【英文摘要】With the development and adoption of new technique and equipment, the diameter of jacking pipe grow up to be large scale gradually. It’s inevitable that the influence of construction of large diameter jacking pipe was different with narrow pipe. So the traditional design methods of pipe was not suitable, and the working well which provided jacking force asked for higher requirement. Bad on the South Line project of wage treatment, the interaction between soil and pipe, between soil and caisson working well, were investigated respectively by numerical simulation in this disrtation. The major works and results of this disrtation were as follows:(1) Considering the characteristic of elastoplasticity of Shanghai
人工智能就业soft clay, the performance of DN4000 jacking pipe was studied firstly. The variation of contact pressure between pipe and soil during construction was analyzed, and then the influence of soil parameters were discusd. At the same time, the existing computing methods were compared with results of numerical simulation, and the variation laws of earth pressure of the interface were summarized. The computed results were as follows: Reinforced concrete jacking pipe was belong to rigid pipe in Shanghai soft clay. Soil arch effect in the construction would decrea soil stress above and below pipe, while incread soil stress of two sides. Soil arch effect was strengthened with increasing of cover depth, and the distribution of contact pressure was very uniform. Active earth pressure was conrvative to calculate lateral pressure in Chine standard, so it’s more reasonable to change the active earth pressure coefficient to be at rest.(2) Then the performance of rectangular and circular caisson under impellent were studied. The shortages of existing computing methods were pointed out, and the regularities of earth pressure distribution under different stress state were analyzed. The computed results were as follows: Under the counterforce on the rectangular caisson working well during精英计划
pipe jacking, the displacement curve of back wall showed as parabolic while the soil was compresd all behind the back wall. The relation between displacement and earth pressure was us
ed to calculate the earth counterforce. The soil behind back wall deformed entirely and reached to passive state at limiting state, and the vertical earth counterforce was calculated according to Rankine’s passive earth pressure theory. The slide mass behind back wall of rectangular caisson was like a cambered sphenoid, and its flat shape was elliptic. While the slide mass behind back wall of circular caisson was like a sphenoid, and its flat shape was mi-circle.(3) The differences and reasons of various design methods was compared at home and abroad finally. Combined with results of finite element, the computing methods of earth pressure of pipe and caisson are optimized in rectilinear pipe line construction. Bad on Chine jacking pipe standard, the value and load model of vertical and lateral earth pressure, and subgrade counterforce were adjusted, which induced two new design models of jacking pipe. Both of the two models were more corresponding with field practice of pipe, and they could minish computed bending moment of pipe. Accordingly, the ratio of reinforcement could be reduced. At the limiting state, horizontal distribution of earth pressure was propod
残疾人补助申请书>熊妈妈请客for rectangular and circular caisson: The counterforce distribution of back wall was ladder-shaped for rectangular caisson, while the increment distribution of counterforce of back wall was centripetal cosine-shaped for circular caisson.
【英文关键词】jacking pipe caisson large diameter load model numerical simulation 【目录】大直径砼顶管工程中土与结构的相互作用分析摘要3-5ABSTRACT5-6第一章绪论9-22 1.1 研究背景与意义9-11 1.2 国内外研究现状11-21 1.2.1 管土相互作用11-14 1.2.2 管道土压力计算14-19 1.2.3 工作井与土体相互作用19-21 1.3 本文的主要研究内容及技术路线21-22第二章钢筋混凝土顶管与土的相互作用分析
22-44 2.1 引言22 2.2 管道受力的数值模拟
22-26 2.2.1 模型简化及计算假定23-24 2.2.2 计算参数的选取24-25 2.2.3 施工过程模拟25-26 2.3 数值模拟结果分析26-33 2.3.1 顶管触变泥浆层的影响分析哺乳期能不能喝茶
26-27 2.3.2 施工过程对管道周围土体的影响
27-30 2.3.3 单管顶进过程的参数分析30-33 2.4 管道土压力的对比改进33-42 2.4.1 管顶垂直土压力的对比
34-37 2.4.2 侧向土压力的对比37-39 2.4.3 地基反力的对比39-40 2.4.4 关于侧向土压力取值的机理分析