工作总结pptObesity and recovery from acute kidney injury (Ob AKI): A prospective cohort feasibility study
秣马厉兵期刊名称: BMJ Open
作者: Helen L MacLaughlin,Rochelle M Blacklock,Kelly Wright,Gerda
Pot,Nicholas M Selby
年份: 2019年
期号: 第3期
卡通图片大全可爱关键词: acute renal failure;obesity;chronic renal failure优美音乐
对联尺寸摘要:Objectives To test the methodology of recruitment, retention and data completeness in a prospective cohort recruited after a hospitalid episode of acute kidney injury (AKI), to inform a future prospective cohort study examining the effect of obesity on AKI outcomes. Design Feasibility study. Setting Single centre, multi-site UK tertiary hospital. Participants 101 participants (67M; 34F) with a me
欧洲中世纪建筑dian age of 64 (IQR 53–73) years, with and without obesity, recruited within 3 months of a hospitalid episode of AKI. Outcome measures Feasibility outcomes were recruitment ( 15% meeting inclusion criteria recruited), participant retention at 6 and 12 months (≥80%) and completeness of data collection. Exploratory measures included recovery from AKI (regaining 75% of pre-AKI estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR]) at 6 months,...