
更新时间:2023-07-07 02:20:28 阅读: 评论:0

班级目标一句话Discussion Questions of SLA
Chapter 1: Learning a first language
祖国的生日是几月几日1. Think of three or four ‘telegraphic’ ntences that a young child might produce. The may be in English or another language you know well. How are the ‘little ntences’ similar to tho in the adult language? How are they different?
  税收滞纳金Both of ntences contain the necessary key words, especially nouns, verbs and adjectives. But, telegraphic ntences are shorter, and lack function words, in which grammatical elements are often omitted or inrted incorrectly, and single-clau.
2. Rearchers have ud both longitudinal and cross-ctional approaches to investigate the order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes in English by young children. Describe the approaches in your own words. What are the challenges and the potential benefits of each?
  Cross-ctional approach studies subjects at different ages and stages of development. L
ongitudinal approach study the same learner’s over a period of time.
  Longitudinal study approach takes a lot of time and are very expensive and inconvenient. Meanwhile longitudinal studies track the same people, avoid differences of cultural differences across generations, and make obrving changes more accurate.
  When it comes to cross-ctional approach, routine data not designed to answer the specific question, and other variables will affect the relationship between the cau and effect. The u of routinely collected data allows large cross-ctional studies in large scale, and cost less to the rearcher.
3. What is the ‘wug test’? What do the findings from the wug test tell us about Children’s developing language? What advantages does the wug test have over studies that obrve children’s language in natural ttings? Can you think of some disadvantages?
Wug test” is designed as showing students make-up words, and blank filling exerci, to explore children’s knowledge of language.
  By age four, children have mastered the basic structure of the language.
西字组词  It can be demonstrated that children not only know a list of memorized word pairs, but can apply the rules to words which they have ever heard before.
  The acquisition of the more complex grammatical structures of the language requires a different sort of explanation.
4. What is metalinguistic awareness? Why is it a prerequisite for being able to understand most jokes and riddles? Think of a joke or riddle you know. How is metalinguistic awareness related to your understanding of what makes this joke funny?
  The ability to treat language as a object, parate from the meaning it conveys.
  Metalingusitc awareness also includes the discovery of such things as ambiguity---words and ntences that have multiple meaning.
  A joke always relates to funny pun, which is cloly related to metalinguistic awareness.
5. What have rearchers obrved about the frequency with which young children engage in imitation and repetitive practice? In what way are young children’s linguistic imitation and practice patterns different from tho of some foreign language class?
  From less than 10 percent to 40 percent.
  Young children choo what they will imitate and practice, and the choice is bad on something they have already begun to understand, which is different from foreign language class.
6. Give examples of both grammatical and lexical overgeneralization errors found in early child language. What is the general learning principle that underlies such errors?
  布鲁斯口琴音阶图Randall(2,9): Are dogs wiggle their tails?
  Randall(3,0) asks:  Why? So he can doc my little bump?
  Children appear to pick out patterns and then generalize them to new contexts.
7. How do the stories of Victor and Genie (pages 19–21) support the critical period hypothesis? Do you find this evidence convincing? Why do most rearchers consider that the evidence from urs of American Sign Language that was collected by Newport and her colleagues (page 21) is stronger support for the CPH?
  Victor and Genie who have been deprived of contact with language in their early years, CANNOT learn language like normal people, reason of which may be that their language acquisition device was stimulated too late.
  No, becau the sample is too unusual and other factors are not excluded.
  Becau the children are usual learners and the circumstances of their early lives are known to the rearchers.

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