模拟联合国会场用语 Conference Tips
1. Introduction
Introduction of the Dais
2. Roll Call
The Chair: The Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order, delegates, plea rai your placards and answer …prent‟ when your country‟s name are called.
Rapporteur: Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Prent.
Rapporteur: Afghanistan is Prent. …
Rapporteur: With_____countries prent, this conference is in quorum, the two-thirds majority is _______, the simple majority is _______, 20% of the number is _______. Delegates who are late for the Roll Call, plea nd a page to the Dais to show your prence.
3. Setting the Speakers’ List
The Chair: Now we will t up a Speakers‟ List, all delegates wishing to speak plea rai your plac
ards, I‟ll call your countries‟ nam es randomly. China, Russian Federation … Thank you. If there‟re more
delegates wishing to speak, plea nd a note to the Dais and we will put your country‟s name at the bottom of the list. Every delegate will have 90 conds to deliver their speech. Now C hina, you‟re recognized of 90 conds. Russia, plea get ready.
China: (Speech)
4. Yield
The Chair: Delegate of China, you still have 20 conds left, how would you like to yield your time? China: I‟d like to yield my time to
The Chair: Thank you.
● Delegate from another country (for example India).
The Chair: Now delegate of India, you‟re recognized of 20 conds. And you can‟t yield your time again. India: (speech)
● Question :
The Chair: I‟d like to invite a question from the floor, delegates who want to ask a question, plea rai your placard, USA. Thanks. Now USA you can ask a question and the delegate of China has 20 conds to answer it.
USA: (question). China: (answer).
美国:(提问) 中国:(回答)
● Comment :
The Chair: Delegates, who want to give a comment on the speech given by China, plea rai your placard now. Japan, Thanks. Delegate of Japan, you have 20 conds to give your comment.
Japan :(Speech )
The Chair: Thank you, China.
5.Points and Motions
The Chair :Now are there any points or motions on the floor?
Japan: Japan motions to shorten the speaking time to 60 conds.
The Chair: There‟s motion on the floor to shorten the time to 60 conds, this motion needs a simple majority to pass, (is there a cond? Thanks,) now we proceed to vote, all in favor? (Counting) All
oppod? (Counting) This motion pass, now the time for each speaker is 60 conds. Our next sp
eaker is Russian Federation.
Russian Federation: (speech).
The Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor, Mexico?
Mexico: Point of Personal Privilege. The Delegate of Mexico can‟t e the screen clearly, would you mind turning the characters bigger?
培训指南The Chair: Thank you, Mexico, I‟ll have our staff get down to that.
6. Caucus
The Chair: Are there any motions or points?
France: France motions for a ____ minutes‟ moderated caucus to discuss _____________, each delegate will have ____ conds to address the body.
The Chair: Thank you. Now there‟s a motion on the floor for a moderated caucus for _____ minutes on the topic of _____________ and each delegate has _______conds‟ speaking time. Is there a cond? Thank you. We now have to vote. All tho delegates in favor of this motion plea rai your placards. All tho delegates oppo this motion plea rai your placards. Thank you. With _
____ in favor and _____ oppo, this motion pasd. Any motion is out of order during the caucus. And there‟s no time yielding during a moderated caucus. Delegates in favor of speaking plea rai your placard. France, now you have ______conds.
主席:谢谢。现在场下有一动议就______________进行_____分钟的有主持核心磋商,每位代表有_____秒发言时间。请问场下有无其他动议?谢谢。下面进行投票。赞成此动议的代表请举牌。反对此动议的国家请举牌。谢谢。____票赞成,____票反对,此动议通过。在有主持核心磋商中,任何动议都是不符合流程的,并且代表不能让渡时间。下面请希望发言的代表举牌。法国代表,现在你有______秒发言时间。 Sudan: Sudan motions for a 5 minutes‟ unmo derated caucus.
The Chair: Now we will vote on the motion for a 5 minutes‟ unmoderated caucus. Tho in favor? Tho oppo? With_____ in favor and ______oppo, this motion pass. Now we‟ll have a 5 minutes‟ unmoderated caucus. Delegates plea do remember to come back on time, thank you!
主席:现在我们要对苏丹提出的动议投票。请支持本动议的国家举牌。反对的代表请举牌。有_____票赞成,_____票反对。本动议通过。现在将进行五分钟的自由磋商,请各位代表按时回到会场,谢谢。 7. Draft Resolutions
The Chair: I‟d like to encourage delegates to submit draft resolutions now.
The Chair: Now we have Draft Resolution 1.1 submitted by China distributed to every delegate,
are there any points or motions on the floor?
China: China motions to introduce Draft Resolution 1.1.
The Chair: There‟s a motion on the floor to introduce Draft Resolution 1.1, we‟ll proceed to vote. It‟s a procedural voting which requires a simple majority. All delegates in favor of this motion? All oppod? This motion pass. Now delegate of China, you have 3 minutes to introduce the Draft Resolution 1.1. China: (introduction).
The Chair: Now we shall have a Q&A ssion for 2 minutes. Delegates may rai questions on the grammar, plea rai your placard if you have any question. (If some grammatical mistakes are not noticed by delegates, the Chair should point them out and make corresponding corrections.)
The Chair: Now we‟ll come back to the speakers‟ list, as Draft Resolution 1.1 is on the floor, I‟d like our speeches and discussions to be more focud on the Draft Resolution. Delegate of Sing apore, you‟re recognized of 60 conds.
Singapore: (speech).
8. Closure of Formal Debate and Substantive Voting
The Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor?
China: China motions to clo the debate.
The Chair: There‟s a motion from China to clo the formal debate. This motion is in order, and I‟d like to remind all delegates that once the formal debate is clod, we‟ll move on to vote on Draft Resolutions. 主席:场下有无问题或动议?
The Chair: Now we‟ll proceed to vote on the closure of formal debate and this motion needs a 2/3 majority. All delegates for this motion plea rai your placard. All delegates against? With ______ for and _______against. This motion pass.
The Chair: Dear delegates, our formal debate has been clod and now we‟ve moved into the proced ure of substantive voting (with gavel). We have 3 Draft Resolutions on the floor, Draft Resolution 1.1, 1.2 and
1.3. Before we get down to vote, are there any points or motions on the floor?
9. Reordering Draft Resolutions
USA: USA motions to reorder the draft resolutions.
The Chair: This motion is in order and now the Chair would like to take all motions of reordering the draft resolutions. USA, in which order would you like to put the draft resolution?
USA: 1.2, 1.3 and then 1.1.
The Chair: Are there any other motion for reordering the Draft Resolution? France.
France: 1.3, 1.2, 1.1.
The Chair: Are there any other motion for reordering the draft resolution? Seeing none, we have two
motions for reordering the draft resolution now, one order is 1.2, 1.3 and 1.1, the other is 1.3, 1.2 and then
1.1. The order of 1.2, 1.3 and 1.1 should be given the priority to vote. Now we proceed to vote on the two motions, if both fail, we will take the original order, which is 1.1, 1.2 and then 1.3….
主席:请问场下有无其他重新排列决议草案的动议?未见动议。我们现在有两个重新排列决议草案的动议。主席认为应对1.2,1.3,1.1这个动议先投票。如果两个动议都未能通过,我们将按原有编号顺序表决。 10. Roll Call Voting
The Chair: Are there any motions or points on the floor? UK.
UK: UK motions for roll call voting.
The Chair: This motion is in order. Is there a cond? Now we have to vote. This is a procedural voting and requires a simple majority to pass. Tho in favor, plea rai your placards; tho against? ..... This motion pass.
The Chair: Now we‟ll proceed to vote. The door will be aled and no one is allowed to enter or