应运而生什么意思Trendtting Technologies and Novel Functionality
New paradigm in manufacturing简简单单就好
hyper MILL® 2009.1 off ers innovative functions and a new multi-dimensional, process-oriented CAM platform.
This is a unique platform which, with comprehensive features for planning, organising and implementing machining process, al-lows urs to organi the process with a view to the future. Urs can aggregate manufacturing experti and thus safely and fl exibly implement complex tasks and reduce production times.
This is made possible through the following features:
– A ssociative linking of geometries, tools and technology macros – A utomatic inclusion of modifi ed external data
– D efi nition of processing standards using customized process features
– A utomated programming associated with the above
– A bility to defi ne individual diff erences between similar geomet-ries by simply editing/deleting individual constraints
– P rocess-oriented workfl ow with signifi cant reduction in auxiliary processing times奢侈品牌
Here, hyper MILL® 2009.1 is building on past experience. As a benefi t, urs need not relearn how t
o program. Since urs can continue to work in the same manner as previously, they can gra-dually learn this new comprehensive method of programming.
Customized Process Fea-tures: CPF allows urs to defi ne various characte-
ristic geometry quen-
ces using freely defi nable machining process.
8page Transformations: Trans-
formations allow urs to
move and/or copy a program across spatial coordinates.
9page Job linking: This feature
merges machining ope-
rations using a common
tool into a single machi-
ning job.
Production mode: This feature automatically optimis all transiti-on moves to minimize processing times for standard parts.
Mirroring: This function
mirrors input data across
宝宝多大可以游泳a plane and calculates an
independent toolpath on
the basis of the mirrored geometry.11page 12page 10
System requirements:
Windows XP, Windows Vista.
hyper CAD® 2008.1, thinkdesign2008.1 Software languages: D, E, I, F, ESP, J, NL, PL, CZ, RU, CHIN page
Management functions and tools 5 General functions 9 Rotate 13 2D machining 15 3D machining 17 5AXIS machining 21 Contact 24 Contents