Key to Exercis
Unit 1
Listening Task
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F当且仅当 6. T 7. F
Nursing Professionalism Tips
A nur is a key link between a hospital patient and a doctor, providing care, information and a range of important health rvices. In that role, a nur must maintain a n of professionalism and decorum with both patients and hospital staff.
坚字成语A good professional nur will have pride in her work every day, even when she is tired or has worked 12 hours in a row. This means going above and beyond the call o
f duty when needed. In addition, nurs should take pride in their appearance, pride in their medical knowledge and pride in their interactions, showing dedication both to job and patients.
A nur’s bedside manner is an important aspect of overall professionalism. A nur must be friendly and considerate, a good listener, respectful and responsive. However, professional nurs should not try to become best friends with their patients or tell patients their life stories. A good bedside manner also involves professional distance. Asking patients how they are feeling today is fine, but a nur discussing the sordid details of her own terrible day is not.
Nurs also exhibit professionalism when pitching in as a team. This might mean working late one day, changing shifts with another nur who has a personal issue to resolve or even assisting nurs in other departments if there are shortages. Nurs must work as part of a care team that includes doctors, physical therapists, psychiatrists and other nurs, as well as other health care professionals who goal is to help patients recover.
Nurs should maintain all educational and certification requirements. This means taking continuing education cours as needed and pursuing additional education in interest areas to bolster skills and knowledge.
Text A
I. Reading Comprehension
1. D 2. A 3. A 4.C 5. D
II. Words to Practice
1. community 6. 健脾除湿Academic
2. competency 7. remedies
3. sponsored 8. overload
4. incorporate 9. dilemma
5. demographic 10. ethical
III. Translation
A. Translate the following ntences into Chine.
1.93年五行属什么 以患者为中心的照护不仅仅是简单地告诉患者有关的诊断,可能的治疗,或者是健康行为。它不是指给患者他们想要的,而是患者需要医务工作者的指导,他们期望的是在完全知情、没有偏差信息的情况下了解可能的选择、利益及风险。
分手后让对方心痛的话2. 专家在描述护理未来和科学技术带来的影响时,呼吁护理教育改革,培养护士具备基本的能力,以改善护理质量和患者安全。建议的基本能力包括提供以患者为中心的护理能力;多学科合作团队中合作的能力;用循证指导护理实践的能力;管理工作程序和决策的能力。
B. Translate the following ntences into English.
1. Many injuries and deaths are preventable in medical institutions and the key measure is to improve the quality of medical rvices.
2. Nurs often work overload becau of nur shortage which not only influences the quality of nursing care, but also affects nurs’ health status.
3. Evidence-bad practice requires healthcare providers u the best evidences at clinical practice.
4. The patients are becoming more knowledgeable about the dia and health information, and are more aware of their medical rights.
5. People from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds respond to the dia and treatment differently.
Text B
Answers to the Questions
1. Urinary tract, surgical wounds, pneumonia, and pticemia.
2. Have multiple comorbidities.
3. Sterile technique.
4. Handwashing.
5. 10 to 15 conds.
After-class Listening锡纸烫发型
A) lifelong learning
B) other disciplines
C) the philosophy of nursing
D) short-term and long-term
E) a high quality of patient care
F) your personal…career experiences黑豆豆浆的功效
G) leadership skills
H) continuing your education
How to Set Professional Nursing Goals
If you want to grow in your career as a nur, you must be motivated to engage in lifelong learning. Although your professional nursing goals will be significantly influenced by your own personal values, nursing education at all levels must be expanded to include training in other disciplines. An expected shortage of nurs is likely to increa in job opportunities, so preparing for a nursing career will involve much more than broad goals.
1. Ask yourlf what the philosophy of nursing means to you.
Define your priorities as they apply to patient care. Determine whether you have the nurturing qualities needed to place concern for your patients above all el. Decide if attaining a clinical specialization will help you achieve your patient care g
oals. Find out if an organization for which you want to be employed shares the same philosophy of care and professional accountability that you do.
2. Differentiate between short-term and long-term career goals.
Write down the goals you want to achieve on paper as a reminder about where you want to be in your career within a particular period of time. Make your ambitions easier to manage by tting smaller goals as you work toward reaching a larger one. For instance, if you want to work as a nur outside of the traditional hospital tting, you may need to get additional training or go on to earn an advanced degree. Having an advanced degree will make more job opportunities available to you.