初次见面:how are you? How do you do ? nice to meet you.
熟识后:how have you been? how are you doing? What’s up? What’s new?
告别:take care . e you later. Goodbye. So long take it easy.
I’m home I’m coming plea excu my going first I’m off now
I’m leaving it’s time to go I have to go
问候近况:how have you been? What’s going on ? what’s up? How’s everything with you?
What’s new? Anything new? What’s happened?
感到对方有什么心事:what’s the matter with you? What’s the proble?
What’s wrong with you ? what happened?
1:How do you do ? Nice to meet you
2:HI,peter.long time no e
Hi,Kim.how have you been?
Not so bad.how about you ?
Pretty good
3:how’s everything?
It’s going pretty well. How are you getting along the days?
Same as usual
信息技术管理4:how’s your work going?
It couldn’t be better
Good for you
Thank you]
5:I really have to go now. it’s getting late
Suit yourlf . e you later.
Ok .e ya.
6:full name=first name(given name)+middle name+last name(surname,family name)
Not at all you’re welcome that’s all right that’s ok no problem
Don’t metion it never mind no big deal my pleasure no wat
1:Have you en a report on the desl?
Yes .i submitted it with mine
Thanks a million. I didn’t have time to go out and submit it
2:You look pale.What’s eating you?
I have a fever.什么样的选择
梦的 You should go e a doctor.
I will. Thank you for your conern
3:Happy birthday! This for you .
范冰冰耳朵 Oh ,thanks a lot .that’s a pretty pur.!
Do you like it?
I’ve wanted one just like this. I appreciate it very much.
May I open it?
Is this really for me?
What a nice surpri!
This is just what I’ve always wanted.
You shouldn’t have done that.
I have no words to thank you
Here’s something for you/
I’m very glad you like it.
Here’s a little prent for you.
It’s something to show my gratitude.
It’s very kind of you
You’ve been very kind
How kind of you!
I appreciate your kindness.
It was a great help
It’s awfully good of you to meet me here
I’m sorry for you I’m sorry about it. I’m sorry for everything. 急救指南
I’m sorry to hear that.
I’d rather not I’m afraid I can’t accept that I’m sorry,but I can’t right now.
1:I’m sorry to trouble you
You drank too much last night
I’m afraid I don’t remember anything at all
I took you home by taxi
Is that right
2:I’m awfully sorry .i don’t mean it
That’s all right
I’m sorry I was so careless
It’s no big deal
3:plea forgive me
Well , I don’t know
I’ll never do it again
Do you swear?
4:I’m sorry I’m late
Never mind .shall we go ?
5:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting
What’s wrog?
There was a traffic jam.
询问天气:how’s the weather? How do the weather look?
描诉的词汇: hot cold windy clear sunny foggy
Chilly gloomy humid drizzling snowing freezing
The typhoon(blizzard,thunder,flood,storm) is gone
It’s boiling(sizzling,scorching)hot 程度副词:verely,heavily,terribly.deadly
1:it’s nice weather today.
Sure thing
I feel refreshed
2:it’s boiling hot
You said it. What shall we do today?
We’re going to go to a swimming pool
That’s a good idea
3:it’s cloudy today
Yes.Do you think it’s going to rain in the afternoon.
You’d better take an umbrella with you .
4:it’s getting dark
I can’t e the tennis balls
Shall we stop playing?
维护的英文 Yes,let’s
5:it’s terribly cold today.
Yes ,it is
It’s likely to snow tonight
I doubt it
6:the typhoon last night was huge,wasn’t it?
It sure was
I was scared all night
I’m glad it’s gone
希望得到对方的允许:Can I ~? May I ~? I’d like to ~? Let me~? I wonder~
Would may I be excud?
间接表示”我想” I’d like to
正式请求对方允许:could would plea do you mind if~?
回应:sure ok of courxe why not? I think so. Go ahead be my guest
1:May I ask a favor of you?
What is it?
Can you take the wheel?
My plwasure
2:will you make 100 more copies?
Oh, I e
Can I ask you to do it by 12 0’clock
Sure ,you can
3:how about having dinner at that new French restaurant?
I think we need to make a rervation
Can I leave it up to you?
Of cour
4:may I u your phone?