1. Deltoid muscle 三角肌2. Head of humerus 肱骨头3. Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌4. Pectoralis minor muscle 胸小肌5. Sternothyroid muscle 胸骨甲状肌6. Internal jugular vein 颈内静脉7. Internal carotid artery 颈内动脉8. Longus colli muscle 颈长肌9. Thyroid gland 甲状腺10. Trachea 气管11. Esophagus 食管12. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸锁乳突肌13. Vagus nerve (ramus) 迷走神经14. Anterior scalene muscle 前斜角肌15. Brachial plexus 臂丛神经16. Subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉17. Joint capsule with capsular ligaments 关节囊及囊韧带18. Infraspinatus muscle 冈下肌19. Spine of scapula 肩胛冈20. Coracoid process 喙突21. Trapezius muscle 斜方肌22. Medial and posterior scalenus muscles 中、后斜角肌
1986年属虎五行属什么23. Costovertebral joint (Rib 1) 肋椎关节(第1肋)24. Thoracic vertebra 1 第1胸椎25. Vertebral arch (lamina) 椎弓(椎板)26. Supraspinous ligament 棘上韧带27. Spinal cord 脊髓28. Erector spinae muscle 竖脊肌29. Serratus anterior muscle 前锯肌30. Rhomboid muscle 菱形肌31. Clavicle 锁骨32. Supraspinatus muscle 冈上肌
33. Supraclavicular lymph nodes 锁骨上淋巴结34. Subclavicular lymph nodes 锁骨下淋巴结柠檬祛斑35. Jugular lymph nodes 颈淋巴结36. Paratracheal lymph nodes 气管旁淋巴结37. Anterior cervical lymph nodes 颈前淋巴结38. Paraesophageal lymph nodes 食管周围淋巴结
1. Deltoid muscle 三角肌2. Subscapularis muscle 肩胛下肌3. Pectoralis minor muscle胸小肌4. Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌5. Clavicle 锁骨6. Subclavius muscle 锁骨下肌7. Vagus nerve (ramus) 迷走神经8. Internal jugular vein 颈内静脉9. Internal carotid artery 颈内动脉10. Thyroid gland 甲状腺11. Trachea 气管12. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸锁乳突肌13. Esophagus 食管14. Subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉15. Left lung 左肺16. Rib 1
花的英语怎么说第1肋17. Intercostal muscle 肋间肌用英文介绍自己18. Subclavian artery and vein 锁骨下动、静脉19. Brachial plexus 臂丛神经20. Teres major muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle 大圆肌和背阔肌21. Spine of scapula 肩胛冈22. Serratus anterior muscle 前锯肌23. Rib 2 第2肋24. Rhomboid muscle 菱形肌25. Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节26. Erector spinae muscle 竖脊肌27. Thoracic vertebra 2 第2胸椎28. Spinal cord 脊髓29. Sympathetic trunk 交感干30. Trapezius muscle 斜方肌31. Supraspinatus muscle 冈上肌32. Scapula 肩胛骨33. Infraspinatus muscle 冈下肌
34. Deep axillary lymph nodes 深部腋窝淋巴结35. Intercostal lymph nodes 肋间淋巴结36. Paratracheal lymph nodes 气管旁淋巴结37. Anterior cervical lymph nodes 颈前淋巴结38. Paraesophageal lymph nodes 食管旁淋巴结39. Jugular lymph nodes 颈淋巴结Right Lung1. Apical gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶尖段Left Lung1 2 Apicoposterior gment of upper lobe 左肺上叶尖后段
1. Deltoid muscle 三角肌2. Subscapularis muscle 肩胛下肌3. Pectoralis minor muscle 胸
小肌4. Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌5. Right lung 右肺6. Rib 1 第1肋7. Brachiocephalic vein 头臂静脉8. Clavicle 锁骨9. Brachiocephalic artery 头臂干10. Trachea 气管11. Thymus 甲状腺12. Sternum (manubrium) 胸骨(胸骨柄)13. Left common carotid artery 左颈总14. Recurrent laryngeal nerve 喉返神经15. Left subclavian artery 左锁骨下动脉16. Left lung 左肺17. Rib 2 第2肋18. Intercostal muscle 肋间肌19. Axillary artery and vein 腋动、静脉20. Brachial plexus 臂丛21. Teres major muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle 大圆肌和背阔肌22. Triceps brachii muscle (long head) 肱三头肌(长头)23. Infraspinatus muscle 冈下肌24. Supraspinatus muscle 冈上肌25. Serratus anterior muscle 前锯肌26. Rib 3 第3肋27. Rhomboid muscle 菱形肌28. Erector spinae muscle 竖脊肌29. Sympathetic trunk 交感干30. Spinal cord 脊髓31. Thoracic vertebra 胸椎32. Trapezius muscle 斜方肌33. Esophagus 食管34. Scapula 肩胛骨35. Spine of scapula 肩胛冈
36. Deep axillary lymph nodes 深部腋窝淋巴结37. Interpectoral lymph nodes 胸肌间淋巴结38. Intercostal lymph nodes 肋间淋巴结39. Paravertebral lymph nodes 椎旁淋巴结40. Anterior mediastinal lymph nodes 前纵隔淋巴结41. Paratracheal lymph nodes 气管旁淋巴结42. Paraesophageal lymph nodes 食管旁淋巴结 Right Lung1. Apical gment of upp
er lobe 右肺上叶尖段2. Posterior gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶后段3. Anterior gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶前段 Left Lung1 2 Apicoposterior gment of upper lobe 左肺上叶尖后段3. Anterior gment of upper lobe 左肺上叶前段
1. Deltoid muscle 三角肌2. Subscapularis muscle 肩胛下肌3. Pectoralis minor muscle 胸小肌4. Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌5. Right lung 右肺6. Rib 肋骨7. Right brachiocephalic vein 右头臂静脉8. Right brachiocephalic artery 右头臂干9. Vagus nerve 迷走神经10. Trachea 气管11. Left brachiocephalic vein 左头臂静脉12. Sternum (manubrium) 胸骨(胸骨柄)13. Left common carotid artery 左颈总14. Phrenic nerve 膈神经15. Left subclavian artery 左锁骨下动脉16. Left lung 左肺17. Intercostal muscle 肋间肌18. Axillary artery and vein 腋动、静脉19. Rib 肋骨20. Teres major muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle 大圆肌和背阔肌21. Infraspinatus muscle 冈下肌22. Supraspinatus muscle 冈上肌23. Rhomboid muscle major 菱形肌24. Trapezius muscle 斜方肌25. Thoracic vertebra 胸椎26. Spinal cord (thoracic part) 脊髓(胸段)27. Erector
spinae muscle 竖脊肌28. Esophagus 食管29. Recurrent laryngeal nerve 喉返神经30. Scapula 肩胛骨31. Spine of scapula 肩胛冈
32. Superficial axillary lymph nodes 表浅腋窝淋巴结33. Interpectoral lymph nodes 胸肌间淋巴结34. Paravertebral lymph nodes 椎旁淋巴结35. Paratracheal lymph nodes 气管旁淋巴结36. Anterior mediastinal lymph nodes 前纵隔淋巴结37. Parasternal lymph nodes 胸骨旁淋巴结38. Paraesophageal lymph nodes 食管旁淋巴结39. Intercostal lymph nodes 肋间淋巴结 Right Lung1. Apical gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶尖段2. Posterior gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶后段3. Anterior gment of upper lobe 右肺上叶前段 Left Lung1 2 Apicoposterior gment of upper lobe 左肺上叶尖后段3. Anterior gment of upper lobe 左肺上叶前段
1. Latissimus dorsi muscle 背阔肌2. Subscapularis muscle 肩胛下肌3. Pectoralis minor muscle 胸小肌4. Pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌5. Right lung 右肺6. Rib 肋骨7. Right brachiocephalic vein 右头臂静脉8. Phrenic nerve 膈神经9. Sternum (manubrium) 胸骨(
胸骨柄)10. Azygos vein 奇静脉11. Thymus 胸腺12. Trachea 气管13. Aortic arch 主动脉弓14. Left lung 左肺15. Intercostal muscle 肋间肌16. Thoracodorsal artery 胸背动脉17. Infraspinatus muscle 冈下肌18. Scapula 肩胛骨19. Spine of scapula 肩胛冈20. Rhomboid muscle major 菱形肌21. Trapezius muscle 斜方肌22. Sympathetic trunk 交感干23. Erector spinae muscle 竖脊肌24. Spinal cord 脊髓25. Thoracic vertebra 胸椎26. Thoracic duct 胸导管27. Esophagus 食管28. Teres major muscle 大圆肌