Cloning may be many things to many people.
原生欧芙兰Opinions are divided, some are in favor of it .The reasons are as follows. Primarily, people can produce effective drug0是最小的自然数吗,山东省高校毕业生 which patients can be treated with. Besides, the technology can save the endangered species. And best of all, it may give the disabled a healthy body.
Meanwhile, some people have contradicted opinions. Firstly, cloning human beings is a behavior which contradicts to the ethics. Besides, gene duplication may cau harm to the diversity of genes in nature.
From my angle of view, even though cloning techonology brings a lot of benefits, we cannot turn a blind eye to the negative influence which cloning brings about.玫瑰花简笔画
In sum, every coin has two sides. C蓝牙耳机连接不上手机怎么办loning can do people good and harm, all depending on how to u it. 有意境的句子
Cloning may be many things to many people. Some e it as a good technology. Becau people can produce effective drugs to treat patients. While others view it as an evil technolo
gy. Becau gene duplication will cau harm to the diversity of genes in nature.
As far as I'm concerned, cloning does bring a lot of benefits to human beings. Primarily, cloning could help farmers produce High quality and High-yield crops. Besides, the technology could save the endangered species. And best of all, it may give the disabled a healthy body.
But all the above does not mean we can turn a blind eye to the negative influence which cloning brings about. Cloning human beings is a behavior which contradicts to the ethics. Also cloning does a great harm to the diversity of genes in nature.
In sum, cloning can do people good and harm, all depending on how to u it. 安全行车