I. Fill in the blanks.
1. Most people who came to the British colonies in the 1600s were ____English_________. Others came from The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. By 1690, 250,000 people lived in the ______New World________. By 1790, there were 2.5 million people.
2. The first ttlements were along the Atlantic coast and on rivers that flowed into the ocean. In the Northeast, trees covered the hills and stones filled the soil, but water power was available. The Northeast was called New England, and it included Massachutts, ________Connecticut_______, and _______Rhode Island______________. The economy was bad on timber, fishing, shipbuilding, and trade.
3. The ideas of __liberalism____________ and ________democracy_____ are the basis of
the U.S. political system. As the colonists built their new society, they believed more strongly in the ideas. Britain’s 13 colonies grew in population and economic strength during the 1700s. Although ruled by a distant government, the colonists governed many local affairs.
4. The American Revolution and the war for independence from Britain began with a small fight between British troops and colonists on April 19, _1775______. The British troops left __Boston________, Massachutts, planning to take weapons and ammunition from revolutionary colonists. At ______Lexington_______, they met armed colonists who were called ______Minutemen_________ becau they could be ready to fight in a minute.
5. Valentine’s Day originated in the ____Roman_____ Era.
6. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made the famous ___I have a dream, the Nobel Peace Prize_______ speech in 1963.
7. Easter is an important ___religious and social简单折玫瑰花_________ festival in Christian countries.
8. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming ____Mother’s Day____ as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.
9. __Independence Day________ is the National Day of US which is obrved on July 4.
10. Columbus Day celebrates ___the discovery in America_______ by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492.
11. On__Halloween梨花溪__, American children dress up in funny or scary costumes and go trick or treating by knocking on doors in their neighborhood.
12. Thanksgiving Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in ____November__.
13. Earth Day is designed to promote _ecology__________.
14. Thanksgiving celebrates the first harvest feast between the Indians and the ___Pilgrims_ during the ttlers’ first year in America.
15. The Congress in the United States is compod of the Hou of 老年人脚肿是什么原因引起的 Reprentatives and the Senate; the Parliament in Britain is compod of the monarch, the Hou of Lords and the Hou of Commons .
16. The Three branches of the American federal government are the 四色成人 legislative branch , the executive branch , and the judicial branch .
17. In the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister is head of government; in the United States, the President is the head of government.
18. The Hou of Lords in the United Kingdom consists of two very different types of members, the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual .
19. Two of the basic powers that government can wield in a tax foreclosure are taxation and eminent ___domain_______.
20. Once the property becomes _delinquent__________, the homeowner begins to receive letters from the lender requesting payment for the mortgage.微波炉烧烤
21. __Real estate owned_________ properties that revert back to the lender becau of foreclosure (or deeds in lieu of foreclosure) are normally called REOs, or real estate owned properties.
22. The sub-prime crisis, which has its roots in the closing years of the 20th century, became apparent in 2007 and has expod pervasive weakness in financial industry ____financial industry regulation______ and the global financial system.
23. In recent months, we have taken steps to shore up the housing ctor -- including measures to help struggling homeowners avoid ___foreclosure______ and keep their homes.
24. Union contracts t both a wage floor and a wage ceiling. __Union contracts______ employers may not give productive workers pay rais outside tho envisioned in the collectively bargained contract.
25. The government should end the _interventions_______ it has made since 2008, starting with abolition of the TARP program. It then should abolish Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and repeal all U.S. government regulatory measures that interfere with mortgage markets.