韩语法律常用词汇(中英 韩 互译)
각하(却下) rejection; 驳回,拒绝受理,不受理;否决
개정(開廷) hold a court西安游玩攻略开庭
검거(檢擧) arrest 拘捕,拘留,捕拿,逮捕,缉捕,缉拿,捉拿火龙果怎么挑,拘捕,拘留
검거(檢擧)자猪肉营养 person in custody 被拘留人
검찰(檢察) procuratorial work 检察
검찰관a procuting attorney 检察官
검찰청procuratorate 检察院
고발complaint; denunciation告发;检举;举报;申诉;控告
고발인 a relator告发人,检举人,原告
烟能放多久고발장 检举信
고소 accu 起诉;控诉;指控
고소인 an accur; a complainant 原告,控诉人
고소장 a letter [bill] of complaint 起诉书,起诉状,控告状,控诉书;检举信,投诉信
고소 취하 nol-pros 撤诉
공소(公訴) arraignment 公诉
공소장bill of indictment; bill of procution; public indictment. 公诉书
공판(公判) a public trial; hold a hearing公开审判 ,公审;开庭审理
기각 dismissal 驳回, 拒绝受理
기소(起訴) procution; indict-ment 起诉
기소기각 dismissal of indictment 驳回起诉 广东深圳天气预报기소유예
기소자 an indictor; a pro-cutor起诉者,原告
기소장 a bill of indictment; an [a written] indictment起诉书,诉状
방소항변 demurer, plea in abatement, mostion to dismiss 妨诉抗辩
범죄수사 criminal investigation 刑事调查,刑事侦查
법정 court 法庭
불구속 기소 非拘留起诉,不拘留起诉
불기소 처분 a disposition not to institute a public action 不起诉处理
소답(訴答) pleading 诉辩状, 诉辩, 答辩状, 答辩
소환(召喚) summons 传唤
소환(召喚)장 a (writ of ) summons传票
수사(搜査) investigate 调查,追查
수사관 investigator 调查人 ,调查员,审查人,审查员,预审员
심문 arraignment 传讯,提审
예심prejudication 预审
위법성 저각사유 justification bar 违法阻却事由
저각사유(阻却事由) bar 阻却事由,豁免事由
절차 procedure 程序,步骤
教育部考试中心综合查询网조서(調書) a record; a written evidence书面证据
진정서petition 陈情书,请愿书, 诉状
출소기간 limitation of actions 诉讼时效
취하[取下] withdraw 撤回
双一流建设高校名单 합동수사반 joint investigationt 联合调查组
회부(回附) devolve on 移交,交给