Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11
OMB Circular No. A–11 (2014)
Page xxi of Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11
What is the purpo of the Circular?
Part 1: Provides an overview of the budget process. It discuss the basic laws that regulate the budget process and the terms and concepts you need to know to understand the budget process and this Circular. (Sections numbered 10 through 22)
Part 2: Covers development of the President’s Budget and tells you how to prepare and submit materials required for OMB and Presidential review of agency requests and for formulation of the FY 2015 Budget, including development and submission of performance budgets for FY 2015. A significant portion of this part focus on the preparation of the budget Appendix and the related datab
a. Detailed instructions for a number of requirements not directly related to the preparation and production of the budget are accessible through electronic links that are provided in ction 25. (Sections numbered 25 through 95)
败类的意思Part 3: Discuss questration, supplementals and amendments, deferrals and Presidential proposals to rescind or cancel funds, and investments. (Sections numbered 100 through 113)
Part 4: Provides instructions on budget execution, including guidance on the apportionment and reapportionment process, a report on budget execution and budgetary resources (SF 133), and a checklist for fund control regulations. (Sections numbered 120 through 150)
Part 5: Covers Federal credit programs, including requirements related to the preparation of budget estimates and to budget execution. (Section number 185)
Part 6: Describes requirements under GPRA Modernization Act and the Administration's approach to performance management including a) requirements for agency strategic plans, annual performance plans and reports on a central website; b) Agency Priority Goals and Cross-Agency Priority Goals; c) reviews of agency performance; d) Federal Program Inventory; and e) elimination of unnecessary agency plans and reports. (Sections numbered 200 through 290)
Part 7: Contains supplementary materials. (Appendices numbered A through K and the Capital Programming guide)
How do I find information in the Circular?
锐角三角函数公式The Circular groups related requirements together and prents requirements chronologically, where appropriate (e.g., instructions related to budget formulation are included in Part 2, and instructions related to budget execution are included in Part 4).
The information in each part is divided into chapters and, in some cas, subchapters. The chapters are organized into a ries of ctions that consist of concutively numbered subctions. Section numbers are not repeated between parts. We rerved certain ction numbers for future u, so there are gaps in the numbering scheme. Page numbers identify the ction number and page within that ction.
At the beginning of the Circular, there is a table of contents that identifies all the parts, chapters, ctions and associated page numbers.
There is also a table of contents at the beginning of each ction that identifies the subctions and
exhibits contained in that ction. We summarize major changes in policies and requirements at the beginning of the Circular. In addition, we describe the changes that affect each ction at the beginning of that ction and u vertical revision bars in the margins to highlight new requirements and significant changes. At the end of the Circular, there is an index.
Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11 OF BUDGET ESTIMATES
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OMB Circular No. A–11 (2014)
OMB circulars, memoranda, and bulletins, including Circular No. A–11, are available for viewing or downloading at the following internet address:
Presidential Executive Orders are available for viewing or downloading at the following Internet address:
The internet version of the Circular contains a number of hyperlinks that link the various parts of A–11 with each other and other websites.
Normally, A–11 is fully revid annually. In addition, the guidance is usually updated in the fall to reflect changes and clarifications since the full revision. If you are working with a paper copy of A–11, plea check the internet to make sure you have the latest version and updates.
What agencies are covered by the Circular?
This Circular applies to all Executive departments and establishments. In addition, some of the requirements apply to the Legislative and Judicial Branches, to the District of Columbia, and to Government-sponsored enterpris.
If you want an exception to the requirements in this Circular, you must get OMB approval in advance (e ction 25.2).
What common conventions does this Circular u?
When the Circular refers to a specific year, assume it is a calendar year unless otherwi noted. The following phras and abbreviations are ud to identify specific fiscal years:
Fiscal Year
Past year – 1 (PY–1) The fiscal year immediately preceding the past year. Past year (PY) The fiscal year immediately preceding the current year; the last completed fiscal year.
Current year (CY) The fiscal year immediately preceding the budget year. Budget year (BY)
The next fiscal year for which estimates are submitted. Budget year + 1 (BY+1) through budget year + 9 (BY+9)
The fiscal year following the budget year through the ninth fiscal year following the budget year.
Special budget terms, such as budget authority, obligations, and outlays, are defined in ction 20.
In Part 2, the term schedule refers to a t of data within the MAX budget databa that is complete
in itlf and describes a view or slice of the President’s Budget. Schedules are described in ction 79. Who can answer questions about the Circular?
360电话手表The following table lists OMB organizational units with primary responsibility for certain ctions of the Circular. You should direct general questions on the instructions and underlying concepts to the units.
Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11
OMB Circular No. A–11 (2014)
Page xxiii of Guide to OMB Circular No. A–11
Direct agency-specific questions on the application of the instructions, as well as on ctions not listed below, to your OMB program examiner or Resource Management Office.
Section No.腌咸鸭蛋
OMB Contact
Telephone No.*
PART 2 51.13 Justification of unobligated balances in
credit liquidating accounts Budget Analysis Branch, Budget Analysis and Systems Division 395–5156 51.19, 55 Information technology investments
Office of E-Government and Information Technology
395-4927 51.19 Non-information technology investments Office of Federal Procurement Policy 395-2181 51.19 Aircraft procurement
Office of Federal Procurement Policy 395-2181 54
Rental payments for space and land
Transportation/GSA Branch,
Transportation, Homeland, Justice, and Services Division 395–5704
Performance management information such as agency goals, strategic plans, performance plans, and performance reports
Performance and Personnel Management Division
MAX A–11 Ur’s Guide
Budget Systems Branch, Budget Analysis and Systems Division
*Area code is 202