检验项⽬ :A-1 零件脚吃锡不⾜SOP QFP
(Inspection Item: A-1 Insufficient Solder SOP QFP Lead)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
吃锡应该达零件脚长的1/2 以上及需有爬锡的状況
Side joint length (D) is more than 50% of lead length(L).吃锡未达脚长 1/2 以上
Side joint length (D) is less than 50% of lead length(L) .
检验项⽬: A-2 零件脚吃锡不⾜PLCC SOJ
(Inspection Item: A-2 Insufficient Solder PLCC SOJ Lead)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
吃锡⾼度 (F) >=零件脚厚度 (T)的 1/2吃锡⾼度 (F)< 零件脚厚度 (T) 的 1/2
+焊接物 (G)+焊接物 (G) Heel fillet height(F) more than Heel fillet height(F)less than solder s older thickness(G) plus 50% Lead thickness(G) + 50% lead thickness(T) thickness(T)
检验项⽬ :A-3 零件偏移 SOP QFP
(Inspection Item:A-3 Component Shift SOP QFP )
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
偏移 : 1.零件脚(W)超出PCB不可超过本体宽度的1/4
Component lead shift off the pad,ut not
exceed 1/4 width of lead width (W)
2.对于尺⼨⼩于 0.5mm之 QFP零件偏移量
不可超过本体宽度的 1/2.
The QFP component lead of pitch
less than 0.5mm shift off the pad, but
not exceed 1/2 width of lead width .1.零件偏离焊垫且零件与焊垫接触⾯积 (C) 占零件本体宽度 (W)的 3/4 以下 . Component lead shift off the pad andcontact the pad less than3/4 width of lead width(W)
检验项⽬ :A-4 零件偏移 PLCC SOJ (Inspection Item: A-4 Component Shift)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)
零件脚超出 PCB(A)不可超过本体 1/4(W) Component Lead shift off the pad, but not exceed 1/4 width of Lead area(W).
拒收标准 (Reject Standard)
零件偏离焊垫且超出本体⾯积1/4(W). Component Lead shift off the pad and exceed 1/4 width of Lead area(W)
检验项⽬ :A-5零件偏移(Inspection Item:A-5 Component shift)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
零件位於焊垫中⼼点 .零件偏离焊垫且超出本体宽度1/4.
Component is on the center of pad Component body shift off the pad and
exceed 1/4Width of body width.
检验项⽬ : A-6吃锡过多
(Inspection Item:A-6 Excess Solder)
允收標準 (Accept Standard)拒收標準(Reject Standard)
吃锡带形状如锥形 .
The contour of soldering look like conic shape.焊锡超过焊垫四周
Tin excess around of pad.
Tin too much look like ball shape
检验项⽬ : A-7⽴件(Inspection Item: Tombstone Effect)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
零件位於焊垫中⼼点 .零件⾼翘造成电极端未吃锡
Component is on the center of pad Chip components standing on their
Terminal end ( tombstone )
检验项⽬ : A-8反向
(Inspection Item: A-8 Component Rever)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)
⽅向零件依 PCB上⽅向标⽰上件The polarity component is inrted according with polarity index on PCB.
拒收标准 (Reject Standard)
用如果和就造句零件上件⽅向与 PCB上⽅向标⽰不同The polarity component is inrted reversing with polarity index on PCB.
检验项⽬ : A-9空焊(Inspection Item:A-9 Void Soldering)
零件吃锡饱满 , 并延伸⾄焊垫边 .零件脚吃锡未连接焊垫,造成空焊
Solder well and Tin extend over side of Onelead or ries of leads on component pad.Is out of alignment and fails to make Proper contact with the land.
检验项⽬ : A-10短路
(Inspection Item:A-10 Short Circuit)
There isn ’t any short circuit on solder There is short circuit on solder part of part of
/doc/283dc78ecebff121dd36a32d7375a417876fc114.html ponent.
检验项⽬ : A-11缺件
(Inspection Item:A-11 Omitting Part)
水果歌儿歌允收标准 (Accept Standard)
PCB零件数⽬与 BOM零件数⽬相符合 . The component quantity of PCB have to match the component quantity on BOM
拒收标准 (Reject Standard)
PCB零件数⽬与 BOM零件数⽬不符合 . The component quantity of PCB don’t match the component quantity on BOM.海内存知己下一句
检验项⽬ : A-12多件(Inspection Item:A-12 Excess Parts)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
PCB零件数⽬与 BOM零件数⽬相符合 .PCB零件数⽬与 BOM零件数⽬不符合
The component quantity of PCB have to The component quantity of PCB don’t match the component quantity on BOM match the component quantity on BOM.
检验项⽬ : A-13掉件
邹家拳(Inspection Item:A-13 Missing Parts)
允收标准 (Accept Standard)拒收标准(Reject Standard)
PCB零件数⽬与 BOM零件数⽬相符合 . The component quantity of PCB have to match the component quantity on BOM 外⼒造成掉件
The component of external force makemissing parts
检验项⽬ : A-14焊垫吃锡不⾜(Inspection Item:A-14 Insufficient Pad)
吃锡带形状如锥形焊垫吃锡⾯积未达75%以上 .
The contour of soldering look The solder area don’t like ss 75% of pad.
检验项⽬ : A-15锡尖
(Inspection Item:A-15 Solder Icicle)
零件脚⽆造成锡尖 .零件脚造成锡尖.
There isn ’t any icicle on component lead There is an icicle on component lead.
检验项⽬ : A-16零件破损
(Inspection Item:A-16 Component Breakage)
零件⽆任何裂痕或断裂零件外部有刮、刺、割、碰等损伤. There isn ’t any breakage or break There is some scratch 、dub、cut or bump
damage on component appearance.
检验项⽬ : A-17⾦⼿指缺点
(Inspection Item:A-17 Defect On Golden Finger )
允收标准 (Accept Standard)
1.每⾯缺点不超过 3 根, 单根不能超过两点﹐
缺点单点不得⼤於⾦⼿指宽度 1/4 。
Every side of defect is less than 3 gold singers ,
the gold singers is less than 2 point,the point of
defect is less than 1/4 wide of gold
singer .
拒收标准 (Reject Standard)
1.每⾯缺点超过 3 根, 单根超过两点﹐缺点单
点⼤於⾦⼿指宽度 1/4 。
Every side of defect is more than 3 gold singers ,
the gold singers is more than 2 point,
the point of
defect is more than 1/4 wide of gold
singer .
检验项⽬ : A-18浮件(Inspection Item:A-19 Floating)