Productivity growth and convergence in crop, ruminant, and nonruminant production:
励志文measurement and forecasts
期刊名称: Agricultural Economics
作者: Carlos E. Ludena,Thomas W. Hertel,Paul V. Preckel,Kenneth
往时>荷兰的风车Foster,Alejandro Nin
跨境电商发展年份: 2010年
期号: 第1期谨慎的
关键词: D24;O13;O47;Q10;Total factor
腌茄子的做法productivity;Projections;Convergence;Crops;Livestock;Malmquist index
摘要:Projections of future productivity growth rates in agriculture are an esntial input for a great vari
ety of tasks, ranging from development of an outlook for global commodity markets to the analysis of interactions between land u, deforestation, and ecological diversity. Yet solid projections for the variables have proven elusive—particularly on a global basis. This is due, in no small part, to the difficulty of measuring historical total factor productivity growth. Conquently, most productivity projections are bad on partial factor productivity measures that can be quite misleading. The purpo of this work is to provide worldwide forecasts of agricultural productivity growth till the year 2040 bad on the latest time ries evidence on total factor productivity growth for crops, ruminants, and nonruminant livestock.