59. (2018·江苏⽆锡)对于你的看法我恐怕⽆法苟同。
I'm afraid I__________________________________
60. (2018·江苏⽆锡)机会就在⾯前,但值得冒此风险
The chance is right in front of us. but_____________________________.
61. (2018·江苏⽆锡)江苏⽆锡因⽔著名,也曾因⽔⽽困。
Wuxi__________________ its water but it once had trouble becau of water.
62. (2018·江苏⽆锡)此事挂在我⼼头已有数⽉,但依然亳⽆头绪。
This matter____________________________, but I still haven t got a clue.
63. (2018·江苏⽆锡)明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,⽹上对此曾有热议。
There was a heated online discussion on____________________________.
64. (2018·江苏⽆锡)这⾸乐曲虽是偶然之作,但价值恒远。
This piece of music has____________________________by accident.
59. can’t agree on your opinion(s).
60. is it worth taking a risk?
61. is famous for
62. has been on my mind for veral months.
63. how stars should attract/catch/draw the attention of fans properly.
64. a lasting value though it is made up
(2018·四川⾃贡)81. 乡村的空⽓是多么新鲜啊!
__________ ________ the air in the countryside is!
81.How fresh 【解析】对“多么新鲜”进⾏了挖空,考查感叹句的⽤法,fresh意为“新鲜”。感叹句结构:How+adj./adv.+主语
+谓语动词!What + a/an + adj.+单数名词+主语+谓语动词!What + adj.+不可数名词+主语+谓语动词!这⾥是修饰形容词fresh,所以⽤how 结构,故填How fresh.注意位于句⾸⾸字母⼤写。
(2018·四川⾃贡)82. 真正的友谊⽐⾦钱更有价值。
Real _________ is more __________ than money.
(2018·四川⾃贡)83. 昨天我妈妈建议假期⾥到海边去放松⼀下。
My mother __________ _________ on the beach for vacation yesterday.
83.suggested relaxing 【解析】对“建议放松⼀下”进⾏了挖空,考查的是固定搭配。suggest relaxing 意为“建议放松”。根据时间状语是yesterday可知本句为⼀般过去时。谓语动词⽤过去式。故填suggested relaxing。
(2018·四川⾃贡)84. 这次考试你是否成功取决于你的努⼒。
_________ or not you will succeed in this exam ___________ on your hard work.
84.Whether, depends【解析】对“是否”和“取决于”进⾏了挖空,考查的是固定搭配。whether or not意为“是否”;depend on意为“取决于”。本句中前半句式⼀个主语从句,所以谓语动词⽤第三⼈称单数形式。故填Whether;depends。
(2018·四川⾃贡)85. 我们希望中美贸易问题能够和平地解决。
We hope the trade problem between the US and China can be _______ ______.
85.solved peacefully【解析】对“和平地解决”进⾏了挖空,考查的是被动语态和副词修饰动词。句⼦的主语是the trade problem,与谓语动词之间是被动关系,所以⽤被动语态。solve意为“解决”,⽤过去分词形式solved;和平地修饰动词“解决”,⽤副词形式peacefully,故填solved peacefully。(2018·新疆)Ⅶ. 完成句⼦(本题共5⼩题,每⼩题2分,共计10分)
76. 在某些⽅⾯,我和我妹妹完全不同。
In some ways, I am quite ________ ________ my sister.
红烧冬瓜77. 保持健康对我们是很重要的。
It is very important for us ________ ________ healthy.
78. The shirts are made of silk. (改为否定句)
The shirts ________ ________ made of silk.
79. Andy learns English by joining the language club. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ Andy learn English?
80. She is a lovely girl. (改为感叹句)
________ ________ lovely girl she is!
76. different from 77. to keep/be 78. are not 79. How does 80. What a
兰溪棹歌古诗六、(2018·湖北黄冈) 完成句⼦(共7⼩题;每⼩题1分, 满分7分)
80. 你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别⼈的邀请。( turn)
You are suppod to learn __________ others' invitation politely.
81. 当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利,波特》这本书。(ll)
By the time we arrived at the bookstore, they __________ Harry Potter.
82. 志愿者们正在努⼒地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。(make)
The volunteers __________ to provide Russia World Cup with better rvice.
83. 在学校你的课业已经⾜够了, 必须删去课外学习班。(cut)
You have enough class from school, the after-school class must __________.
84. 我朋友第⼀次来黄冈时,就喜欢上了这个城市。(fall)
My friend __________ Huanggang when he came to the city for the first time.
85. 作为⼀名登⼭运动员, 亚历克斯习惯于冒险。(take)
As a mountain climber, Alex is ud to __________.
86. 如果我们齐⼼协⼒,我们的中国梦-定可以实现。(pull)
If we all __________, our China Dream are sure to come true.
< tum down 81.had sold out 82.are making an effont
83.be cut out 84.fell in love with 85.taking risks/ taking a risk 86.pull together
The woman teacher _______ is of medium build.
82. ⽗母养育我们不易,我们不应该让他们失望。
It’s not easy for parents to rai us, and we shouldn’t ________.
83. ⾬下得如此之⼤,去太极湖的徒步旅⾏被取消了。
It rained ________ that the hiking to Tai Chi Lake was cancelled.
84. 你从图书馆借《哈利?波特》这本书多长时间了?
How long __________the book Harry Potter from the library?
85. 第21届世界杯⾜球赛开幕式于2018年6⽉14⽇在俄罗斯举⾏。
The opening ceremony of the 21st FIFA World Cup ______ in Russia on June 14, 2018. 81. wearing glass / with glass/ who is wearing glass 82. let them down 83. so hard/ so heavily 84. have you kept/ have you been borrowing 85. was held (2018·湖北随州)六、完成句⼦(本题共10分,每⼩题2分)
She could read by the age of four.
Stonehenge was so many ago.
Children the days their parents too much.
He is one of the most in America.
Sometimes he was from class and his examination.
71. herlf at 72. built ; centuries 73. depend on 74. popular musicians 75. abnt; failed
Look! Zhang Mingming ________________________________on the playground.
72. 从⼗岁起,刘英就参与了保护动物的活动。(play)
Liu Ying _______________________________________animals since she was ten.
73. 他如此外向,以⾄于他交的朋友⽐我多。(that)
He was _______________________than I did.
74. 到去年年底,那位渴求知识的青年教师已出国深造两年了。(who)
By the end of last year, the young teacher _________________________for further study for two years.
75. 夏天到了,应该要求岸边所有救⽣⼈员齐⼼协⼒防⽌孩⼦们独⾃下河游泳。(require)
Summer is coming. All the life-guards on the bank should ___________________________
_______________in the river.
71. is flying a kite
72. has played a part (role) in protecting
73. so outgoing that he made more friends
74. who was thirsty for (to learn) knowledge had been abroad
who was thirsty for (to learn) knowledge had been(away) in the foreign country
75.be required to pull (work) together to shop (prevent) kids(children)(from) swimming alone (by themlves, on their own) 81. (2018?湖北宜昌)对许多中国⼈来说,春节期间和家⼈团聚是传统。(tho
For ___________ Chine people, it is a tradition to get together with their families during the Spring Festival.
82. (2018?湖北宜昌)⼯程师们⽤⼀整天时间制定了维修这座⼤桥的周计划。(weekly)
It took the engineers a whole day to _____________ for repairing the bridge.
83. (2018?湖北宜昌)你最好是勇敢⾯对挑战⽽不是逃避。(run)
You’d better face challenges bravely instead of ______________them.
84. (2018?湖北宜昌)你能想象⼈⼯智能将在很多领域取代⼈类吗?(imagine)
____________________ that AI will take the place of human beings in many fields?
85. (2018?湖北宜昌)如果你不要陷⼊⿇烦,就不要忽略任何⼩错误。(leave)
If you don’t want to get into trouble, plea don’t ________________ any small mistakes.
81. thousands of 82. make a weekly plan 83. running away from 84. Are you able to/ Can you imagine
85. leave out
(2018·湖北荆州) 71. 周末不要独⾃外出。(go)
Don't ________ alone on weekends.
71. go out
(2018·湖北荆州) 72. 在雪天⾥登⼭是很危险的。(be)
It ________ a mountain on snowy days.
72. is dangerous to climb
(2018·湖北荆州) 73. 汤⽶被那只狗绊了⼀跤,磕断了门⽛。(fall)
Tommy ________ the dog and broke his front teeth.
73. fell over
(2018·湖北荆州) 74. 必须阻⽌⼯⼚向江河湖泊排放污⽔。(prevent)
Factories __________ pouring polluted water into rivers and lakes.
74. must be prevented from
(2018·湖北荆州) 75. 他总是问我作业做完了没有。(finish)
He always asks me____ my homework.
75. if/whether I have finished
It’s never __________ late __________ mend.
__________ we are careful, we can’t do our work __________.
Our country has established diplomatic relations with __________ __________ 100 countries. (2018·⽢肃武威)4.只剩⼀份⼉了,我们得分享着看了。
__________only one copy left. We’ll have to __________.
Rome __________ __________ in a day.
1. too; to
2. Unless; well
3. more than
4. There’s; share
5. wasn’t built
(2018 湖北恩施)71.当今,在线⽀付使得我们的⽣活越来越⽅便(much)
Nowadays, Payment Online makes our lives convenient.
(2018 湖北恩施)72.当你去⾹港时,我正忙着准备期末考试.(prepare)
While you were on the visit to Hong Kong, I was busy my final exams.
(2018 湖北恩施)73.不仅我,我妹妹也喜欢跳舞。( enjoy)
Not only I but also my sister .
(2018 湖北恩施)74.令我们惊讶的是,上个⽉我们⼚的产量仅增加了百分之⼆。( increa)
To our surpri, the production of our factory only 2 % last month.
(2018 湖北恩施)75.有了全⾯⼆胎政策,我们学校的那对年轻夫妇计划再⽣⼀个孩⼦(two)
Becau of the universal two-child policy, the young couple in our school plan to have child.
71 more and more 考查⽐较级+⽐较级 much的⽐较级是more, 故答案为more and more。
72 preparing for be busy + doing, 所以后⾯的动词⽤ -ing形式,prepare for为……做准备,
故答案为preparing for。
73 enjoys dancing not only … but also…引导两个并列结构作主语时,谓语动词要⽤就近原则,故谓语动词⽤第三⼈称单数。Enjoy 后⾯动词要⽤–ing 形式,故填enjoys dancing。