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For the ARMv6-M architecture ud in the Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors, in order to reduce the circuit size to a minimum, only the 16-bit Thumb instructions and a minimum subt of 32-bit Thumb instructions(BL, MSR, MRS, DMB, DSB, ISB) are supported.
Moving Data within the Processor
MOV  <Rd>,<Rm>// Rm and Rn can be high or low registers.
MOVS <Rd>,<Rm>
MOVS <Rd>, #immed8
MRS  <Rd>,<SpecialReg>
MSR  <SpecialReg>,<Rd>
Memory Access
It is important to make sure the memory address accesd is aligned.Unaligned transfers are not supp
orted on the ARMv6-M Architecture (include Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0 processors). Any attempt at unaligned memory access result in a HardFault exception.
LDR  <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// Rt = memory[Rn + Rm]
STR  <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// memory[Rn + Rm] = Rt
LDRH <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// Rt = memory[Rn + Rm]
STRH <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// memory[Rn + Rm] = Rt
LDRB <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// Rt = memory[Rn + Rm]
STRB <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// memory[Rn + Rm] = Rt
LDRSH <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// Rt = SignExtend(memory[Rn + Rm])
LDRSB <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]// Rt = SignExtend(memory[Rn + Rm])
LDR  <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// Rt = memory[Rn + ZeroExtend (#immed5<<2)]
STR  <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// memory[Rn + ZeroExtend(#immed5<<2)] = Rt
LDRH <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// Rt = memory[Rn + ZeroExtend (#immed5<<1)]
STRH <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// memory[Rn + ZeroExtend(#immed5<<1)] = Rt
LDRB <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// Rt = memory[Rn + ZeroExtend (#immed5)]
STRB <Rt>,[<Rn>, #immed5]// memory[Rn + ZeroExtend(#immed5)] = Rt
LDR  <Rt>,[SP, #immed8]// Rt = memory[SP + ZeroExtend(#immed8<<2)]
STR  <Rt>,[SP, #immed8]// memory[SP + ZeroExtend(#immed8<<2)] = Rt
LDR  <Rt>,[PC, #immed8]// Rt = memory[WordAligned(PC + 4) + ZeroExtend(#immed8<<2)]
LDR  <Rd>,=immed32      // pudo instruction translated to LDR <Rt>,[PC, #immed8]
LDR  <Rd>, label          // pudo instruction translated to LDR <Rt>,[PC, #immed8]
LDM <Rn>,{<Ra>,<Rb>,..}// Load Multiple
// Ra = memory[Rn]
/ Rb = memory[Rn + 4],
// ...
LDMIA <Rn>!,{<Ra>,<Rb>,..}// Load Multiple Increment After
LDMFD <Rn>!,{<Ra>,<Rb>,..}
// Ra = memory[Rn],
// Rb = memory[Rn + 4],
// ...
// and then update Rn to last read address plus 4.
STMIA <Rn>!,{<Ra>,<Rb>,..}// Store Multiple Increment After
STMEA <Rn>!,{<Ra>,<Rb>,..}
// memory[Rn] = Ra,
/ memory[Rn + 4] = Rb,
// ...
// and then update Rn to last store address plus 4.
Stack Memory Access
PUSH {<Ra>,<Rb>,..}
PUSH {<Ra>,<Rb>,.., LR}
POP  {<Ra>,<Rb>,..}
POP  {<Ra>,<Rb>,.., PC}
Arithmetic Operations
网页打开速度慢ADD  <Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd + Rm. Rd, Rm can be high or low registers.
ADDS <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>// Rd = Rn + Rm
SUBS <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>// Rd = Rn – Rm
ADDS <Rd>,<Rn>, #immed3 // Rd = Rn + ZeroExtend(#immed3)
SUBS <Rd>,<Rn>, #immed3 // Rd = Rn – ZeroExtend(#immed3)
ADDS <Rd>, #immed8      // Rd = Rd + ZeroExtend(#immed8)
SUBS <Rd>, #immed8      // Rd = Rd – ZeroExtend(#immed8)
ADCS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd + Rm + Carry
SBCS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd – Rm – Borrow
ADD  SP, SP, #immed7    // SP = SP + ZeroExtend(#immed7<<2)
SUB  SP, SP, #immed7    // SP = SP – ZeroExtend(#immed7<<2)
ADD  SP,<Rm>// SP = SP + Rm. Rm can be high or low register.
ADD  <Rd>, SP,<Rd>// Rd = Rd + SP. Rd can be high or low register.
ADD  <Rd>, SP, #immed8  // Rd = SP + ZeroExtend(#immed8<<2)
ADD  <Rd>, PC, #immed8  // Rd = (PC[31:2]<<2) + ZeroExtend(#immed8<<2) ADR  <Rd>,<label>// pudo instruction translated to ADD <Rd>, PC, #immed8
RSBS <Rd>,<Rn>,#0// Rd = 0 – Rm, Rever Subtract (negative)
MULS <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rd>// Rd = Rd * Rm
CMP <Rn>, #immed8        // Rd – ZeroExtended(#immed8)
CMP <Rn>,<Rm>// Rn – Rm
CMN <Rn>,<Rm>// Rn – NEG(Rm)
Logic Operations
ANDS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = AND(Rd, Rm)
ORRS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = OR(Rd, Rm)
EORS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = XOR(Rd, Rm)
BICS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = AND(Rd, NOT(Rm))
MVNS <Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = NOT(Rm)
TST  <Rn>,<Rm>// AND(Rn, Rm)
Shift and Rotate Operations
ASRS <Rd>,<Rm>, #immed5 // Rd = Rm>>immed5
LSLS <Rd>,<Rm>, #immed5 // Rd = Rm<<#immed5
LSRS <Rd>,<Rm>, #immed5 // Rd = Rm>>#immed5
ASRS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd>>Rm
LSLS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd<<Rm
LSRS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd>>Rm招待费
RORS <Rd>,<Rd>,<Rm>// Rd = Rd rotate right by Rm bits
/ Rotate_Left(Data, offt) = Rotate_Right(Data, (32-offt))
Rever Ordering Operations
The rever instructions are usually ud for converting data between little endian and
big endian systems.
REV <Rd>,<Rm>// Byte-Rever Word
// Rd = {Rm[7:0], Rm[15:8], Rm[23:16], Rm[31:24]}
REV16 <Rd>,<Rm>// Byte-Rever Packed Half Word
// Rd = {Rm[23:16], Rm[31:24], Rm[7:0] , Rm[15:8]}
REVSH <Rd>,<Rm>// Byte-Rever Signed Half Word
// Rd = SignExtend({Rm[7:0] , Rm[15:8]})
Extend Operations
They are usually ud for data type conversions.
SXTB <Rd>,<Rm>// Signed Extended Byte
// Rd = SignExtend(Rm[7:0])
SXTH <Rd>,<Rm>// Signed Extended Half Word
// Rd = SignExtend(Rm[15:0])
UXTB <Rd>,<Rm>// Unsigned Extended Byte
// Rd = ZeroExtend(Rm[7:0])
UXTH <Rd>,<Rm>// Unsigned Extended Half Word
// Rd = ZeroExtend(Rm[15:0])
Program Flow Control
B <label>// Branch, Branch range is ±2046 bytes of current PC
B<cond><label>// Conditional Branch, Branch range is ±254 bytes of current PC
BL <label>// Branch and Link, Branch range is ±16 MB of current PC
BX <Rm>// Branch and Exchange
BLX <Rm>// Branch and Link with Exchange
Conditional branch instructions B
Required branch control Unsigned data Signed data
If (R0 equal R1) then branch BEQ label BEQ label If (R0 not equal R1) then branch BNE label BNE label If (R0 > R1) then branch BHI label BGT label
If (R0 >= R1) then branch BCS label/BHS label BGE label
If (R0 < R1) then branch BCC label/BLO label BLT label
If (R0 <= R1) then branch BLS label BLE label If (overflow(R0 + R1)) then branch BCS label BVS label
If (no_overflow(R0 + R1)) then branch BCC label BVC label Required branch control Unsigned data Signed data
If (overflow(R0 – R1)) then branch BCC label BVS label
If (no_overflow(R0 – R1)) then branch BCS label BVC label If (result >= 0) then branch Not applicable BPL label
If (result < 0) then branch Not applicable BMI label Memory Barrier Instructions
The memory barrier instructions are supported on the Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0 processors to provide better compatibility within the Cortex-M processors and other ARM processor families.
// Data Memory Barrier, Ensures that all memory access are completed
// before new memory access is committed.
// Data Synchronization Barrier, Ensures that all memory access are completed
/ before next instruction is executed.
// Instruction Synchronization Barrier, Flushes the pipeline and
// ensure that all previous instructions are completed
// before executing new instructions.
Exception-Related Instructions
SVC <immed8>// Supervisor call
CPSIE I      // Enable Interrupt (Clearing PRIMASK)
CPSID I      // Disable Interrupt (Setting PRIMASK)
Sleep Mode Feature-Related Instructions
食品健康/ Wait For Interrupt, Stops program execution until an interrupt arrived,
// or if the processor entered a debug state.
// Wait For Event, If the internal event register is t, it clears the
// internal event register and continues execution.
// Otherwi stop program execution until an event (e.g., an interrupt) arrive,
// or if the processor enters debug state.
// Send Event, Set local event register and nd out an event pul to
// other microprocessor in a multiple processor system.
Other Instructions
退而结网NOP          // No Operation
BKPT <immed8> // Break point
YIELD        // Execute as NOP on the Cortex-M0 processor

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