梅花的The Age of Innocence is an unfading novel which has been regarded as the perfect one of Edith Wharton's.The author created the characters and refined the materials from her personal experience and familiar environment.Its theme was rooted in realism.In this novel, the clue of Beaufort's fate stood in contrast to the plotline of Archer's disastrous love, which had left the common love story with the profound social significance.In the 1870s, it was immoral for women to get a divorce in the American upper class.Ellen Olenska, a countess coming back to New York from Europe, was such a shameless woman.However, her coming back provoked a commotion in the lifeless upper class.Ellen's cousin, May Welland, was engaged to Newland Archer.Faced with all kinds of behaviours of Ellen after her coming back, Archer, unlike other high-society people who thought of her as a over-coquettish and loo woman , quite appreciated Ellen who had the courage to break the ste
竹爱职海领航reotypical image.He was never satisfied with such rigid rules that women couldn't express their feeling freely and catch other people's eyes.They couldn't divorce their husbands even though their marriage was unhappy.At this point, Ellen's appearance stirred up his rethinking of his own marriage, the freedom of women and even the deeply conrvative society where he lived.Gradually, the appreciation that Archer showed for Ellen turned to love.At the same time, Ellen was slowly coming to accept Archer' love.However, Archer had many constraints from traditional etiquette that always reminded him that he could not run counter to what he had been given.He should stick to the old system to keep his engagement to May.He should do his best to prerve the honor of two families, which would not allow him to rebel against orthodoxy and do anything wilder.Finally, Archer married May under such mundane situation.But Archer soon began to lo himlf with their marriage's bondage and more profoundly, he knew that the woman he really loved was Ellen.Archer could not cheat himlf any more and decided to pour his heart out about his love to Ellen who was suffering equally.Although May already suspected that Acher had an affair with Ellen, she kept silent and told them that she was pregnant.Ellen r
ealized that she might hurt May and her child if she continued to pursue happiness and love.Finally, she cho lf-sacrifice and then left New York.Years later, Archer finally got the chance to meet Ellen.However, faced with Archer who had come a long way to visit her, Ellen just quietly clod the window that was open.This may be the perfect ending.The love triangle raid questions of duty, passion and morality and finally ended quietly.In my opinion, Ellen was the bravest woman among tho characters for she always lived just like her desire.She, unlike other women who were afraid to cross cular and
京港爱情线traditional boundaries, had the courage to express her love and her final leaving proved her spirit of lf-sacrifice.Another three novels:
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author: Jane Austen author: Jane Austen
The Age of Innocence
The Age of Innocence is a novel by Edith Wharton.The story was happened in New York City's upper class in the 1870s, and told us a story of love triangle.One major character of this story, Newland Archer is a young, popular, successful lawyer.Before he meets Ellen Olenska, his life has never changed, and always has been filled with the old culture and customs of the old society.Ellen makes him find the new and wrong things in upper class.At one time, Newland had lost himlf in his love to Ellen and wanted to elope with
her.But after his wife’s pregnancy, Newland still surrenders to the society, find the “right” way to continue his own lift, and never out of loyalty to their marriage.Well, in the beginning of the story, Ellen has fled from her unhappy marriage, and has returned to America.She fell in love with Newland.However, becau of she love he, Ellen drives an important decision.When she has heard the May's pregnancy, she immediately decides to disappear from his life and leave America.In my opinion, Ellen is a typical rebel of that society;she doesn’t know all the rules of Old New York’s upper-class.And, she hates all things in a boring life;the most important one is a marriage without love.However, tho rules destined the impossibility between she and Newland’s love.They can't get rid of the bondage of the society, their love also have no place to survival.In a word, they think and consideration too much for each other.At last, they will miss each other.Another major character of this story, May Welland is different from the above two person.She is a great model of upper class.She smile all the time, always know what to do and how to do.At first, she follows and obeys and engaged to Newland.After the marriage, when she suspects Newland is Ellen's lover, May has always pretends to be happy before society.S
he always knew that her husband love with others, but She loves her husband.In the end she has ud her unborn kid to keep her husband.May always think she will win in this love battle becau of the whole society behind her.After reading this novel, I think that the poorest man is Newland.He