公示语集锦——2005年夏英国伦敦实地采集 |
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1. 为了公众利益和环境保护 机动车停驶时请关闭引擎 不得不的英文 IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC AND THE ENVIRONMENT PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR ENGINE WHILST STATIONARY 2. 请沿站台过往 Pass along the platform plea 3. 门票在检票处免费索取 如需帮助,请找工作人员。5:30停止入园。 Tickets are FREE from the admissions desk Plea ask a member of staff if you require assistance. Last Admission 5:30 4. 特别好听的歌请注意此门开关费力分享投资 Plea be aware that the door is difficult to open and clo. 5. 请在乘车前购买好车票 Plea buy your ticket before you board the train 6. 乘车前请购票 违规者必罚款(至少20镑) Plea buy your ticket before you travel, otherwi you may have to pay a Penalty Fare (at least £20). 7. 狗便后 曹丕的老婆请清理 PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG 8. 请随手关门 谢 PLEASE CLOSE BEHIND YOU.THANK YOU. 9. 出入请将门关严 Plea clo this gate curely on entry and exit 10. 找寻自行车支架壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾 苹果汁减肥请查阅站区图或请教车站工作人员 Plea consult the station map or a member of staff for location of cycle racks. 11. 请勿将设备或垃圾置留区内 PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EQUIPMENT OR RUBBISH WITHIN THIS AREA 12. 请勿在此停车 PLEASE DO NOT PARK HERE. 13. 请勿将其它类别的塑料投入此筒/箱 Plea DO NOT put other types of plastics in the bin. 14. 请勿移动任何可疑物品 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY SUSPICIOUS DEVICES. 15. 请从另端进入 Plea enter at other end. 16. 请按门票所示线路参观 PLEASE FOLLOW THE VISITOR ROUTE INDICATED ON YOUR GUIDE TICKET 17. 请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检 Plea have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection. 18. 请协助确保列车准点运行 Plea help to run trains on time 19. 请协助我们保持站区清洁。违者必将严处。 Plea help us keep it clean and attractive. Transgressors will be verely punished.女孩英文单词 20. 本区域大部为居民区,请您离开时不要大声喧哗。 PLEASE LEAVE QUIETLY AS THIS IS PREDOMINANTLY A RESIDENTIAL AREA. 21. 请将童车留存此处 Plea leave your buggy here 22. 存放时请务必索取行李票。请将行李票的第二联粘贴在行李上。 Plea make sure that you collect a ticket for each piece of luggage.Plea stick the cond copy of your ticket(s) on each piece of luggage. 23. 宾客请注意所有存放行李无论丢失,还是失窃均由物主负责,店方概不承担任何责任。 Plea note that all luggages are stored at the owner’s risk. The hotel will not accept liability for any luggage lost or stolen. 24. 请将此座位留给老年人、残疾人和抱孩子的人。 Plea offer this at to elderly or disabled people or tho carrying children. 25. 请仅在紧急情况下使用 Plea only u in an emergency 26. 请您在返回车前先付费 Plea pay before returning to your car 27. 需要帮助 请按按钮 PLEASE PRESS FOR ASSISTANCE 28. 请勿在本区域堆弃垃圾 PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DUMPING RUBBISH IN THIS AREA. 29. 请牢记:将您需要清洗的毛巾放在地板上;将您准备继续使用的毛巾挂在毛巾架上。您的举手之劳将有助环保。谢谢! Plea remember to: put towels you want washed on the floor.leave towels you will u again on the towel racks.This simple gesture helps protect the environment.Thank you. 30. 请慢速骑行,接近行人提前示意。 Plea ride slowly and warn pedestrians as you approach 31. 需要帮助 请按铃 PLEASE RING FOR ASSISTANCE 32. 请为使用道路的其他人着想 Plea show consideration for other path urs 33. 请靠右侧站立 Plea stand on the right 34. 如果电梯出现故障,请拨打020 7363 9777请求帮助。我们为给您带来的任何不便深表歉意。 If this lift is out of order, plea call 020 7363 9777 for assistance.We apologi for any inconvenience caud. 35. 请取票 PLEASE TAKE TICKET 36. 回收筒在您右侧!请使用。 Recycling bin to your right! Plea u it 37. 停车场关闭 请使用宽便道 The car park is Clod,Plea u the Broadwalk 38. 请系好安全带 PLEASE WEAR THE SEATBELT PROVIDED 39. 这里是居民区。请您离开时不要喧哗,以免影响左邻右舍。谢谢您的合作与关注。This is a RESIDENTIAL AREA. Plea leave QUIETLY so as not to disturb our neighbours.Thank you for you co-operation & your kind attention *为了便于研究者了解这些公示语在实际使用中的状况,我们保留了部分公示语的原大小写形式和格式布局 北京第二外国语学院公示语翻译研究中心 |
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