老化 | |
aggregate 骨料 | |
agitator 搅拌器 | |
A-horizon 淋溶层 | |
air permeability 透气性 | |
air tight 不透气的 | |
air-dried soil 风干土 | |
air-lock 气闸 | |
air-water surface 气水结合面 | |
alimentation area 补给区 | |
A-line A线(塑性图〕 | |
alkali soil 碱土 | |
alkaline soil 碱性土 | |
all-around pressure 周围压力 | |
allowable amplitude 容许振幅 | |
allowable bearing capacity 容许承载力 | |
allowable error 容许误差 | |
allowable load 容许荷载 | |
allowable pile bearing load 单桩容许荷载 | |
allowable pile load 桩的容许荷载 | |
allowable ttlement 容许沉降量 | |
allowable value 容许值 | |
alluvial apron 山麓冲积扇 | |
alluvial fan 冲积扇 | |
alluvial plain 冲积平原 | |
alluvial soil 冲积土 | |
alluvial terrace 冲积阶地 | |
alluvial valley 冲积河谷 | |
alluviation 冲积(作用) | |
alluvium 冲积层 | |
alternating current induced polarzation交流激发极化法 | |
alternating load 交变荷载 | |
alternating strain 交变应变 | |
alternating stress 交变应力 | |
alternation 互层 | |
altitude survey 高程测量 | |
altitude 高程;高度 | |
ambient pressure 围压 | |
amended plan 修正方案 | |
amount of compression 压缩量 | |
amount of deflection 扰度 | |
amount 数量 | |
amplification factor 放大因数 | |
amplitude of vibration 振幅 | |
amplitude 振幅,幅度 | |
analysis of strain 应变分析 | |
analysis of stress 应力分析 | |
analysis 分析 | |
analytic balance 分析天平 | |
anchor grouting 锚固灌浆 | |
anchor block 锚块 | |
anchor bolt 锚栓 | |
anchor pile 锚桩 | |
anchor plate 锚板 | |
anchor rod 锚杆 | |
anchor wall 锚墙 | |
anchor 锚 | |
anchorage force 锚固力 | |
anchorage 地锚 | |
anchored bulkhead 锚定岸壁 | |
anchored sheet piling 锚定板桩墙 | |
andesite 安山岩 | |
angle of contact 接触角 | |
angle of dilatancy 剪胀角 | |
angle of external friction 外摩擦角 | |
angle of internal friction 内摩擦角 | |
angle of obliquity (应力的〕倾角 | |
angle of repo 休止角 | |
angle of rupture 破裂角 | |
angle of shearing strength 剪切角 | |
angle of true internal friction 真内擦角 | |
angle 角,角度 | |
angular deformation 角变形 | |
angular error 角度误差 | |
anion adsorption 阴离子吸附 | |
anion exchange 阴离子交换 | |
anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结 | |
anisotropic soil 各向异性土 | |
annual variation 年变化 | |
anticline 背斜 | |
anti-flocculation 反絮凝作用 | |
anti-slide pile 抗滑桩 | |
apparatus 仪器,设备 | |
apparent angle of internal friction 表观内摩角 | |
apparent cohesion 表观粘聚力 | |
apparent dip 视倾斜;视倾角 | |
apparent resistivity 视电阻率 | |
apparent shearing strength 表观抗剪强度 | |
application of load 施加荷载 | |
applied pressure 施加压力 | |
approximate value 近似值 | |
aquiclude 隔水层;滞水层 | |
aquifer 含水层 | |
aquitard 弱含水层 | |
arch culvert 拱形涵洞 | |
arching 拱作用 | |
architectural design 建筑设计 | |
area of passage 过水面积 | |
area of well influence 井影响面积 | |
area ratio (取样器〕面积比 | |
area 区域,地区 | |
arenite 砂质岩 | |
areometer 比重计 | |
argillite 泥质岩 | |
artesian aquifer 承压含水层;自流水层 | |
artesian condition 承压(水)状态 | |
artesian head 承压水头 | |
artesian water 自流水 | |
artesian well 自流井 | |
artificial ground 人工地基 | |
ascension spring 上升泉 | |
aismatic design 抗震设计 | |
aismic code 抗震规范 | |
aismic region 无震地区 | |
assistant engineer 助理工程师 | |
associated structure 伴生构造 | |
assumed coordinates 假定坐标 | |
assumed value 假定值 | |
asymmetric(al) fold 不对称褶皱 | |
atmospheric water 大气水 | |
attainable precision 可达精确度 | |
attenuation 衰减 | |
atteration 冲积土 | |
Atterberg limits 阿太堡界限 | |
attitude of rocks 岩层产状 | |
attitude of stratum 地层产状 | |
attitude 产状 少校吉格斯 | |
auger bit 螺旋钻头 | |
auger drill 螺旋钻 | |
auger pile 螺旋桩 | |
auger with hydraulic feed 液压给进式螺旋钻 | |
auger 麻花钻 | |
autographic oedometer 自录固结仪 | |
automatic ram pile driver 自动冲锤打桩机 | |
average grain size 平均粒径 | |
average grain diameter 平均粒径 | |
average stress 平均应力 | |
average water level 平均水位 | |
axial compression 轴向压缩 | |
axial displacement 轴向位移 | |
axial extension test 轴向拉伸试验 | |
axial load 轴向荷载 | |
axial strain 轴向应变 | |
axial stress 轴向应力 | |
axial symmetry 轴对称 | |
axial thrust 轴向推力 | |
axis of fold 褶皱轴 | |
axis of principal stress 主应力轴 | |
axis of symmetry 对称轴 | |
axis 轴 | |
B | |
B back calculation 反算法 | |
back pressure 反压力 | |
backfill grouting 回填灌浆 | |
backfill 回填土 | |
backosmotic pressure 反渗压力 | |
backward erosion 向源侵蚀 | |
bahymetry 测深法 | |
balance cone 平衡锥(稠度试验) | |
balloon densimeter 囊式密度计 | |
banded lode 带状矿脉 | |
banded structure 带状构造 | |
bar 杆,钻杆 | |
basalt 玄武岩 | |
ba failure of slope 土坡基底破坏 | |
ba level 基准面 | |
ba network 基线网 | |
ba of slope 坡角 | |
ba sheet 原图 | |
ba station 基准点 | |
ba tilt factor 基底倾斜因数(地基承载力) | |
ba 基础,底部 | |
ba-line survey 基线测量 | |
ba-line 基线 | |
bament wall 地下室墙 | |
bament 地下室 | |
basin range structure 断块构造 | |
basin 盆地 | |
bathymetric line 等深线 | |
beads-shaped structure 串珠状构造 | |
beam 梁 | |
bearing layer 承压(持力)层 | |
bearing cour 承压垫层 | |
bearing area 承压面积 | |
bearing capacity factor (地基)承载力数 | |
bearing capacity factors ( Nc,Nq,Nr) 承载力因数(地基) | |
bearing deformation 承压变形 | |
bearing graph 反应曲线(桩工) | |
bearing pile 支承桩 | |
bearing plate 载荷板 | |
bearing stratum 持力层 | |
bearing 方位角,承载 | |
bed (一)层,床 | |
bed rock 基岩 | |
bedded structure 层状构造 | |
bedding surface 层面 | |
bedding cour 垫层 | |
bedding error 端垫误差(三轴试验) | |
bedding plane slip 层面滑动 | |
bedding structure 层状构造 | |
bedding 基床,层面,层理 | |
bedrock 基岩 | |
behaviour 性状 | |
belled pier 扩底墩 | |
belled pile 扩底桩 | |
bench gravel 阶地砾石 | |
bench mark 水准点 | |
benched foundation 台阶式基础 | |
bend in river 河曲 | |
biaxial state of stress 双轴应力状态 | |
binder 胶结物 | |
biological weathering 生物风化 | |
Bishop's simplified method of slice 肖普简化条分法 | |
bit 钻头 | |
blank hole 未下套管的钻孔 | |
blanket 铺盖 | |
blasting compaction method 爆炸挤密法 | |
bleeder well 减压井 | |
blind drain 盲沟 | |
block diagram 三相图 | |
block basin 断块盆地 | |
block diagram 方框图 | |
block sample 块状试样 | |
block 块 | |
blow count 击数 | |
blow-in 涌入 | |
blown sand 风成砂 | |
blown tip pile 爆扩桩 | |
bluff 悬崖 | |
body wave 体波 | |
bog 沼泽 | |
boiling 翻浆 | |
border facies 边缘相 | |
bore hole 钻孔 | |
bore 钻孔 | |
bored pile 钻孔桩 | |
borehole log 钻孔记录 | |
borehole logging 钻孔记录 | |
borehole 钻孔 | |
boring bit 钻头 | |
boring by percussion 冲击钻进 | |
boring casing 钻探套管 | |
boring frame 钻架 | |
boring machine 钻探机具 | |
boring rod 钻杆 | |
boring 钻(探) | |
borrow area 采料场 | |
bottom level 层底标高 | |
bottom pressure 底压力(隧道) | |
bottom 底 | |
boulder 漂石 | |
bound water 吸附水 | |
boundary line 边界线 | |
boundary 边界 | |
Boussinesq theory 布西涅斯克理论 | |
box caisson 沉箱 | |
病句修改专项训练box foundation 箱型基础 | |
box pile 箱型钢桩 | |
box shear apparatus 盒式剪切仪 | |
braced excavation 支撑开挖 | |
braced sheeting 支撑挡板 | |
bracing 支撑 | |
brick foundation 砖基础 | |
brief analysis 简易分析 | |
brittle failure 脆性破坏 | |
Brownian movement 布朗运动 | |
brush joint 帚状节理 | |
bubble 气泡 | |
building area 建筑面积 | |
building code 建筑法规 | |
building material 建筑材料 | |
building ttlement 建筑物沉降 | |
building survey 建筑测量 | |
building 建筑物 | |
built-up area 已建面积 | |
bulb pile 扩底桩 | |
bulk compressibility 体积压缩性 | |
bulk density 体密度 | |
bulk modulus 体积模量 | |
bulkhead 岸壁 | |
bulking 体胀 | |
buoyant foundation 浮筏基础 | |
buoyant pile 摩擦桩 | |
buoyant unit weigh 浮容重 | |
burden 覆盖层 | |
burette 滴定管 | |
buried river 地下(暗)河 | |
buried structure 埋入式结构物 | |
butt 平桩头 | |
by-pass epage 绕渗 | |
C | |
cable anchor 索锚 | |
caisson foundation 沉箱基础 | |
caisson pier 沉箱墩 | |
caisson pile 沉箱桩 | |
caisson 箱,沉箱 | |
calcareous concretion 钙质结核 | |
calculated lf-weight collap | |
计算自重湿陷量 | |
calculating chart 计算图表 | |
calculous soil 砾质土 | |
calibration curve 标定曲线 | |
calibration error 校准误差 | |
calibration test 标定试验 | |
calibration 标定 | |
cambering 上拱度 | |
Camkometer 剑桥旁压仪 | |
cantilever footing 悬臂式基础 | |
cantilever foundation 悬臂式基础 | |
cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙 | |
cantilever sheet pile 悬臂式板桩 | |
cantilever sheet piling 悬臂板桩 | |
cantilever 悬臂 | |
canyon 峡谷 | |
capacity of driven pile 打入桩的承载力 | |
capacity of saturation 饱和量 | |
capacity of well 井流量 | |
capacity 容量 | |
capillarimeter 毛细管仪 | |
capillarity 毛细管作用 | |
capillary fringe 毛细管水上升边缘 | |
capillary head 毛细管水头 | |
capillary height 毛细管水上升高度 | |
capillary migration 毛细管水移动 | |
capillary pressure 毛细管水压力 | |
capillary ri 毛细上升高度 | |
capillary water 毛细水 | |
capillometer 毛细管试验仪 | |
capollary tension 毛细管引力 | |
carbon-14 dating 碳-14年代测定法 | |
Carlson stress meter 卡尔逊应力计 | |
ca study 实例研究 | |
cad borehole 套管钻孔 | |
cad hole 下套管的钻孔 | |
cad pile 套管桩 | |
ca-in 下套管 | |
ca-in-place pile 灌注桩 | |
casing procedure drilling 套管钻进 | |
casing 套管 | |
Cassagrande's soil classification 卡萨格兰德土分类法 | |
cast in-place pile 就地灌注桩 | |
catch-drain 截水沟 | |
catchment area 汇水面积 | |
cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量 | |
cation exchange 阳离子交换 | |
cation 阳离子 | |
cavern 洞穴 | |
caving zone 塌陷区 | |
caving 坍落 | |
CBR=California Bearing Ratio 加州承载比 | |
CD-test=consolidated-drained triaxisl compression test | |
cell pressure 室压(三轴试验) | |
cell test 荷兰式三轴试验 | |
cell 单元,盒 | |
cement grouting 水泥灌浆 | |
cement mortar 水泥砂浆 | |
cementation 胶结作用 | |
cementing agent 胶结剂 | |
cement-stabilized soil 水泥加固土 | |
cement-water ratio 灰水比 | |
centering error 对中误差 | |
chalk 白垩 | |
chamber 室 | |
change 变化 | |
channel 沟,水道 | |
character 特征,特性 | |
characteristic curve 特性曲线 | |
characteristic fossil 特征化石 | |
characteristic function 特征函数 | |
characteristic loop 特性曲线 | |
characteristic point 特征点 | |
characteristic value 特征值 | |
chart表(图) | |
chemical grouting 化学灌浆 | |
chemical churning pile 旋喷桩 | |
chemical equivalent 化学当量 | |
chemical erosion 化学侵蚀 | |
chemical stabilization 化学加固 | |
chemical weathering 化学风化 | |
chief engineer 总工程师 | |
chopping bit 冲击钻头 | |
chronologic(al) scale 地质年代表 | |
cinder 炉渣 | |
circlar arc analysis 圆弧分析法 | |
circle of stress 应力圆 | |
circle 圆,弧 | |
circular foundation 圆形基础 | |
circular slip surface 圆弧滑动面 | |
civil engineer 土木工程师 | |
civil engineering 土木工程 | |
classfication 分类 | |
classification chart 分类表 | |
classification of the qualitative system 定性分类法 | |
classification system 分类系统 | |
classification test 分类试验 | |
clay binder 粘土胶结物 | |
clay blanket 粘土铺盖(水工) | |
clay classification 粘土分类 | |
clay fraction 粘粒粒组 | |
clay grouting 粘土灌浆 | |
clay lens 粘土透镜体 | |
clay mineral 粘土矿物 | |
clay partings 粘土夹层中秋节文章 | |
clay rock 粘土岩 | |
clay shale 粘土质页岩 | |
clay stone 粘土岩 | |
clay 粘土 | |
clean sand 纯砂 | |
cleaning 清理场地 | |
clean-out auger 清孔钻 | |
clear height 净高 | |
clear span 静跨 | |
clinometer 测斜仪 | |
clogging 淤塞 | |
clo texture 密实结构 | |
clod conduit 封闭管道 | |
cloly graded soil 颗粒均匀的土 | |
CL-test=continual loading test 连续加荷固结试验 | |
cluster structure 团粒结构 | |
coagulant 凝聚剂 | |
coagulantion 凝聚作用 | |
coal bed 煤层 | |
coal-bearing strata 含煤地层 | |
coar aggregate 粗粒料 | |
coar grained soil 粗粒土 | |
coar sand 粗砂 | |
coar screen 粗筛 | |
cobble 卵石 | |
code for soil and foundation 地基与基础规范 | |
code 规范(程) | |
coefficient between layers 层间系数,管涌比 | |
coefficient of active earth pressure 主动土压力系数 | |
coefficient of adhesion 粘着系数 | |
coefficient of attenuation 衰减系数 | |
coefficient of collapsibility 湿陷系数 | |
coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数 | |
coefficient of consolidation 固结系数 | |
coefficient of correlation 相关系数 | |
coefficient of curvature 曲率系数 | |
coefficient of earth pressure at rest 静止土压力系数 | |
coefficient of earth pressure 土压力系数 | |
coefficient of elastic shear 弹性剪切系数 | |
coefficient of elastic uniform compression 弹性均压系数 | |
coefficient of foundation ditch's rebound 基坑回弹系数 | |
coefficient of friction 摩擦系数 | |
coefficient of horizontal consolidation 水平固结系数 | |
coefficient of lateral pressure 侧压力系数 | |
coefficient of passive earth pressure 被动土压力系数 | |
coefficient of permeability 渗透系数 | |
coefficient of pore pressure 孔隙压力系数 | |
coefficient of resilience 回弹系数 | |
coefficient of rigidity 刚度系数 | |
coefficient of condary consolidation 次固结系数 | |
coefficient of lf-weight collapsibility 自重湿陷系数 | |
coefficient of stiffness 刚度系数 | |
coefficient of storage 储水系数 | |
coefficient of subgrade reaction 基床反力系数 | |
coefficient of uniformity 不均匀系数 | |
coefficient of variation 变异系数 | |
coefficient of volume compressibility 体积压缩系数 | |
coefficient 系数 | |
cofferdam 围堰 | |
cohesion 内聚力 | |
cohesive soil 粘性土 | |
collap ttlement 湿陷量 | |
collap 塌陷;湿陷 | |
collapsibility grading index 分级湿陷量 | |
collapsibility 湿陷性 | |
collapsible loess 湿陷性黄土 | |
梦想还是要有的collapsible soils 湿陷性土 | |
collector well 集水井 | |
column pile 端承桩 | |
columnar joint 柱状节理 | |
combination structure 混合结构 | |
combined footing 联合基础 | |
combined foundation 联合基础 | |
coment-water factor 水灰比 | |
compacted depth 压实深度 | |
compacted fill 压实填土 | |
compacted lift 压实分层厚度 | |
compacted soil 压实土 | |
compacting factor 压实系数 | |
compaction by driving 夯实 | |
compaction by layers 分层填土夯实 | |
compaction by rolling 碾压 | |
compaction by vibrating roller 振动碾压法 | |
compaction by vibration 振动压实 | |
compaction effect 压实效应 | |
compaction pile 挤密桩 | |
compaction test 击实试验 | |
compaction 压实;夯实 | |
compactness 密实度 | |
compactor pass 击实遍数 | |
compactor 压实机 | |
compensated foundation 补偿式基础 | |
complete water analysis 水的全分析 | |
complete well 完整井 | |
composite map 综合图 | |
composite pile 组合桩 | |
composite sliding surface 复合滑动面 | |
compressibility 压缩性 | |
compressible soil 压缩性土 | |
compression index 压缩指数 | |
compression curve 压缩曲线 | |
compression failure 压缩破坏 | |
compression test 压缩试验 | |
compression wave 压缩波 | |
compression zone 压缩区 | |
compression 压缩 | |
compressive deformation 压缩变形 | |
compressive strain 压应变 | |
compressive strength 抗压强度 | |
compressive stress 压应力 | |
computation sheet 计算表格 | |
concentration of stress 应力集中 | |
concentration 集中 | |
concentric weathering 同心风化 | |
concordant bedding 整合层面 | |
concrete beam 混凝土梁 | |
concrete dam 混凝土坝 | |
concrete pile 混凝土桩 | |
concrete pile 混凝土桩 | |
concrete tubular pile 混凝土管桩 | |
concrete vibro column pile 振动混凝土柱桩 | |
concrete 混凝土 | |
concretion 结核 | |
condition 状态,条件 | |
conduit pipe 管道 | |
conduit system 管道系统 | |
conduit 管道 | |
cone foundation 锥形基础 | |
cone of depression 降落漏斗 | |
cone of recharge 补给漏斗 | |
cone penetrometer 圆锥触探仪 | |
cone 圆锥体 | |
confined aquifer 承压含水层 | |
confined compression 侧限压缩 | |
confined grain diameter 限制粒径 | |
confined water 承压水 | |
confining bed 隔水层 | |
confining pressure 周围压力 | |
conformable contact 整合接触 | |
conformable stratum 整合地层 | |
conjugate joint 共轭节理 | |
consistency index 稠度指数 | |
consistency limit 稠度界限 | |
consistency test 稠度试验 | |
consistency 稠度 | |
consolidation apparatus 固结仪 | |
consolidation curve 固结曲线 | |
consolidation deformation 固结变形 | |
consolidation of soft foundation 软弱地基加固 | |
consolidation pressure 固结压力 | |
consolidation ratio 固结比 | |
consolidation ttlement 固结沉降 | |
consolidation test 固结试验 | |
consolidation 加固,固结 | |
consolidometer 固结仪 | |
constant gradient test 等梯度固结试验 | |
constant head permeability test 常水头渗透试验 | |
constant head permeameter 常水头渗透仪 | |
constant pressure device 恒压装置 | |
constitutional equation 本构方程 | |
constitutive law of soils 土的本构关系 | |
constitutive law 本构定律 | |
constitutive relation 本构关系 | |
constrained diameter 限制粒径 | |
construction condition 施工条件 | |
construction plan 建筑平面图 | |
construction procedure 施工程序 | |
construction quences 施工程序 | |
construction survey 施工测量 | |
construction work 建筑工程 | |
construction 建筑 | |
consulting engineer 咨询工程师 | |
contact erosion 接触面冲蚀 | |
contact metamorphism 接触变质作用 | |
contact pressure 接触压力 | |
contact relation 接触关系 | |
contact zone 接触带 | |
contact 接触 | |
content 容量 | |
continental drift theory 大陆漂移说 | |
continuous sampling 连续取样 | |
continuous concrete wall 地下连续墙 | |
continuous concrete wall 连续墙 | |
continuous footing连续基础 | |
continuous layer 连续层 | |
continuous load 连续荷载 | |
continuously loaded oedometer 连续加荷固结仪 | |
contour interval 等高距 | |
contour map 等高线图 | |
contour-interval 等高距 | |
contractive soil 收缩性土 | |
control network 控制网 | |
control on slope stability 对斜坡稳定性的控制 | |
control survey 控制测量 | |
control 控制 | |
conventional method of slices 常规条分法 | |
conventional sign 惯用符号 | |
conventional 常规的 | |
coordinate system 坐标系统 | |
coordinates 坐标 | |
core resistance 圆锥探头阻力 | |
core sampler 岩芯取样器 | |
core 岩芯;心墙 | |
correction factor for inclination 偏心荷载校正系数 | |
correction data 修正数据 | |
correlation analysis 相关分析 | |
correlation curve 相关曲线 | |
correlation procedure 相关程序 | |
corrosion 侵蚀 | |
corrosive water 侵蚀性水 | |
Coulomb's earth pressure theory 库仑土压力理论 | |
Coulomb's law 库仑定律 | |
count 计数,击数 | |
counter bore 扩空钻 | |
counterfort retaining wall 后扶垛式挡土墙 | |
cour 过程,层 | |
covered conduit 暗沟 | |
CPT=cone penetration test 圆锥触探试验 | |
crack 裂缝 | |
cracked zone 破碎带 | |
creep 蠕变 | |
creep-time curve 蠕变时间曲线 | |
crevice water 裂隙水 | |
criterion 准则 | |
critical circle 临界圆 | |
critical condition 临界条件 | |
critical damping 临界阻尼 | |
critical density 临界密度 | |
critical head 临界水头 | |
critical height of slope 土坡临界高度 | |
critical load 临界荷载 | |
critical point 临界点 | |
critical range 临界区 | |
critical stress 临界应力 | |
critical surface 临界面 | |
critical value 临界值 | |
critical water content 临界含水量 | |
crop 露头 | |
cross bedding 交错层理 | |
cross ction 横断面 | |
cross stratification 交错层理 | |
crosshair 十字丝(测) | |
crosshole method 跨孔法 | |
cross-wire 十字丝 | |
CRP-test=constant rate of penetration test等速贯入试验 | |
crushed stone 碎石 | |
crust of weathering 风化壳 | |
crust 外壳,硬壳 | |
CRU-test=constant rate of uplift test 等速上拔试验CU-test=consolidated undrained triaxial compression | |
Culmann construction 库尔曼图解法(土力学) | |
culvert 涵洞 | |
cumulo soil 腐植土 | |
curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆 | |
curve board 曲线板 | |
curve fitting 曲线拟合 | |
curve 曲线 | |
cushion 垫层 | |
cut and cover method 明挖法(隧道〕 | |
cut 挖方 | |
cuttability 可挖性 | |
cutting ring 环刀 | |
cuttings 钻屑 | |
cycle of loads 荷载周期 | |
cycle of stress reversal 应力交变周期 | |
cycle of stress 应力周期 | |
cycle of vibration 振动周期 | |
cycle 循环,周期 | |
cyclic loading 周期荷载 | |
cyclic number 循环次数 | |
cyclic shear strain amplitude 周期剪应振幅 | |
cyclic simple shear test 周期单剪试验 | |
cyclic stress ratio 周期应力比 | |
cyclic stress 周期应力 | |
cyclic triaxial test 周期荷载三轴试验 | |
cyclic variation 周期变化 | |
D | |
D dado 护壁板 | |
dam site 坝址 | |
dam 坝 | |
damping ratio 阻尼比 | |
damping 阻尼 | |
Darcy's law 达西定律 | |
data acquisition 数据收集 | |
data analysis 数据分析 | |
data collection 数据收集 | |
data processing system 数据处理系统 | |
data sheet 成果表 | |
data treatment 数据处理 | |
data 数据 | |
dating 年代测定 | |
datum level 基准面 | |
datum plane 基准面 | |
datum 基准点 | |
dead load 静荷载 | |
debouch 河口 | |
debris flow 泥石流 | |
debris from demolition 建筑拆除垃圾 | |
decline of water table 水位下降 | |
decomposition 分解 | |
decompression 卸荷 | |
deep consolidation 深层加固 | |
deep foundation 深基础 | |
deep well method 深井法 | |
deep-well pump 深井泵 | |
deflected pile 偏位桩 | |
deflection curve 扰度曲线 | |
deflection inclinometer 测斜仪 | |
deflection 变形 | |
deflocculant 分散剂 | |
deflocculation 反絮凝作用 | |
deformation measurement 变形测量 | |
deformation 变形 | |
deformeter 变形计 | |
defrosting 解冻 | |
degree of accuracy 精度 | |
degree of compaction 压实度 | |
degree of consolidation 固结度 | |
degree of disturbance 扰动程度 | |
degree of mineralization 矿化度 | |
degree of saturation 饱和度 | |
degree of nsitivity 灵敏度 | |
degree of sorting 分选程度 | |
degree of stability 稳定度 | |
degree of weathering 风化程度 | |
degree of wetness 湿度 | |
degree 程度 | |
delta 三角洲 | |
deltaic deposit 三角洲沉积 | |
density bottle 比重瓶 | |
density 密度 | |
denudation 剥蚀 | |
deposit 沉积 | |
depression curve 浸润曲线 | |
depth curve 深度曲线 | |
depth factor 埋深因数 | |
depth of cut 挖方深度 | |
depth of foundation 基础砌置深度 | |
depth of groundwater table 地下水埋深 | |
depth of penetration 贯入深度 | |
depth of scour 冲刷深度 | |
depth ratio 埋深比(基础〕 | |
depth 深度 | |
depth-span ratio 高跨比 | |
descending spring 下降泉 | |
design elevation 设计标高 | |
design plan 设计图 | |
design capacity 设计承载力 | |
design load 设计荷载 | |
design 设计 | |
designed level 设计标高 | |
detailed exploration 详细勘探 | |
details of construction 施工详图 | |
determination of deformation 变形测定 | |
determination of quality 定性测定 | |
determination of quantity 定量测定 | |
determination of soil parameters 土的参数测定 | |
determination of strength of soil 土的强度测定 | |
determination of water quality 水质测定 | |
determination 测定,鉴定 | |
detrimental ttlement 有害沉降 | |
detrital diment 碎屑沉积 | |
development area 开发区 | |
deviation 偏差 | |
device 装置,设备 | |
dewater 排水 | |
dewatering 降低地下水位 | |
diagonal bedding 斜层理 | |
diagram 图表 | |
diagrammatic sketch 示意图 | |
dial gauge 圆形量表 | |
diameter 直径 | |
difference in elevation 高差 | |
difference of elevation 高差 | |
difference of water table 水位差 | |
difference 差,异 | |
differential ttlement 差异沉降 | |
differential shrinkage 不均匀收缩 | |
differential thermal analysis 差热分析 | |
differential weathering 差异风化 | |
differential-acting steam hammer 差动汽锤 | |
diffusion layer 扩散层 | |
digging 开挖 | |
dilapidation 倒塌 | |
dilatability 膨胀性 | |
dilatancy test 手捻试验 | |
dilatancy 剪胀性 | |
dilatation 剪胀 | |
diluvial deposit 坡积 | |
diluvial soil 洪积土 | |
diluvial 洪积 | |
diluvium 洪积层 | |
diorite 闪长岩 | |
dip 倾角 | |
direct current induced polarization 直流激发极化法 | |
direct proportion 正比例 | |
direct reading 直接读数 | |
direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验 | |
direction of fissures 裂隙方向 | |
direction of flow 流向 | |
direction of groundwater flow 地下水流向 | |
direction 方向 | |
directrix 准线 | |
discharge capacity 排水量 | |
discharge diagram 流量图 | |
discharge head 压头 | |
discharge of well 井流量 | |
discharge velocity 排水速度 | |
discharge 流量 | |
discordance 不整合 | |
discrimination 鉴别 | |
displacement of soil mass 土体位移 | |
displacement pile 排土桩 | |
displacement 位移 | |
disproportionately grade 级配不良的 | |
dissipation 消散 | |
distance mark 远处目标 | |
distributary 河道支流 | |
distributed load 分布荷载 | |
distribution 分布 | |
disturbed sample 扰动试样 | |
ditch 明沟 | |
diversion channel 分水沟 | |
doline 落水洞 | |
dolly 桩垫 | |
domestic water 生活用水 | |
dot and dash line 点划线 | |
dotted line 虚线 | |
double -acting steam hammer 双动汽锤 | |
double amplitude 双振幅 | |
double diaphragm pressure cell 双膜式土压力盒 | |
downdraw 水位下降 | |
downhole dynamic compaction DDC工法 | |
downstream (河流)下游 | |
drain pit 排水坑 | |
drain channel 排水沟 | |
drain pile 排水砂桩 | |
drain 排水沟 | |
drainage by desiccation 疏干排水 | |
drainage by well point 井点排水 | |
drainage culvert 排水涵洞 | |
drainage of foundation 基坑排水 | |
drainage path 排水路径 | |
drainage pipe 排水管 | |
drainage shear test 排水剪切试验 | |
drainage triaxial test 排水三轴试验 | |
drainage well 排水井 | |
drainage 排水 | |
drawdown curve (地下水位)降深曲线 | |
drawdown curve 水位下降曲线 | |
drawdown 水位降深 | |
dredge level 疏浚标高 | |
dredging 疏浚 | |
drift 冰碛土 | |
drill record 钻探记录 | |
drill 钻,钻机 | |
drilled caisson 钻孔沉井 | |
drilled footage 钻进尺寸 | |
drilled pier 钻孔墩 | |
drilling mud 钻孔泥浆 | |
drilling rod 钻杆 | |
drilling 钻进 | |
drive sampler 击入式取土器 | |
driven cast-in-place pile 就地灌注桩 | |
driven pile 打入桩 | |
driver 驱动机,推进器 | |
driving record 打桩记录 | |
driving test 打桩试验 | |
drop hammer 落锤 | |
drum roller 滚筒式碾路机 | |
dry density 干密度 | |
怎么缓解疼痛dry oven 烘箱 | |
dry unit weight 干容重 | |
dune 沙丘 | |
Dupuit's equation 裘布依公式 | |
duration curve 历时曲线 | |
duration 历时 | |
Dutch cone penetrometer 荷兰式圆锥触探仪 | |
Dutch cone 荷兰式圆锥仪 | |
dynamic analysis 动态分析 | |
dynamic characteristic 动力特性 | |
dynamic compaction 动力压实,强夯 | |
dynamic consolidation 强夯法 | |
dynamic elastic modulus 动弹性模量 | |
dynamic load test of pile 桩的动载荷试验 | |
dynamic load 动荷载 | |
dynamic penetration 动力触探 | |
dynamic pile-driving formula 动力打桩公式 | |
dynamic point resistance 动力探头阻力 | |
dynamic shear modulus 动剪模量 | |
dynamic sounding 动力触探 | |
dynamic triaxial test 振动三轴试验 | |
E | |
E arth dam 土坝 | |
earth road 土路 | |
earth backing 还土 | |
earth fill 填方 | |
earth pressure at rest 静止土压力 prestress 预应力 | |
earth pressure cell 土压力盒 | |
earth pressure coefficient 土压力系数 | |
earth pressure wedge 土压力楔体 | |
earth pressure 土压力 | 月经可以吃芒果吗|
earth 土,陆地,地球 | |
earthflow 泥石流 | |
earthquake effect 地震作用 | |
earthquake engineering 地震工程 | |
earthquake intensity 地震烈度 | |
earthquake magnitude 地震震级 | |
earthquake proof foundation 抗震基础 | |
earthquake proof joint 防震缝 | |
earthquake region 地震区 | |
earthquake resistance 抗震能力 | |
earthquake zone 地震带 | |
earthquake 地震 | |
earthquake-proof construction 抗震建筑 | |
earth-rock dam 土石坝 | |
earthwork 土石方工程 | |
eccentricity 偏心距 | |
eductor well point 喷射井点 | |
effect of pile group 桩群作用 | |
effect 效应,作用 | |
effective cohesion 有效内聚力 | |
effective diameter 有效粒径 | |
effective grain diameter 有效粒径 | |
effective overburden pressure 有效上覆压力 | |
effective pressure 有效压力 | |
effective range 有效范围 | |
effective size 有效尺寸 | |
effective span 有效跨度 | |
effective stress path 有效应力路径 | |
effective stress 有效应力 | |
effective unit weight 有效容重 | |
effective value 有效值 | |
efficiency formula 效率公式(群桩〕 | |
elastic compression 弹性压缩 | |
elastic deformation 弹性变形 | |
elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡 | |
elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后 | |
elastic modulus 弹性模量 | |
elastic state of equilibrium 弹性平衡状态 | |
elasto-plastic deformation 弹塑性变形 | |
elasto-plasticity theory 弹塑性理论 | |
electric profiling 电测剖面法 | |
electrical method of prospecting 电法勘探 | |
electrical logging 电测井 | |
electrical method 电法 | |
electrical prospecting 电法勘探 | |
electrical resistivity 电阻率 | |
electrical sounding 电测深 | |
electrical survey(ing) 电法探测 | |
electrochemical stabilization 电化学加固 | |
electromagnetic prospecting 电磁勘探 | |
electroosmosis 电渗现象 | |
element 单元 | |
elevation of borehole 孔口标高 | |
elevation of well 井口标高 | |
elevation scheme 高程图 | |
elevation 高度;海拔 | |
eluvial deposit 残积 | |
eluvial soil 残积土 | |
eluvial 残积 | |
eluviation 淋滤(作用) | |
eluvium 残积层 | |
embedded depth 埋置深度 | |
empirical coefficient 经验系数 | |
empirical data 经验数据 | |
empirical formula 经验公式 | |
empirical value 经验值 | |
end load 端荷载 | |
end of curve 曲线终点 | |
end-bearing pile 端承桩 | |
energy of blow 锤击能 | |
engineer 工程师,技师 | |
engineered fill 质控回填土 | |
engineering characteristic of rock 岩石的工程性能 | |
engineering geologic condition 工程地质条件 | |
engineering geological evaluation 工程地质评价 | |
engineering geological phenomena 工程地质现象 | |
engineering geological problem 工程地质问题 | |
engineering geology 工程地质(学) | |
engineering survey 工程测量 | |
engineering 工程(学) | |
enlarged ba 扩底(桩工〕 | |
ensile strength 抗拉强度 | |
envelope of failure 破坏包线 | |
envelope 包迹(线) | |
enveloping curve 包络曲线 | |
environmental geology 环境地质(学) | |
Eocene ries 始新统 | |
Eogene system 下第三系 | |
eolian deposit 风积物 | |
epicenter 震中 | |
equation 方程,公式 | |
equilibrium 平衡 | |
equipment 仪器,设备 | |
equivalent consolidation pressure 等效固结压力 | |
equivalent damping ratio 等效阻尼比 | |
equivalent diameter 等效粒径 | |
equivalent stress 等效应力 | |
equivalent uniform load 等效均荷载 | |
erosion landform 侵蚀地形 | |
erosion plain 侵蚀平原 | |
erosion surface 侵蚀面 | |
erosion terrace 侵蚀阶地 | |
erosion 侵蚀 | |
error distribution principle 误差分布原理 | |
error distribution 误差分布 | |
error equation 误差方程 | |
error of centering 对心误差 | |
error of scale 比例尺误差 | |
error of sighting 瞄准误差 | |
error probability function 误差概率函数 | |
error 误差 | |
estuary deposit 港湾沉积 | |
estuary 港湾 | |
evaluation of resources 储量评价 | |
evaluation 评价 | |
evaporation capacity 蒸发量 | |
evenly distributed load 均布荷载 | |
excavated ction 开挖断面 | |
excavation 挖方 | |
excavator 挖土机 | |
excess pore water pressure 超静水压力 | |
exchange capacity 交换容量 | |
exchange 交换 | |
exchangeable ion 可交换离子 | |
existing data 现有资料 | |
expanding auger 扩孔钻 | |
expansibility 膨胀性 | |
expansion apparatus 膨胀仪 | |
expansion index 回弹指数 | |
experimental data 试验数据 | |
explorating data 勘探数据 | |
exploration program 勘测大纲 | |
exploration 勘探 | |
extention work 扩建工程 | |
extractor 拔桩机 | |
extruder 顶样器 | |
eye sketch 目测草图 | |
eye visible crack 肉眼可见裂缝 | |
F | |
F fabric analysis 组构分析 | |
fabric 构造,结构 | |
fabric 组构 | |
facies 相 | |
facing 护面 | |
factor 因数,系数,比率 | |
failure condition 破坏条件 | |
failure criterion 破坏准则 | |
failure in shear 剪切破坏 | |
failure load 破坏荷载 | |
failure plane 破坏面 | |
failure surface 破坏面 | |
failure zone 破坏区 | |
failure 破坏 | |
fall head 降落水头 | |
fall 落距 | |
falling cone method 沉锥法(液限试验〕 | |
falling head permeability test 变水头渗透试验 | |
fault gouge 断层泥 | |
fault plane 断层面 | |
fault strike 断层走向 | |
fault throw 断距 | |
fault trough 地堑 | |
fault zone 断层带 | |
fault 断层 | |
feather joint 羽状节理 | |
feature 特征,特性 | |
feldspar 长石 | |
Fellenius method of slices 费伦纽斯条分法 | |
field density test 现场密度试验 | |
field determination 野外鉴定 | |
field identification 现场鉴定 | |
field investigation 野外勘察 | |
field measurement 实地测量 | |
field measurements 现场测试 | |
field record 外业资料 | |
field sketch 外业草图 | |
field test 现场试验 | |
field vane test 现场十字板试验 | |
field work 外业 | |
figure 图 | |
fill structure 填方工程 | |
fill 填土,填土 | |
filled earth 填土 | |
filling pile 灌注桩 | |
filter dam 透水坝 | |
filter well 渗水井 | |
filter-well 渗水井 | |
final penetration 最终贯入度 | |
final pressure 最终压力 | |
final ttlement 最终沉降量 | |
fine aggregate 细粒料 | |
fine fissure 微裂隙 | |
fine sand 细砂 | |
fine screen 细筛 | |
fine-grained soil 细粒土 | |
fines 细粒土 | |
finite aquifer 有限含水层 | |
finite difference method 有限差分法有致命吸引力的星座女 | |
finite difference method 有限差分法 | |
finite element method 有限单元法 | |
finite slice method 条分法 | |
fissure water 裂隙水 | |
fissure 裂隙 | |
fitting 拟合 | |
fixed piston sampler 固定活塞式取样器 | |
fixed point 固定点 | |
fixed-ring consolidometer 固定环式固结仪 | |
fixing 固定 | |
flat grade 缓坡 | |
flat jack 扁千斤顶 | |
flexible foundation 柔性基础 | |
flood dam 防洪坝 | |
flood land 漫滩 | |
flood level 洪水位 | |
flood plain deposit 漫滩沉积 | |
flood plain 洪积平原 | |
flow curve 流量曲线 | |
flow diagram 流量图 | |
flow net 流网 | |
flow path 流径 | |
flow 流动 | |
flowing sand 流砂 | |
fluvial deposit 河流沉降 | |
fluvial terrace 河成阶地 | |
fold 褶皱 | |
foliation 叶理 | |
footing 基础 | |
force 受力,施加力 | |
forecast 预报 | |
form 形式 | |
formation 建造 | |
formula 公式 | |
forward interction 前方交会 | |
fossil soil 古土壤 | |
foundation ba 基础底面 | |
foundation beam 地基梁 | |
foundation bed 基础垫层 | |
foundation bottom 基底 | |
foundation design 基础设计 | |
foundation engineering 基础工程 | |
foundation investigation 地基勘察 | |
foundation pit 基坑 | |
foundation plan 基础平面图 | |
foundation pressure 基底压力 | |
foundation treatment 地基处理 | |
foundation 基础 | |
fracture 断裂 | |
free head 自由水头 | |
freeze 歇后增长(桩的承载力〕 | |
French drain 盲沟 | |
frequency diagram 频率图 | |
fretwork weathering 蜂窝式风化,粒状岩石风化 | |
friction pile 摩擦桩 | |
friction 摩擦,摩擦力 | |
frog-rammer 蛙式打夯机 | |
frost depth 冻结深度 | |
frost heave 冻胀 | |
frost weathering 冰冻风化 | |
frozen soil 冻土 | |
full scale test 足尺试验 | |
full-face digging 全面开挖 | |
function 函数 | |
fuzzy mathematics 模糊数学 | |
G | |
gabbro 辉长岩 | |
gamma-rays logging 伽马射线测井 | |
gap gradation 不连续级配 | |
gauge 量表,量规 | |
general characteristic 一般特性 | |
general description 总述 | |
general geology 普通地质(学) | |
general layout 总图 | |
general plan 总图 | |
generalized procedure of slices 广义条分 法 | |
geodesy 大地测量学 | |
geodetic(al) datum 大地基准点 | |
geodetic(al) formation 地质建造 | |
geodetic(al) surveying 大地测量 | |
geodimeter 光电测距仪 | |
geographic coordinates 地理坐标 | |
geography 地理学 | |
geohydrology 水文地质学 | |
geologic structure 地质构造 | |
geologic(al) age 地质年代 | |
geological condition 地质条件 | |
geological engineer 地质工程师 | |
geological log 地质记录 | |
geological map 地质图 | |
geological ction 地质剖面图 | |
geological survey 地质测绘 | |
geology 地质(学) | |
geomechanics 地质力学 | |
geometric shape 几何形状 | |
geomorphological map 地貌图 | |
geomorphology 地球形态(学); | |
geophone pattern 检波器组合(形式) | |
geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探 | |
geophysical log 地球物理测井记录 | |
geophysical logging 地球物理测井 | |
geophysics 地质力学 | |
geotechnical engineering 岩土工程 | |
geotechnical laboratory 岩土试验室 | |
geotechnical map 岩土工程图 | |
geotechnique 岩土工程 | |
geotectonic map 地质构造图 | |
geotextile 土工织物 | |
girder 绗架 | |
glacial action 冰川作用 | |
glacial deposit 冰川沉积 | |
glacial till 冰啧物 | |
gneiss 片麻岩 | |
goaf 采空区(矿) | |
graben 地堑 | |
gradation 级配 | |
grade of concrete 混凝土标号 | |
grade 等级,级别 | |
gradient of groundwater table 地下水位坡降 | |
gradient 梯度 | |
graduated cylinder 量筒 | |
grain size 粒径大小 | |
grain size accumulation curve 粒径累积曲线 | |
grain skeleton 颗粒骨架 | |
grain-size analysis 粒径分析 | |
grain-size distribution curve 粒径分布曲线 | |
grain-size distribution 粒径分布 | |
grain-size grading 粒径级配 | |
granite 花岗岩 | |
graphic scale 图示比例尺 | |
gravel pile 碎石桩 | |
gravel road 砾石路 | |
gravel stratum 砾石层 | |
gravel 砾石 | |
gravel-sand cushion 砂砾垫层 | |
gravitational exploration 重力勘探 | |
graystone 玄武岩 | |
grotto 洞室 | |
ground level 地面标高 | |
ground acceleration 地面加速度 | |
ground anchor 地锚 | |
ground elevation 地面标高 | |
ground treatment 地基处理 | |
ground vegetation 地面植被 | |
ground water divide 地下分水岭 | |
ground water level 地下水面 | |
ground water regime 地下水动态 | |
ground water 地下水 | |
ground 地基 | |
groundwater discharge 地下水流量 | |
groundwater exploration 地下水勘探 | |
groundwater level 地下水位 | |
groundwater lowering 降低地下水位 | |
group of well 井群 | |
group pile action 桩群作用 | |
group 群 | |
grout curtain 灌浆帷幕 | |
groutability ratio 可灌比 | |
grouting pressure 灌浆压力 | |
grouting 灌浆 | |
grubbing 清理场地 | |
guide pile 定位桩 | |
gulley 排水沟 | |
gully erosion 沟蚀 | |
gully 冲沟 | |
H | |
H hammer 锤 | |
hand rammer 人力夯 | |
handling stress 起吊应力(桩工〕 | |
hand-operated auger 手摇麻花钻 | |
hand-operated auger 手摇螺旋钻 | |
hardness of water 水的硬度 | |
hardness scale 硬度计 | |
hardness 硬度 | |
hardometer 硬度计 | |
Harvard miniature compaction test 哈佛小型击实试验 | |
head loss 水头损失 | |
head 头,顶部 | |
headrace channel 引水沟 | |
heavy cut 深挖 | |
heavy grade 陡坡 | |
heavy penetration 重型触探 | |
heavy tamping 重锤夯实 | |
heavy walled pipe 厚壁管 | |
height of instrument 仪器高度 | |
height of sight line 视线高程 | |
height system 高程系统 | |
height 高度 | |
heterogeneity 不均匀性 | |
high pressure grouting 高压灌浆 | |
high standard of accuracy 高精度 | |
highest water level 最高水位 | |
highland 高地 | |
high-ri building 高层建筑物 | |
highway engineering 公路工程 | |
hilly ground 丘陵地 | |
hoggin 夹砂砾石 | |
hole top 孔口 | |
hole 孔 | |
hollow pile 空心桩 | |
Holocene ries 全新统 | |
homegeneous deformation 均匀变形 | |
homogeneous soil 均质土 | |
horizontal acceleration 水平加速度 | |
horizontal control 平面控制 | |
horizontal crack 水平裂缝 | |
horizontal displacement 水平位移 | |
horizontal joint 水平节理 | |
horizontal layer 水平层 | |
horizontal stratification 水平层理 | |
housing area 居住区 | |
humus soil 腐植土 | |
hydration water 吸附水 | |
hydraulic conductivity 导水性 | |
hydraulic engineering 水利工程 | |
hydraulic excavation 水力开挖 | |
hydraulic fill 水力冲填 | |
hydraulic gradient 水力梯度 | |
hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶 | |
hydrogenic rock 冲积岩 | |
hydrogeologic parameter 水文地质参数 | |
hydrogeologic(al) condition 水文地质条件 | |
hydrogeologic(al) survey 水文地质调查 | |
hydrogeological exploration 水文地质勘探 | |
hydrogeological map 水文地质图 | |
hydrogeological obrvation 水文地质观测 | |
hydrogeological rearch 水文地质调查 | |
hydrogeology 水文地质学 | |
hydroisohyp 等水深线 | |
hydrological cycle 水文循环 | |
hydrological data 水文数据 | |
hydrolysis 水解 | |
hydrostatic pressure 静水压力 | |
hydrostatic state of stress 静水应力状态 | |
hysteresis loop 滞后曲线 | |
hysteresis loop 滞回环 | |
hysteresis modulus 滞回模量 | |
hysteresis 滞后现象 | |
I | |
I ice movement 冰川运动 | |
identification 鉴定 | |
igneous rock 火成岩 | |
ignition loss 灼失量 | |
illite 伊利石 | |
immature accumulational loess 新近堆积黄土 | |
immature residual soil 新残积土 | |
immediate ttlement 瞬时沉降 | |
immersion test 浸水试验 | |
impermeability 不透水性 | |
impermeable layer 不透水层 | |
impermeable stratum 不透水层 | |
impervious layer 不透水层 | |
inclined plane 倾斜面 | |
inclinometer 测斜仪 | |
incomplete well 非完整井 | |
increment 增量 | |
indeterminate error 不定误差 | |
index properties 指标特性 | |
index 指数 | |
individual footing 独立基础 | |
individual foundation 单独基础 | |
induced polarization method 激发极化法 | |
infiltration capacity 入渗量 | |
infiltration well 入渗井 | |
infinite aquifer 无限含水层 | |
influence chart 感应图 | |
influence coefficient 影响系数 | |
influx 河口 | |
infrared photograph 红外线摄影像片 | |
infrastructure 下部结构 | |
inherent error 固有误差 | |
inhomogeneous soil 非均质土 | |
initial collap pressure 湿陷起始压力 | |
initial compression 初始压缩 | |
initial condition 初始条件 | |
initial density 初始密度 | |
initial moisture content 初始含水量 | |
initial placement condition 初始填筑条件 | |
initial point 起始点 | |
initial pore water pressure 初始孔隙水压力 | |
initial reading 起始读数 | |
initial ttlement 初始沉降 | |
initial shear stress ratio 起始剪应力比 | |
initial stress 初始应力 | |
initial void ratio 初始孔隙比 | |
initial void ratio 初始孔隙比 | |
initial 初始的 | |
injection grouting 压力灌浆 | |
injection well 注水井 | |
injection 喷射 | |
inking-in 上墨 | |
inlet culvert 进水涵洞 | |
inorganic soil 无机土 | |
in-situ CBR test 原位加州承载比试验 | |
in-situ test 原位试验 | |
instantaneous load 瞬时荷载 | |
instrument error 仪器误差 | |
instrument 仪器 | |
instrumented pile 装有测量仪器的桩 | |
instrumented pile 装有量测元件的桩 | |
intact rock 完整岩石 | |
intact specimen 原状试件 | |
intensity scale 地震烈度表 | |
interbedded stratum 夹层 | |
interbedding 互层 | |
intercalated bed 间层,夹层 | |
intercalation 夹层 | |
interim criterion 暂行准则 | |
interlayer water 层间水 | |
interlayer 夹层 | |
intermediate 中间的 | |
intermont 山间凹地 | |
intermontane basin 山间盆地 | |
intermontane plain 山间平原 | |
internal scour 潜蚀 | |
International System 国际单位 | |
interpolated value 内插值 | |
interpolation 内插法 | |
interpretation of aerial photograph 航片判译 | |
interpretation of logs 测井曲线解释 | |
interpretation 解释,解译 | |
interpreted photograph 判读像片 | |
interction 交会 | |
interval 间距 | |
intrinsic property 内在特性 | |
intrinsic shear strength curve 摩尔圆强度包络线 | |
intrusive rock 侵入岩 | |
inver proportion 反比例 | |
inverted filter 反滤层 | |
investigation 勘察 | |
ion exchange 离子交换 | |
iron concretion 铁质结核 | |
irregularly load 不规则分布荷载 | |
isolated foundation 独立基础 | |
isotope tracer studies 同位素示踪研究 | |
isotopic age determination 同位素年代测定 | |
isotropy 各向同性 | |
iterative method 迭代法 | |
J | |
J jack 千斤顶 | |
jacked pile 压入(式)桩 | |
jet grouting 喷射灌浆 | |
jetted pile 水冲桩 | |
jetting piling 射水沉桩 | |
joint diagram 节理图 | |
joint fissure 节理裂缝 | |
joint plane 节理面 | |
joint pole scatter diagram 节理极点分散图 | |
joint system 节理系 | |
joint 节理 | |
K | |
K kaolin 高岭土 | |
kaolinite 高岭石 | |
karst phenomenon 岩溶现象 | |
karst region 岩溶区 | |
karst topography 岩溶地形 | |
karst 岩溶 | |
kelly bar 方形钻杆 | |
key pile 主桩 | |
kidney 小卵石 | |
knee of curve 曲线拐点 | |
knee 拐点(曲线〕 | |
knife edge 刀口(天平的支点) | |
L | |
L lacustrine facies 湖相 | |
lagoon 泻湖 | |
lamella 薄层 | |
lamellar 成薄层的 | |
land drainage 地面排水 | |
land planning 土地规划 | |
land subsidence 地面下沉 | |
land upheaval 地面隆起 | |
land 土地,陆地 | |
land-leveling 土地平整 | |
land-mark 地物;陆标;界标 | |
landslide along predetermined surface 已有面的滑坡 | |
landslide classification 滑坡分类 | |
landslide treatment 滑坡处理 | |
landslide 滑坡 | |
lateral compression 侧向压缩 | |
lateral deformation 侧向变形 | |
lateral earth pressure 侧向土压力 | |
lateral erosion 侧向侵蚀 | |
lateral interction 侧方交会 | |
lateral pressure 侧压力 | |
lateral strain 侧向应变 | |
lateral stress 侧向应力 | |
laterite soil 红土 | |
laterite 红土 | |
law 定律 | |
layer 层 | |
layered strata 层状地层 | |
layerwi summation method 分层总和法 | |
laying depth 埋设深度 | |
layout map 布置图 | |
leading feature 主要特征 | |
leading pile 导桩 | |
leakage 渗漏 | |
least square method 最小二乘法 | |
lens 透镜体 | |
level instrument 水准仪 | |
level net 水准线网 | |
level pole 水准标尺 | |
level rod 水准尺 | |
level survey 水准测量 | |
level 水平,水准 | |
leveling 水准测量 | |
levelled up 整平 | |
lift thickness 铺土厚度 | |
light sounding test blow count 钎探击数 | |
limb 翼 | |
lime pile 石灰桩 | |
lime soil 灰土 | |
lime stabilization 石灰加固 | |
lime-soil compaction pile 灰土挤密桩 | |
lime-soil cushion 灰土垫层 | |
lime-soil pile 灰土桩 | |
limestone 石灰岩 | |
limit analysis 极限状态分析 | |
limit equilibrium analysis 极限平衡分析 | |
limit equilibrium 极限平衡 | |
limit of accuracy 精度极限 | |
limit of error 误差极限 | |
limit 限制 | |
limiting condition 极限条件 | |
line load 线荷载 | |
line of sight 视线 | |
line 线,线路 | |
linear deformation 线性变形 | |
linear shrinkage 线性收缩 | |
linear strain 线应变 | |
lined borehole 下套管的钻孔 | |
lining of canal 渠道护面 | |
lining of slope 坡面铺砌 | |
lining of tunnels 隧道衬砌 | |
lining pole (测量)花杆 | |
lining 衬砌 | |
lintel 过梁 | |
liquefaction characteristic 液化特性 | |
liquefaction failure 液化破坏 | |
liquefaction potential 液化势 | |
liquefaction 液化 | |
liquefied sand 液化砂土 | |
liquid limit 液限 | |
liquid state 液态 | |
liquidity index 液性指数 | |
liquid-limit device 液限仪 | |
lithologic character 岩性特征 | |
lithologic profile 岩性剖面 | |
live load 活荷载 | |
lmechanical analysis 粒径分析 | |
load distribution 载荷分布 | |
load factor 荷载因数 | |
load gauge 测力计 | |
load increment 荷载增量 | |
load strain curve 载荷-应变曲线 | |
load test on pile 桩上荷载试验 | |
load 荷载 | |
loading plate 承压板 | |
loading 荷载,加荷 | |
load-ttlement curve 荷载-沉降曲线 | |
local pneumatic process 局部气压法(盾构) | |
local shear failure 局部剪切破坏 | |
local unconformity 局部不整合 | |
loess concretion 姜结石 | |
loess deposit 黄土沉积 | |
loess plateau 黄土高原 | |
loess 黄土 | |
loess-doll 黄土结核 | |
loessial soil 黄土状土 | |
log 记录,描述 | |
logarithm of time fitting method 时间对数拟合法 | |
logarithmic paper 对数坐标纸 | |
logging 记录,测井 | |
long run test 长期试验 | |
longitudinal crack 纵向裂缝 | |
longitudinal ction 纵断面 | |
longitudinal shrinkage 纵向收缩 | |
long-term record 长期观察资料 | |
long-term stability 长期稳定性 | |
long-term strength 长期强度 | |
long-time obrvation 长期观测 | |
loop 环,回线 | |
loo soil 松散土 | |
loss 损失 | |
low limb 下翼 | |
low river basin (河流)下游流域 | |
low tide level 低潮面 | |
low water level 低水位 | |
lower plate 下盘 | |
lowering of the water table 水位降低 | |
lowering 降低,减少 | |
lowest water level 最低水位 | |
Luoyang spoon 洛阳铲 | |
M | |
M macadam road 碎石路 | |
machine 机具 | |
macropore 大孔隙 | |
macroporous soil 大孔土 | |
magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探 | |
magnification factor 放大因数 | |
main river 干流 | |
maintained load test 维持荷载法(试桩) | |
major principal strain 大主应变 | |
major project 重点工程 | |
Malan loess 马兰黄土 | |
mantle friction 表面摩擦 | |
manual auger 手摇麻花钻 | |
map measure 图上量算 | |
map sheet 图幅 | |
map 地图,图 | |
margin of error 误差范围 | |
margin of safety 安全储备 | |
margin 范围 | |
marine deposit 海相沉积 | |
mark 标记 | |
markstone 标石 | |
marsh area 沼泽区 | |
marsh 沼泽 | |
massive texture 块状结构 | |
mass-spring-dashpot system 质量-弹簧-阻尼器体系 | |
master curve 量板 | |
master fault 主断层 | |
master plan 总平面图 | |
master stream 干流 | |
mat foundation 片筏基础 | |
material 材料,物质 | |
mathematical statistics 数理统计 | |
maximum dry density 最大干密度 | |
maximum dry unit weight 最大干容重 | |
maximum molecular water content 最大分子吸水量 | |
maximum cond discharge 最大秒流量 | |
maximum yield 最大涌水量 | |
mean effective pressure 平均有效压力 | |
mean error 平均误差 | |
mean square error 均方误差 | |
mean value 平均值 | |
mean water level 平均水位 | |
meander 河曲 | |
measure of precision 精确度 | |
measure 尺寸,量算 | |
measurement error 测量误差 | |
measurement line 测量线 | |
measurement 测量,度量 | |
mechanical analysis curve 粒径分析曲线 | |
mechanical deposit 动力沉积 | |
mechanical stabilization 机械加固法 | |
mechanics 力学 | |
mechanism of landslide 滑坡机理 | |
medium density 中密 | |
medium sand 中砂 | |
megatectonics 巨型构造 | |
melting pot 坩埚 | |
membrane correction 橡皮膜校正(三轴试 | |
membrane penetration effect 橡皮膜嵌入效应(三轴) | |
membrane 橡皮膜(三轴试验) | |
meniscus 弯液面 | |
mesh 网 | |
meshy 网状的 | |
metamorhism 变质作用 | |
metamorphic rock 变质岩 | |
method of corner points 角点法 | |
method of fixed points 定点法 | |
method of interpolation 内插法 | |
method of interction 前方交会法 | |
method of iteration 迭代法 | |
method of least squares 最小二乘法 | |
method of repetition 复测法 | |
method of rection 后方交会法 | |
method of ismic prospecting 地震勘探法 | |
method of slices 条分法 | |
method of substitution 代入法 | |
method 方法 | |
Meyerhof's formula 梅耶霍夫公式 | |
mica 云母 | |
microfabric 微组构 | |
micro-pile 小型桩 | |
microrelief 微地形;微起伏 | |
microstructure 微观结构 | |
microtexture 微观结构 | |
migrating dune 移动沙丘 | |
mineral identification 矿物鉴定 | |
mineral 矿物 | |
mineralogical analysis 矿物分析 | |
minimum void ratio 最小孔隙比 | |
mining subsidence 采空坍陷 | |
minor principal strain 小主应变 | |
Miocene ries 中新统 | |
mistakes 错差 | |
mis-tie 闭合差 | |
MM=Modified Mercell scale 修正的麦卡利 | |
modification factor 改正系数 | |
modulus of compression 压缩模量 | |
modulus of deformation 变形模量 | |
modulus of dilatation 膨胀模量 | |
modulus of elasticity 弹性模量 | |
modulus of subgrade reaction 基床反力模量 | |
modulus 模量 | |
Mohr-Coulomb criterion 摩尔-库仑准则 | |
Mohr's circle 摩尔圆 | |
Mohr's envelope 摩尔包线 | |
moist 湿的 | |
moisture content 含水量 | |
moisture probe 含水量探测仪 | |
moisture-density curve 击实曲线 | |
monitoring 监测 | |
monkey 打桩锤 | |
montmorillonite 蒙脱石 | |
morainal deposit 冰碛沉积 | |
mortar 灰泥 | |
mosaic texture 镶嵌结构 | |
moulded-in-place pile 就地灌注桩 | |
mountain pediment 山麓侵蚀平原 | |
mountain side 山腰 | |
mountain tunnel 穿山隧洞 | |
movement 运动 | |
muckle 淤泥 | |
mucky soil 淤泥质土 | |
mud pump 泥浆泵 | |
mud 泥浆 | |
mudflat 淤泥滩 | |
mudflow 泥流 | |
mudstone 泥岩 | |
muffler piling 消声打桩 | |
multilayer structure 多层结构 | |
multilayer 多层 | |
multiple well pumping 多孔抽水 | |
multi-ction pile 多节桩 | |
multi-stage well point system 多级井点系统 | |
municipal engineering 市政工程 | |
municipal 市政的 | |
N | |
N naked-eye obrvation 肉眼观测 | |
narrow gradation 均匀级配 | |
native 当地的 | |
natural condition 自然条件 | |
natural consistency 天然稠度 | |
natural density 天然密度 | |
natural foundation 天然基础 | |
nature moisture content 天然含水量 | |
needle penetrometer 针式贯入器 | |
negative skin friction 负摩擦力(桩工) | |
Neogene system 上第三系 | |
neo-loess 新黄土 | |
neotectonic movement 新构造运动 | |
net foundation pressure 基底净压力 | |
net 网 | |
network 网络 | |
neutral point 中性点(桩工) | |
nonhomogeneous soil 非均质土 | |
non-isotropic 各向异性 | |
nonplastic soil 无粘性土 | |
non-uniform ttlement 不均匀沉降 | |
normal consolidation 正常固结 | |
normal displacement 法向位移 | |
normal distribution 正态分布 | |
normal earthquake 浅震 | |
normal fault 正断层 | |
normal force 法向力 | |
normal pressure 法向压力 | |
normal strain 法向应变 | |
normal stress 法向应力 | |
normal water level 正常水位 | |
normalization 归一化 | |
normally consolidated clay 正常团结粘土 | |
normally consolidated soil 正常固结土 | |
null drift 零点漂移 | |
number of blows per 30cm 每贯入30cm击数 | |
number of blows 击数 | |
number of roller pass 碾压遍数 | |
number 数,序号 | |
numerical analysis 数值分析 | |
O | |
Oobrvation well for groundwater 地下水观测孔 | |
obrvation borehole 观察孔(井) | |
obrvation error 观察误差 | |
obrvation station 观测站 | |
obrvation well 观测井 | |
obrvation 观测 | |
obrving program 观测纲要 | |
oedometer test 固结试验 | |
oedometer 固结仪 | |
office work 内业 | |
offshore deposit 近海沉积 | |
Oligocene ries 渐新统 | |
one-piece structure 整体结构 | |
one-story structure 单层结构 | |
on-site 原位 | |
onsolidated anisotropically undrained test 各向不等压固结不排水试验 | |
open caisson 沉井 | |
open cut 大开挖 | |
open drainage 明沟排水 | |
open test pit 露天试验坑 | |
open trench 明沟 | |
open weir 开敞式溢流堰 | |
open-cut tunnel 明挖隧道 | |
optimum moisture content 最优含水量 | |
optimum eking method 优选法 | |
optimum value 最佳值 | |
ore 矿石 | |
organic content 有机质含量 | |
organic matter 有机质 | |
organic soil 有机质土 | |
origin of coordinates 坐标原点 | |
origin of heights 高程原点 | |
origin 原始,原点 | |
original cohesion 原始内聚力 | |
original data 原始数据 | |
o-ring al 密封O形圈 | |
oscilloscope screen 示波器 | |
outcrop of ground water 地下水露头 | |
outcrop 露头 | |
outfall 河道出口 | |
outlet 排水口 | |
outline map 略图 | |
outline 外形 | |
overbank 河漫滩 | |
overbreak 超挖 | |
overburden layer 覆盖层 | |
overburden pressure 上覆压力 | |
overburden 覆盖层 | |
overconsolidated clay 超固结粘土 | |
overconsolidated soil 超固结土 | |
overconsolidated 超固结 | |
overconsolidation ratio 超固结比 | |
overflow well 溢流井 | |
overland flow 表面径流 | |
overlying stratum 覆盖层 | |
over-rolling 过度碾压 | |
oversaturated 过饱和的 | |
oxbow lake 牛轭湖 | |
oxidizing potential 氧化电位 | |
P | |
P pace method 步测法 | |
packed soil 夯实土 | |
packer test 钻孔压水试验 | |
pad foundation 独立基础 | |
Paleocene ries 古新统 | |
paleo-loess 老黄土 | |
paper 纸 | |
parabolic dune 新月形沙丘 | |
paraffin wax 石蜡 | |
parallax 视差 | |
parameter 参数 | |
partial pressure 局部压力 | |
partial saturation 不完全饱和 | |
passive earth pressure coefficient 被动土压力系数 | |
passive earth pressure 被动土压力 | |
passive state of plastic equilibrium 被动塑性平衡状态 | |
path of percolation 渗漏路径 | |
path 路径 | |
pave 铺砌 | |
peak discharge 峰值流量 | |
peak value 峰值 | |
pebble 小卵石 | |
pediment 山前侵蚀平原 | |
peg 木桩 | |
penetration resistance 贯入阻力 | |
penetration 贯入 | |
percent compaction 压实系数 | |
percent consolidation 固结度 | |
percent fines 细粒含量百分率 | |
perched water 上层滞水 | |
percussion boring 冲击钻探 | |
period of oscillation 振动周期 | |
period of vibration 振动周期 | |
period 周期,时期 | |
periodic change 周期性变化 | |
periodic vibration 周期性振动 | |
permanent deformation 永久变形 | |
permanent hardness 永久硬度 | |
permanent stream 常流河 | |
permeability test 渗透试验 | |
permeability 渗透性 | |
permeable stratum 透水层 | |
personal error 人为误差 | |
pervious foundation 透水地基 | |
phenomena 现象 | |
photodetection 光电探测 | |
photogrammetric survey 摄影测量 | |
photograph interpretation 像片判读 | |
photograph 像片 | |
phyllite 千枚岩 | |
physical weathering 物理风化 | |
pickup 拾振器,检波器 | |
pier foundation 墩式基础 | |
pier 墩 | |
piezoelectric transducer 压电传感器 | |
piezometer tip 孔隙水压测头 | |
pile cap 桩(承)台 | |
pile driver lead 打桩机导向柱 | |
pile driver 打桩机 | |
pile driving formula 打桩公式 | |
pile driving 打桩 | |
pile eccentricity 桩偏位 | |
pile extension 接桩 | |
pile foundation 桩基 | |
pile group 桩群 | |
pile hammer 打桩锤 | |
pile head 桩头 | |
pile ring 桩箍 | |
pile shoe 桩靴 | |
pile spacing 桩距 | |
pile splice 桩接头 | |
pile tip 桩端 | |
pile 桩 | |
piling compaction 打桩挤密 | |
piling work 打桩工程 | |
piling 打桩 | |
pipe culvert 管涵 | |
pipe pile foundation 管桩基础 | |
pipe pile 管桩 | |
pipe sinking 沉管法 | |
pipe 管道 | |
pipeline survey 管线测量 | |
piping effect 管涌 | |
piping plan 管道图 | |
piping 管涌 | |
piracy (河道)夺流 | |
piston sampler 活塞取样器 | |
pit sampling 探坑取样 | |
pit 坑 | |
plain concrete 素混凝土 | |
plain fill 素填土 | |
plain 平原 | |
plan soil cushion 素土垫层 | |
plan 平面图 | |
planation surface 夷平面 | |
plane table 平板仪 | |
plane and geodetic surveying 普通及大地测量 | |
plane of max. shearing stress 最大剪应 力面 | |
plane of shear 剪切面 | |
plane of weakness 软弱面 | |
plane 平面 | |
plane-table survey 平板仪测量 | |
plastic deformation 塑性变形 | |
plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡 | |
plastic failure 塑性破坏 | |
plastic limit 塑限 | |
plastic state 塑性状态 | |
plastic zone 塑性区 | |
plasticity chart 塑性图 | |
plasticity index 塑性指数 | |
plastic-viscous flow 塑性粘滞流动 | |
plate loading test 平板载荷试验 | |
plate 板 | |
plateau 高原 | |
platform 地台 | |
Pleistocene ries 更新统 | |
Pliocene ries 上新统 | |
plotting 绘图 | |
plugging 钻孔回填 | |
pluvial deposit 洪水沉积 | |
Poctor compaction test 葡氏击实试验 | |
Poctor dynamic test 葡氏动力击实试验 | |
point load test 点荷载试验 | |
point load 集中荷载 | |
point resistance pressure 端头阻力 | |
point 点 | |
Poisson’s ratio 泊松比 | |
Poisson's ratio 泊松比 | |
polarization 极化 | |
pole 杆 | |
pollen analysis 花粉分析 | |
polymer stabilization 聚合物加固 | |
ponding test 浸水试验 | |
poorly graded soil 级配不良土 | |
poorly rounded gravel 磨圆度不良的砾石 | |
pore pressure dissipation 孔隙压力消散 | |
pore pressure parameters 孔隙压力系数 | |
pore pressure 孔隙压力 | |
pore water pressure 孔隙水压力 | |
pore water 孔隙水 | |
pore 孔隙 | |
portable 轻便的 | |
portage 搬运 | |
position fixing 定位 | |
potential surface of weakness 潜在软弱面 | |
potential failure surface 潜在破坏面 | |
potential fault 隐伏断层 | |
potential 势,潜能 | |
pounder 夯锤 | |
pour 灌注 | |
poured-in-place 现场浇注 | |
power table 动力夯 | |
precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩 | |
precast 预制的 | |
precision 精度 | |
precompression 预压 | |
pre-consolidation pressure 先期固结压力 | |
predicted ttlement 预计沉降量 | |
prediction of groundwater regime 地下水动态预测 | |
prediction of ttlement 沉降预测 | |
prediction 预报 | |
predominant period 卓越周期 | |
preliminary design 初步设计 | |
preliminary investigation 初步勘察 | |
preloading method 预压法 | |
preloading 预压 | |
presd pile 压入桩 | |
presd sampler 压入式取样器 | |
pressure cell 压力盒 | |
pressure difference 压力差 | |
pressure distribution 压力分布 | |
pressure gauge 压力表 | |
pressure grouting 压力灌浆 | |
pressure meter modulus 旁压仪模量 | |
pressure nsor 压力传感器 | |
pressure transducer 压力传感器 | |
pressure 压力 | |
pressure-void ratio curve 压缩曲线 | |
pretest pile 预试桩(托换工程) | |
primary compression 主压缩 | |
primary consolidation 主固结 | |
primary loess 原生黄土 | |
primary mineral 解红原生矿物 | |
primary record 原始资料 | |
principal earthquake 主震 | |
principal engineer主任工程师 | |
principal fold 主褶皱 | |
principal plane 主平面 | |
principal river 干流 | |
principal strain 主应变 | |
principal stress change 主应力变化 | |
principal stress 主应力 | |
principle of least squares 最小二乘法原理 | |
principle 原理 | |
probability 概率 | |
probable error 或然误差 | |
probable value 概率值 | |
probe 探头 | |
procedure 程序 | |
process 过程,程序 | |
Proctor compaction test 普罗克特击实试验 | |
profile 剖面 | |
program 纲要,程序 | |
project 工程 | |
properties 特性 | |
proportion 比例 | |
propod 拟定的 | |
propping 支撑 | |
prospecting 勘探 | |
prototype gradation 天然级配 | |
proving ring 应力环 | |
pphicity 磨圆度 | |
pudoconformity 假整合 | |
pull-out test 拔桩试验 | |
pul amplitude 脉冲振幅 | |
pump discharge 抽水量 | |
pump 泵 | |
pumping test 抽水试验 | |
pumping 抽水 | |
punner 夯具 | |
punning 打桩 | |
pyrolith 火成岩 | |
Q | |
Q qualitative analysis 定性分析 | |
qualitative interpretation 定性判读 | |
quantitative analysis 定量分析 | |
quarry stone 毛石 | |
quarry 采石场 | |
quartz 石英 | |
quasi-preconsolidation pressure 准先期固结压力 | |
Quaternary system 第四系 | |
Quaternary period 第四纪 | |
Quaternary diment 第四纪沉积物 | |
Quaternary system 第四系 | |
quick shear test 快剪试验 | |
quick soil classification 土的简易分类法 | |
quincuncial piles 梅花桩 | |
R | |
radial drainage 辐射状水系 | |
radioactivity log 放射性测井记录 | |
radius of influence 影响半径 | |
raft foundation 浮筏基础 | |
rainfall 降雨(量) | |
raked pile 斜桩 | |
ram machine 打桩机 | |
ram 打夯 | |
rammer 夯具 | |
random analysis 随机分析 | |
random distribution 随机分布 | |
random increment 随机增量 | |
random sampling 随机取样 | |
random variable 随机变量 | |
random vibration 随机振动 | |
range of error 误差范围 | |
range of instrument 仪器量程 | |
range of values 范围值 | |
range of variation 变化范围 | |
range 范围 | |
ranger 测距仪 | |
Rankine's earth pressure theory 朗肯土压力理论 | |
rate of capillary ri 毛细管上升速度 | |
rate of loading 加荷速率 | |
rate of ttlement 沉降速率 | |
rate 速度,速率 | |
ratio 比率 | |
rational depth 合理井深 | |
rational spacing between wells 合理井距 | |
reaction 反作用 | |
reading 读数 | |
real aperture 实际孔径 | |
rebound curve 回弹曲线 | |
rebound 回弹 | |
recently deposited soil 新近堆积土 | |
recharge area 补给区 | |
recharge well 水回灌井 | |
recharging 回灌(地下水) | |
recirculation 再循环 | |
reconnaissance map 踏勘图 | |
reconnaissance 踏勘 | |
reconstruction work 改建工程 | |
record paper 记录纸 | |
record 记录,资料 | |
rectangular coordinates 直角坐标 | |
rectangular foundaton 矩形基础 | |
redeposited loess 次生黄土 | |
redriving 复打(桩工) | |
reduction factor of pile group 群桩折减系数 | |
reference data 参考资料 | |
region of intake 补给区 | |
region of outflow 排泄区 | |
region 地区,区域 | |
regional geology 区域地质(学) | |
regional planning program 区域规划方案 | |
regression analysis 回归分析 | |
regulation discharge 调节流量 | |
regulation 规程 | |
reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩 | |
reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 | |
relation 关系 | |
relative age 相对年代 | |
relative amplitude 相对振幅 | |
relative density 相对密度 | |
relative humidity 相对湿度 | |
relative relief 相对起伏 | |
reliability analysis 可靠性分析 | |
reliability 可靠性 | |
relief feature 地形 | |
relief well 泄水井 | |
relief 地形,地势起伏 | |
remolded sample 重塑土样 | |
remote control 遥控 | |
remote measurement 遥测 | |
remote nsing technique 遥感技术 | |
remote nsing 遥感 | |
remoulding loss 重塑后的强度损失 | |
reobrvation 重测 | |
replacement method 换土法(地基处理) | |
replenish 再补给 | |
report 报告(书) | |
reprentative sample 代表性土样 | |
reprentative 有代表性的 | |
rearch 调查 | |
residual cohesion 残余内聚力 | |
residual deformation 残余变形 | |
residual deposit 残积 | |
residual error 剩余误差 | |
residual pore pressure 剩余孔隙压力 | |
residual ttlement 残余沉降 | |
residual shear strength 残余抗剪强度 | |
residual strain 残余应变 | |
resilimeter 回弹仪 | |
resistance to weather 抗风化能力 | |
resistance 阻力 | |
resistivity log 电阻率测井记录 | |
resistivity 电阻率 | |
resolution 分解 | |
resonance 共振(现象) | |
resonant column method 共振柱法 | |
resonant column triaxial test apparatus共振柱三轴仪 | |
respon curve 反应(特性)曲线 | |
restitution coefficient (桩的)回弹系数 | |
restrain 限制 | |
retained amount 筛余量 | |
retaining wall 挡土墙 | |
reticule 十字丝 | |
retrogressive landslide 牵引式滑坡;向 源 (逆行)滑坡 | |
reversal of load 反向荷载 | |
rever fault 逆断层 | |
reversible cycle 可逆循环 | |
revetment 护坡;铺(砌)面 | |
revolution 旋转 | |
rhythmic dimentation 韵律沉积 | |
rhythmic succession 韵律层序 | |
rhythmic unit 韵律层 | |
rig 钻机 | |
rigidity 刚度 | |
ring foundation 环形基础 | |
ring 环形物 | |
riprap 抛石 | |
ri of arch 拱高 | |
ri of span 跨高 | |
ri 上升 | |
river bank 河岸 | |
river basin 流域 | |
river bed 河床 | |
river bottom 河底 | |
river deposit 河流沉积 | |
river piracy 河流袭夺 | |
river side 河岸 | |
river valley 河谷 | |
river 江,河 | |
road 路 | |
rock fabric 岩石组构 | |
rock chamber 岩石洞室 | |
rock classification 岩石分类 | |
rock cliff 岩崖 | |
rock mechanics 岩石力学 | |
rock 岩石 | |
rockfill dam 堆石坝 | |
rod 杆,棒 | |
rolled dam 碾压土坝 | |
roller compaction 碾压 | |
roller 压路机 | |
rotary boring 回转钻进 | |
roundness 圆度 | |
round-off error 舍入误差 | |
routine soil test 常规土工试验 | |
routine test 常规试验 | |
routine 常规的 | |
row of piles 排桩 | |
row 排,行 | |
rubber sheath 橡皮套(大型三轴试验) | |
rubble 毛石 | |
runoff 迳流 | |
S | |
S safe load 安全荷载 | |
safety measure 安全措施 | |
safety factor 安全系数 | |
safety regulation 安全规程 | |
saline soil 盐渍土 | |
salt content 含盐量 | |
salty soil 盐渍土 | |
sample interval 试样间距 | |
sample 试样 | |
sampler 取土器 | |
sampling disturbance 取样扰动 | |
sampling tube 取样管 | |
sampling 取样 | |
sand drain 砂井 | |
sand dune 沙丘 | |
sand hill 沙丘 | |
sand pile 砂桩 | |
sand pit 采砂场 | |
sand 砂 | |
sand-gravel cushion 砂石垫层 | |
sandstone 砂岩 | |
sandy clay 砂质粘土 | |
sandy silt 砂质粉土 | |
sandy soil 砂质土 | |
saturated soil 饱和土 | |
saturated unit weight 饱和容重 | |
saturation line 浸润线 | |
saturation zone 饱和区 | |
saturation 饱和 | |
scale effect 尺度效应 | |
scale 比例尺 | |
scale-up factor (放大)比例系数 | |
scaly texture 鳞片状结构 | |
schematic diagram 示意图 | |
schist 片岩 | |
schisto structure 片状构造 | |
scintillogger 测井闪烁计数器 | |
scour 冲刷 | |
scouring velocity 冲刷速度 | |
screen test 筛分试验 | |
screen 筛 | |
screw pile 螺旋桩 | |
a level 海平面 | |
asonal river 季节性河 | |
at of ttlement 沉降影响范围 | |
condary compression 次固结 | |
condary consolidation ttlement 次固结沉降 | |
condary consolidation 二次固结 | |
condary loess 次生黄土 | |
condary minerals 次生矿物 | |
condary structure 次生构造 | |
ction 断面,截面 | |
dentary soil 原生土 | |
diment 沉积物 | |
dimentary rock 沉积岩 | |
dimentation analysis 沉淀分析 | |
dimentation analysis 沉淀分析 | |
dimentation 沉积作用 | |
epage deformation 渗透变形 | |
epage failure 渗透破坏 | |
epage flow 渗流 | |
epage zone 渗流区 | |
epage 渗流 | |
ismic exploration 地震勘探 | |
ismic acceleration 地震加速度 | |
ismic detector 地震检波器 | |
ismic focus 震源 | |
ismic geophysical method 地震物探法 | |
ismic intensity scale 地震烈度等级 | |
ismic intensity 地震烈度 | |
ismic magnitude 地震震级 | |
ismic zone 地震带 | |
ismic zoning 地震区划分 | |
ismic 地震的 | |
ismicity chart 地震烈度图 | |
ismograph 地震仪 | |
lf-jetting wellpoint 自射式井点 | |
lf-weight stress 自重应力 | |
lf-weight collap loess 自重湿陷性黄土 | |
lf-weight non-collap loess 非自重湿陷性黄土 | |
nsing 感光的,遥感 | |
nsitive clay 灵敏性粘土 | |
nsitivity 灵敏度 | |
nsor 传感器 | |
quence number 顺序号 | |
quence of strata 地层层次 | |
quence 次序,顺序 | |
rial sampling 连续取样 | |
ries 系列,统 | |
t 贯入度 | |
tting 调整,安装 | |
ttlement joint 沉降缝 | |
ttlement obrvation 沉降观察 | |
ttlement analysis 沉降分析 | |
ttlement cell 沉降盒 | |
ttlement crack 沉降裂缝 | |
ttlement factor 沉降系数 | |
ttlement measurement 沉降测量 | |
ttlement of ground surface 地面沉降 | |
ttlement 沉降 | |
shale 页岩 | |
shallow cut 浅挖 | |
shallow foundation 浅基础 | |
shape factor 形状因数 | |
shear box 剪切盒 | |
shear crack 剪切裂缝 | |
shear displacement 剪切位移 | |
shear failure 剪切破坏 | |
shear joint 剪节理 | |
shear modulus 剪切模量 | |
shear plane 剪切面 | |
shear strain 剪应变 | |
shear strength 抗剪强度 | |
shear surface 剪切面 | |
shear 剪切 | |
sheet pile 板桩 | |
sheet 图,表格 | |
Shelby tube sampler 谢尔贝薄壁取土器 | |
short range 短程 | |
shrinkage 收缩 | |
side 面,侧面 | |
sidewall 井壁 | |
sieve curve 筛分曲线 | |
sieve number 筛号 | |
sieve opening 筛孔 | |
sieve 筛 | |
sign 符号,标记 | |
silt stratum 粉土层 | |
silt 粉土 | |
siltation 淤积 | |
silty clay 粉质粘土 | |
silty sand 粉砂 | |
simple compression 单向压缩 | |
simple shear apparatus 单剪仪 | |
simple shear 单剪 | |
single well pumping 单孔抽水 | |
sink 下沉 | |
sinkhole 落水洞 | |
sinuosity (河流)弯曲 | |
site investigation report 场地勘察报告 | |
site investigation 现场勘察 | |
site reconnaissance 现场踏勘 | |
site 地点 | |
size factor (试件)尺寸因素 | |
size 尺寸,大小 | |
skeletal diagram 三相图 | |
sketch 略图,草图 | |
skin friction (桩的)表面摩阻力 | |
skip grading curve 不连续级配曲线 | |
slab foundation 板式基础 | |
slaking test 湿化试验 | |
slant range 斜距 | |
slice method 条分法 | |
slickenside 擦痕 | |
slide plane 滑动面 | |
slip circle 滑弧 | |
slip surface 滑动面 | |
slip 滑动 | |
slop angle 坡角 | |
slope failure 边坡破坏 | |
slope of formation 地层坡度 | |
slope wash 坡积物 | |
slurry boring 泥浆钻进 | |
slurry 泥浆 | |
smoothwheel roller 平碾 | |
soil classfication 土的分类 | |
soil classification 土的分类 | |
soil compaction 土的压实 | |
soil identification 土的鉴定 | |
soil improvement 地基加固 | |
soil investigation 土质勘察 | |
soil legend 土的图例 | |
soil mass 土体 | |
soil mechanics 土力学 | |
soil sample 土样 | |
soil stabilization 土的加固 | |
soil wedge 土楔体 | |
soil 土 | |
soil-forming rock 成土母岩 | |
soluble salt 可溶岩 | |
sorting 分选作用 | |
sounding rod 触探杆 | |
sounding 探测 | |
source of error 误差源 | |
span 跨度 | |
specific gravity 比重 | |
specific penetration resistance 比贯入阻力 | |
specific weight 比重 | |
specification 规范 | |
specified load 规定荷载 | |
specimen 试件 | |
spherical weathering 球状风化 | |
split tube sampler 对开式取土器 | |
spoil 弃土 | |
spread footing 扩展基础 | |
spread foundation 扩展式基础 | |
spring 泉 | |
SPT blow count 标准贯入击数 | |
SPT=standard penetration test 标准贯入试验 | |
square foundation 方形基础 | |
square net 方格网 | |
square paper 方格纸 | |
stability analysis 稳定性分析 | |
stability 稳定性 | |
stabilization 加固 | |
stadia method 视距法 | |
stadia 视距仪 | |
staff 标杆;测尺 | |
stage structure 分期建筑 | |
standard compaction test 标准击实试验 | |
standard curve 标准曲线 | |
standard error 标准误差 | |
standard frost penetration 标准冻深 | |
standard sand 标准砂 | |
standard screen 标准筛 | |
standard ction 标准剖面 | |
standard sieve 标准筛 | |
state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态 | |
state of stress 应力状态 | |
state 状态 | |
static point resistance 静力触探探头阻力 | |
station 位置 | |
stationary-piston sampler 固定活塞式取样器 | |
statistical analysis 统计分析 | |
statistical data 统计数据(资料) | |
statistics 统计(学) | |
steam pile hammer 蒸汽打桩锤 | |
steel H- pile H型钢桩 | |
steel pile 钢桩 | |
steel tape 钢尺 | |
stereometric map 立体测量图 | |
sticks 花杆 | |
stir 搅拌 | |
stone dam 石坝 | |
stone pit 采石场 | |
stone 石头 | |
strain amplitude 应变幅 | |
strain cell 应变盒 | |
strain control 应变控制 | |
strain 应变 | |
strap footing 条形基础 | |
strata 地层(复数) | |
stratification 层理 | |
stratified rock 成层岩 | |
stratified soil 层状土 | |
stratified 成层的 | |
stratum 地层 | |
stream borne material 河流挟带物 | |
stream 河流 | |
streamhead 河源 | |
strength envelope 强度包线 | |
strength 强度 | |
stress amplitude 应力幅 | |
stress condition 应力状态 | |
stress difference 应力差 | |
stress dispersion 应力扩散 | |
stress distribution 应力分布 | |
stress envelope 应力包络线 | |
stress field 应力场 | |
stress increment 应力增量 | |
stress path 应力路径 | |
stress 应力 | |
stress-penetration curve (CBR试验的)应力贯入曲线 | |
stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线 | |
strikeslip fault 平移断层 | |
strip foundation 条形基础 | |
stripping 清理场地 | |
structural engineer 结构工程师 | |
structural feature 构造形迹 | |
structural form 构造形式 | |
structure 构造,结构 | |
strut 支撑 | |
subaqueous foundation 水下基础 | |
sublayer 底层 | |
submerged unit weight 浮容重 | |
subsidence basin 沉陷盆地 | |
subsidence 沉陷,坍陷 | |
subsidiary point 支点 | |
subsoil exploration 地基土勘探 | |
subsoil 地基土 | |
substratum 下卧层 | |
subsurface erosion 潜蚀 | |
subterranean stream 地下河 | |
successive failure 逐渐破坏 | |
successive launching method 顶推法 | |
successive slide 分级式滑坡 | |
successive slip 渐进性滑动 | |
suction well 吸水井 | |
sunk shaft foundation 沉井基础 | |
superimpod load 附加荷载 | |
superstratum 上覆层 | |
supporting cour 持力层 | |
surcharge 超载 | |
surface drainage 地表排水 | |
surface drainage 地表水系 | |
surface relief 地形 | |
surface runoff 地表径流 | |
surface 表面 | |
survey engineer 测量工程师 | |
survey network 测量网 | |
survey report 测量报告书 | |
survey 测量 | |
surveying equipment 测量仪器 | |
surveyor 测量员 | |
swampland 沼泽地 | |
swelling index 回弹指数 | |
swelling soil 膨胀土 | |
swelling test 膨胀试验 | |
swiverling pile driver 旋转打桩机 | |
symmetry center 对称中心 | |
symmetry type 对称型 | |
symmetry 对称性 | |
synclinal valley 向斜谷 | |
syncline 向斜 | |
system 系统,体系 | |
systematic error 系统误差 | |
T | |
Y table 工作台 | |
tamp 夯实 | |
tamper 打夯机 | |
tamping plate 夯板 | |
tape 皮尺 | |
Taylor’s stability chart 泰勒土坡稳定图 | |
technical parameter 技术参数 | |
technical specification 技术说明 | |
technique 技术 | |
tectogenesis 构造运动 | |
tectonic analysis 构造分析 | |
tectonic basin 构造盆地 | |
tectonic earthquake 构造地震 | |
tectonic element 构造单元 | |
tectonic fissure 构造裂隙 | |
tectonic geology 构造地质(学) | |
tectonic system 构造体系 | |
tectonic terrace 构造阶地 | |
temperature variation curve 温度变化曲线 | |
temporary support 临时支护 | |
tensile force 张力 | |
tensile stress 张应力 | |
tensiometer 拉力计 | |
tension crack 张裂隙 | |
tension joint 张节理 | |
tension pile 抗拔桩 | |
tentative specification 试行规范 | |
terrace 阶地 | |
terrain interpretation 地形判读 | |
terrestrial deposit 陆相沉积 | |
Tertiary system 第三系 | |
Terzaghi's bearing capacity theory 太沙基承载力理论 | |
Terzaghi's formula 太沙基公式 | |
test data 试验数据 | |
test pile 试桩 | |
test pit 探井 | |
test specimen 试件 | |
test trench 探槽 | |
test tube 试管 | |
test 试验 | |
texture 结构 | |
theodolite 经纬仪 | |
theory of errors 误差理论 | |
theory 理论,学说 | |
thickness 厚度 | |
thin wall sampler 薄壁取土器 | |
thin walled pipe 薄壁管 | |
thinning out 尖灭 | |
thixotropy 触变性,振动液化 | |
three-dimensional consolidation 三维固结 | |
three-point interction 三点交会 | |
thrust fault 逆断层 | |
tight 紧密的 | |
till 冰物,冰渍(土) | |
timber pile 木桩 | |
time lag 时间滞后 | |
time-travel curve 时距曲线 | |
tip of the pile 桩尖 | |
tip 头,端 | |
toe circle 坡脚圆 | |
tolerance range 公差范围 | |
tolerance 公差 | |
top soil 表土 | |
top 顶(端)口 | |
topographic map 地形图 | |
topographic survey 地形测量 | |
topographic(al) feature 地形特征 | |
topographic(al) form 地形 | |
topographic(al) survey 地形测量 | |
topsoil 表土 | |
torsion shear test 扭剪试验 | |
total cohesion 总内聚力 | |
total collap 总湿陷量 | |
total ttlement 总沉降量 | |
total stress 总应力 | |
tracer 示踪(剂) | |
transducer 传感器 | |
transient deformation 瞬时变形 | |
transition zone 过渡带 | |
transitional belt 过渡带 | |
transversal shrinkage 横向收缩 | |
transver crack 横向裂缝 | |
transver net 导线网 | |
transver ction 横截面 | |
travelling dune 移动沙丘 | |
traver survey 导线测量 | |
traver 导线测量 | |
treatment 处理 | |
trench bottom 沟底 | |
trench 沟,槽 | |
trend surface analysis 趋势面分析 | |
trend surface 趋势面 | |
Tresca criterion 特莱斯卡准则 | |
trial pit 试坑 | |
triangular distribution load 三角形 分布荷载 | |
triangulation net 三角测量网 | |
triangulation 三角测量 | |
triaxial apparatus 三轴仪 | |
triaxial cell 三轴仪压力盒 | |
triaxial chamber 三轴压力室 | |
triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验 | |
triaxial shear test 三轴剪切试验 | |
tripod 三角架 | |
true stress 实际应力 | |
true triaxial apparatus 真三轴仪 | |
truncation 削蚀作用 | |
tube sampler 管式取样器 | |
tube 管,管状物 | |
tubular pile 管桩 | |
tunnel 隧道 | |
turbidity 浑浊度 | |
turf 草皮 | |
U | |
U UD-test=unconsolidated-drained test 不固结排水剪切UU-test= unconsolidated-undrained test 不固结不排水 | |
ultimate bearing capacity 极限承载力 | |
ultimate load 极限荷载 | |
ultimate stresd state 极限应力状态 | |
ultimate 极限的 | |
unconfined aquifer 非承压水含水层 | |
unconfined compression apparatus 无侧限压力仪 | |
unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度 | |
unconfined compression 无侧限压缩 | |
unconfined 无侧限的 | |
unconformity 不整合 | |
underconsolidated clay 欠固结粘土 | |
underflow 潜流 | |
underground structure 地下建筑 | |
underground 地下的 | |
underlayer 垫层 | |
underlie 下伏 | |
underlying layer 下卧层 | |
underlying stratum 下卧层 | |
underlying 下伏的 | |
underpinning 基础托换;托换工程 | |
under-reamed bored pile 扩底钻孔桩 | |
underwater drilling 水下钻探 | |
underwater excavation 水下开挖 | |
undisturbed sample 原状土样 | |
unified soil classification 土的统一分类 | |
uniform distribution 均匀分布 | |
uniform load 均布荷载 | |
uniform pressure 均匀压力 | |
unit deformation 单位变形 | |
unit of error 误差单元 | |
unit of structure 结构单元 | |
unit weight of dry soil 土的干容重 | |
unit weight 容重 | |
unit 单元,层 | |
unloading curve 卸荷曲线 | |
unstratified soil 非层状土 | |
unsymmetrical loading 不对称荷载 | |
unwatering 疏干 | |
unweathered 未风化的 | |
upheaval 隆起 | |
upper cour 上游 | |
upper plate 上盘 | |
upper water 上层水 | |
upthrown block 上升盘 | |
urface flow 地面径流 | |
USCS =Unidied Soil Classification System 土的统一分类 | |
U-shaped valley U 形谷 | |
V | |
V vacuum sampling tubes 真空取样器 | |
valley bottom 谷底 | |
valley flat 河漫滩 | |
valley floor 谷底 | |
valley terrace 河谷阶地 | |
valley 河谷 | |
value 值 | |
vane shear apparatus 十字板剪切仪 | |
vane shear test 十字板剪力试验 | |
vane strength 十字板抗剪强度 | |
vaporization 蒸发 | |
variable frequency induced polarization 变频激发极化法 | |
variable head permeability test 变水头渗透试验 | |
variable 变量 | |
variance 方差 | |
variation 变化 | |
varved clay 成层粘土,纹泥 | |
vegetal cover 植被 | |
velocity 速度,速率 | |
vernier 微调的,游尺 | |
vertical control net 高程控制网 | |
vertical control 高程控制 | |
vertical deformation 竖向变形 | |
vertical displacement 竖向位移 | |
viaduct 高架桥 | |
vibration compaction method 振动压实法 | |
vibration pile 振动灌注桩 | |
vibration triaxial apparatus 振动三轴仪 | |
vibration 振动 | |
vibratory roller 振动碾压机 | |
vibro column pile 振冲桩 | |
vibro replacement stone column 振冲碎石桩 | |
vibro 振动 | |
vibroflotation method 振冲法 | |
vibrosieve 振动筛 | |
violent earthquake 大地震 | |
virgin compression curve 原始压缩曲线 | |
virginal overburden pressure 原始上覆压力 | |
viscosity 粘性(粘度) | |
visibility 可见度 | |
visual identification 肉眼鉴别 | |
visual inspection 肉眼鉴定 | |
visual soil classfication 土的肉眼分类 | |
visual 可见的 | |
void ratio in denst state 最小孔隙比 | |
void ratio 孔隙比 | |
void 孔隙 | |
volcanic activity 火山活动 | |
volcanic earthquake 火山地震 | |
volume of earthwork 土方量 | |
volume of excavation 挖方量 | |
volume shrinkage 体积收缩 | |
volume 量 | |
V-shaped valley V形谷 | |
W | |
W wagon drill 汽车钻机 | |
wall friction 墙摩擦力 | |
wall 墙 | |
wash boring 清水钻进 | |
water discharge 排水 | |
water and soil conrvation 水土保持 | |
water collecting area 积水面积 | |
water content ratio 含水比 | |
water content 含水量 | |
water cycle 水循环 | |
water head 水头 | |
water level obrvation 水位观测 | |
water pressure 水压 | |
water resource plan 水资源规划 | |
water sample 水样 | |
water supply 供水 | |
water system 水系 | |
water table fluctuation 水位变化 | |
water table 水位 | |
water tight 不透水的 | |
water 水 | |
water-bearing bed 含水层 | |
waterbearing strata 含水层 | |
water-bearing 含水的 | |
watercour 河道 | |
water-cut 冲沟 | |
waterfall 瀑布 | |
water-injection test hole 注水试验孔 | |
water-pressure test hole 压水试验孔 | |
water-sampling hole 取水样孔 | |
watershed 分水岭,流域,集水区 | |
water-table divide 分水界 | |
watertight layer 隔水层 | |
watery 多水分的 | |
wave 波 | |
wave-like stratification 波状层理 | |
wax 蜡 | |
wax-aled sample 蜡封土样 | |
wear 磨损 | |
weathering crack 风化裂缝 | |
weathering crust 风化壳 | |
weathering fissure 风化裂隙 | |
weathering 风化 | |
wedge theory 楔体理论 | |
wedge 楔体 | |
weight 重量 | |
weighted mean 加权平均值 | |
weir 堰 | |
well grade 级配良好的 | |
well point 井点 | |
well yield 井的出水量 | |
well 井 | |
well-graded soil 级配良好的土 | |
well-point method 井点法 | |
well-pumping test 抽水试验 | |
wet-subsidence for classification 分级湿陷量 | |
wind borne diment 风成沉积物 | |
wind erosion 风蚀 | |
wind load 风荷载 | |
wind of beaufort scale 2 二级风 | |
winddrift sand 风沙 | |
wind-laid deposit 风成沉积 | |
windward side 向风面 | |
withdrawal resistance 抗拔力 | |
withdrawal 抽水(量) | |
work 工作,工程 | |
work-out area 采空区 | |
W-shaped valley W型谷 | |
Y | |
Y yield criterion 屈服准则 | |
yield of groundwater 地下水出水量 | |
yield point 屈服点 | |
yield stress 屈服应力 | |
yield value 屈服值 | |
yield 流水量 | |
Z | |
Z zero of coordinate system 坐标原点 | |
zero of elevation 高程原点 | |
zero ret 零点复位 | |
zero tting 零点调整 | |
zero 原点,零点 | |
zonal soil 区域性土 | |
zone of aeration 饱气带 | |
zone of fold 褶皱带 | |
zone of influence 影响区 | |
zone of metamorphism 变质带(地) | |
zone of saturation 饱水带 | |
zone of weathering 风化带 | |
zone 地带,区域 | |
zoning 分区 | |
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