china quality certification center notice of lected sample deliverycqc/qpjc03.06(1/0)
no.: 篇二:英文通知范文通知英语范文 ; y } x3 p- e8 {, c2 n7 }—、标题
通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用announcement,书面通知多用notice 或
或“may i have your attention,plea?”或“be quiet,plea”,其后可以加上i have
this is to announce that the university will organize a “teach in the west”
program. this program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. the
ndf是什么 volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the
subjects are chine, english, math, physics and chemistry. the specific locations
of the middle schools are upon further notice. each year, many students from other universities volunteer themlves to work
in the
poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there.
we should also take the lead in respon to the appeal for offering aid to children
in poor areas. the children need us. let us hold out our helping hands to them and
do whatever we can to help them.the student union
june 20, 2007篇三:举证通知书中英文对照 举证通知书
notice to produce evidence根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》和最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》,
现将有关举证事项通知如下:according to the civil procedural law of the people’s republic of china and the
veral provisions of the supreme people’s court on evidences for civil actions,
the matters of producing evidences will notify as following:
1 you are responsible for producing evidences to prove the facts on which your
吃里爬外 claims are bad or the facts on which the claims of the other party are rebutted.
you shall undertake the adver conquence, if you failed to submit evidence
materials or submitted evidences is failure to the fact which you provide to the court.
竹子的英语 复制品。并应对提交的证据材料逐一分类编号,对证据材料的来源、证明对象和内容作简要
说明,依照对方当事人人数提出副本。 ii evidences submitted by the parties to the people’s court shall be theoriginals, or copies or replicas checked and found in conformity with the
originals by the people’s court. the submitted evidence materials shall be classified
and numbered one by one. it is required to briefly describe the sources, facts to
be proved and contents of the evidence materials. copies shall be provided according
to the number of the parties of the opposing side.
三、申请鉴定,增加、变更诉讼请求或者提出反诉,应当在举证期限届满前提出。 iii where you intend to apply for authentication, increa or variation of the
claims or file a counterclaim, you shall do the same prior to the expiration of the
evidence producing term.
易程序审理,申请证人作证的时间可以不受十日的限制。iv where you apply for appearance of a witness to testify,you shall file an
application with this court ten (10) days before expiration of the evidence producing
电脑字体安装在哪个位置 term. provided that the summary procedure is followed in this ca, the time for
applying witness to testify is not limited by 10 days.
相应的担保。如本案适用简易程序审理,申请证据保全的时间可以不受七日的限制。v where you intend to apply for prervation of evidence, you shall file an application with this court ven (7) days before expiration of the evidence
producing term. this court may require you to provide corresponding prervation as
the circumstances may require. provided that the summary procedure is followed in
this ca, the time for prervation of evidence is not limited by 10 days.
vi upon receipt of the notice, you may negotiate with the other party to determine
the time limit for producing evidence and apply for approval of this court. provided
that you and your other party fail to reach an agreement, or the agreement is
吴王夫差矛 unapproved or refud by this court, you shall submit the evidence materials to this
court before th day after receiving the notice shall be as the expiration day of the
evidence producing term. your failure to submit evidence materials within the
evidence producing term shall be deemed as waiver of the right to produce evidences.