Transformation leadership and creativity: Effects of employees pyschological empowerment and
intrinsic motivation
期刊名称: Personnel Review
作者: Al Harbi, Jaithen Abdullah,Alarifi, Saud,Mosbah, Aissa
作者机构: Qatar Univ,,Management & Sci Univ
年份: 2019年
小鸟简笔画图片期号: 第5期初中恋爱
弱者英文关键词: Quantitative;Transformational leadership;Saudi Arabia;Intrinsic
motivation;Employees empowerment狮头藏獒
摘要:Purpo The purpo of this paper is to examine empirically the effect of transformational leader
ship on followers' inventiveness and organizational innovation. It studies transformational leadership and innovation at the organizational level and creativity at the individual level.
Design/methodology/approach A theoretical model was created, which entailed
the development of variables and hypothes. A survey instrument was ud to obtain data, through a lf-completion questionnaire. The final sample was made up of 503 individuals, recruited using a random sampling technique. Findings The
兴旺是什么意思results showed that transformational leadership has a significant positive relationship with both followers' creativity and organizational innovation. Furthermore, a significant positive relationship was found between followers'