Report about the Social Responsibility and
Environmental Audit for
Co. Ltd.
Co. Ltd.)
Revision Nov 2002 Audit report - For Ref. Only
Page 2 / 12 Table of contents
Page 1Brief evaluation 3
2Objectives and basis of the audit 4
3Description of company (auditee) 4
4Audit procedure 4
4.1General audit approach 4
4.2Activities before the audit 4
4.3Review of company documentation on site 5
4.4Interview of workers 5
5Details on audit findings 6
5.1Overview of compliance with requirements 6
5.2Findings regarding individual requirements 6
5.3Positive Obrvations 10
6.Conclusion 10
7.General Note 11
8.Appendix 12
Page 3 / 12遵义景点
1 Brief evaluation诗配画怎么画
Company / Auditee: Co. Ltd.( Co. Ltd. )
, Fujian, P.R. China
No. of Employee : 2500 (~600)
Auditee´s Reprentative :Mr. Lin
Scope of Application : Manufacturing of
Standard Applied : Aral Audit Checklist
Type of Audit : 2nd Party Audit
Date of Audit : 2005
Lead Auditor : Mr.
Auditor(s) :
Translator(s)/ :
Language of Audit : Mandarin婚礼新娘父亲致辞
梁启超纪念馆Within the scope of the Social Responsibility and Environmental Audit, on behalf of Aral, the company has proved that it has introduced a social accountability and environmental system in accordance with the above-mentioned standard. The requirements of the standard are partly fulfilled. The necessary corrective actions will be instructed by Aral with the company directly.
The following pages contain more detailed information.
26th May 2005
Date Lead
Auditor Auditor(s)
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2 Objectives and basis of the audit
Aral instructed the certification body of TÜV Rheinland to conduct Social Accountability and Environmental Audit in order to verify, within the 2nd party role, whether the requirements of Aral policy are fulfilled. The objective was the existing supplier evaluation regarding to its Social Accountability and Environmental Practice.
The basis of the audit was as follows:
− Aral audit checklist
− Relevant legal requirements
− Supplier’s working procedures and instructions
3 Description of company (auditee)
去粉刺的方法The audit refers to the social accountability and environmental system of the company: Co. Ltd. (Co. Ltd.)
There are five factories under XXX Co. Ltd. This audit only assd one of the factories, XXX Co. Ltd., which handles orders for. xxx Audit team requested to visit all five factories. However, XXX Co. Ltd. did not arrange audit team to conduct on-site evaluation of other factories as they said other factories did not handle Vega 3 orders.
XXX Co. Ltd. was assd in July 2004. The audit team verified that corrective actions from the previous audit. Some issues are still opened.
4 Audit procedure
4.1 General audit approach
Within the scope of the 2nd party audit, the auditors obrved process in the various departments of the company in order to gain an understanding of the overall operation.英语日常交流对话
The auditors verified the process in the company for conformity with the legal requirements and the customer criteria. This verification was performed on a sampling basis, by interview the workers, review of the corresponding documentation, and obrvation of the individual process.
4.2 Activities before the audit
Before the audit, applicable local laws and legal requirements in respect to social accountability and environmental issues and Aral audit checklist have been identified and studied by the auditors, e.g.
Minimum wage statement from local authority
Page 5 / 12 National health and safety laws
National labor laws
National hygiene laws
National environmental laws
National fire laws
4.3 Review of company documentation on site
1. Business
2. Factory floor plan
3. Organization
4. Factory rules and regulations/Dormitory rules and regulations
5. Employee contract/Personal file/Employee handbook or manual
6. Employee training/communication records
7. Leave
8. Warning
9. Punch card/time card/attendance record
10. Payroll records/calculation and production records
11. Wage deduction records
12. Local official minimum wage document
13. Local safety authority inspection report (building safety and fire fighting)
14. Insurance Receipts
15. Accident/Incident records
16. Kitchen/canteen hygiene certificate
17. Kitchen/canteen worker’s health certificate/Young worker health examination
18. Special equipment permit/certificate
19. Special equipment operator permit/certificate
4.4 Interview of workers
During the on-site audit, a sample of workers has been interviewed to gather information regarding compliance with the legal requirements and the Social Accountability and Environmental Practice. The sample was lected to reprent the composition of the total workforce, e.g. in regard to gender, age, ethnic group, pay grade and field of work.
A combination of individual and group interview was ud. An overview is given below: