Diets of obe and non-obe older subjects

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Vol.5, No.3, 361-363 (2013)Health doi:10.4236/health.2013.53048
Diets of obe and non-obe older subjects*
Yukoh Yaegashi1, Atsuko Satoh2, Hideaki Kudoh2, Sangun Lee3, Chiaki Kitamiy4,
James P. Butler5, Hidetada Sasaki6#
1Tohoku Computer College, Aomori, Japan
2Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare, Aomori, Japan
3Department of Physical Therapy, Aomori University of Health and Welfare, Aomori, Japan
4Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Aomori, Japan见的成语
5Division of Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA 6Sendai Tomizawa Hospital, Sendai, Japan; #Corresponding Author: ********************.jp
烤箱烤披萨Received 20 December 2012; revid 24 January 2013; accepted 9 February 2013
Aim: To compare diets between obe and non- obe in healthy older subjects. Methods: Forty- five obe and eighty-ven non-obe older subjects were recruited and their habitual fac- tors that may contribute to obesity were as- sd. Intakes of food by food-group in the obesity and non-obesity groups were checked using a visual type prentation of model nutria- tional balance chart (MNBC). Results: Average intake ratio of food relative to ideal food intake was significantly higher in the obesity group than the non-obesity group. The relationship of obesity and exerci or habitual activities was not significant. Conclusion: Food intake is a primary factor of obesity but regular exerci or habitual activities is not a key factor for obesity in older subjects. Since exerci habit is difficult to achieve in older subjects, particularly tho who are obe, food control using the prent visualtype MNBC would be one strategy forthe management of obesity.
Keywords:Obesity; Food Intake; Exerci; Model Nutritional Balance Chart; Older Subjects
The increasing incidence of obesity, and its contribu- tion to metabolic syndrome in all age group, is becoming an urgent public health, syndrome in all ages. Childhood obesity is thought to be a risk fac
tor for metabolic syn- drome in adulthood becau obesity in children tends to persist into adulthood. Cross-ctional studies have shown that children’s weights were associated with food con- sumption and decread exerci levels, primarily through dentary lifestyles. On the other hand, interventions to prevent childhood obesity have been inconsistent or have shown only limited effects of dietary habits and physical activity [1]. In the previous study [2], we reported that food intake was not a primary factor contributing to obe- sity but exerci was a key factor for reducing obesity in children. Iijima et al. [3] suggested that lower physical activity, but not excessive caloric intake, is associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in older pa-tients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, becau vigorous exerci programs arerarely tolerated in older subjects, this key factor to contributing to obesity might not be consistent found in this group [4]. In the prent report, we compared diets between obe and non-obe older subjects and compared diets with physical activity.
Subjects were recruited from healthy older subjects more than 65 years old who jointed to programs for pre- venting lf-care dependency in older subjects in five places in Odate City, Akita prefecture, Japan, where the authors had health assignments as nurs. Older sub- jects were considered to be
obe when the body mass index (BMI) kg/m² exceeded 25 kg/m², tho with BMI <25 kg/m²were considered to be non-obe. The subjects of the prent study had no cardiac or pulmonary dias- es, brain damage, or metabolic dias except for some older subjects taking maintenance anti-hypertensive me- dicines. All subjects can walk and performed their active life by themlves. Barthel Indexes [5] of them were more than 90. Among 191 subjects, 42 subjects refud to participate in the study, leaving 149 subjects. Among the, 133 participants, female/ male, 110/23, average age 78 ± 6 years, completed a questionnaire about phy- sical characteristics, health asssment, life styles, in- cluding habits and hobbies.
Regular exerci were defined as participating, at least twice per week, in sporting clubs such as golf, baball,
*Conflict of interest: We declare no potential conflict of interests. All Rights Rerved.
Y. Yaegashi et al. / Health 5 (2013) 361-363 362
gymnastic, dancing, take a walk more than 4 km, or for tho in the agricultural ctor, working rice fields. Food intakes were assd using the model nutritional balance chart (MNBC) as described previously [6]. Briefly, The MNBC was designed to outline a 6697 kj intake according to th
e recommendation by the Japan Obesity Society [7]. The MNBC demonstrated the ideal dietary distribution of 11 categories of food: potatoes and grains (hereinafter called grains), meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products (hereinafter called milk), beans and bean products, such as bean curd and miso soup (herein- after called beans), green and yellow vegetables, light- colored vegetables, fruits, oil, and sugar. The number of times each food category was consumed was marked with black dots; the foods eaten were recorded by cate- gory, but not by amount. The subject filled a meal chart which consisted of columns for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks between meals. The meal chart was to be filled out for any 3 days of the last 2 weeks before revis- iting the programs for preventing lf-care dependence. We calculated the nutritional balance, as follows: (intake ration of food = the actual food intake/the ideal food in- take following the MNBC). Thus the nutritional balance bad on the MNBC was ideally “1”. In order to analyze large number of subjects, eleven categories of 5381 foods were data bad on computer and nutritional bal- ance of three days was visually calculated from the food chart. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Committee of the Akita Nursing and Welfare University. The Mann-Whitney’s U test was ud for departures from the ideal value of 1 over all categories. Multivariate logistic regression was ud to determine the variances. Values were prented as mean ± SD. Statistical signifi- cance was taken at p< 0.05.
Average BMIs of obe and non-obe older subjects were 27.1 ± 2.1 kg/m²(varied from 16.3 to 24.9 kg/m², n = 45) and 21.5 ± 2.3 kg/m²(varied from 25.0 to 34.5 kg/m², n = 88), respectively. The numbers of older sub- jects who did or did not engage in regular exerci were 33 and 10 in the obesity group and 61 and 23 in the non- obesity group, respectively. Exerci performance was not different between obe and non-obe older subjects. When the subjects completed the food chart over the three day interval, visual intakes of eleven categories of food were calculated and input to a computer (Figure 1). Intake-ratio of food in the obesity group was signifi- cantly higher than that of the non-obesity group (p < 0.01) (Table 1) in the categories of meat, eggs, oil, and sugar. The numbers of subjects with hobbies and without hobbies were 29 and 14 in the obesity group and 63 and 17 in the non-obesity group, respectively. Hobby par- ticipation was not different between obe and non-obe subjects. The relative impact for obesity (where obe and non-obe subjects corresponded to 0 and 1, respect- tively) versus intake ratio of food, exerci and hobby participation was assd using multiple logistic regres- sion where intake ratio of food entered as a continuous independent variable, exerci and hobby participation were indicator variables (yes/no corresponding to 0/1, respectively). Multiple logistic regression of the rela- tionship between obesity and food was significant (odds ration = 0.21, 95% confidence interval = 0.071 - 0.62, p < 0.01) and not significant for other factors.盲僧皮肤
Prent study suggests that diet than exerci may be the primary risk factor contributing obesity in older sub- jects. Exerci but not diet has been reported to be more important to reduce metabolic syndrome in older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [3]. This may be due to the fact that diets in type 2 diabetes mellitus are typically carefully restricted, leading to a promotion of the role that exerci plays in both metabolic syndrome and obe- sity [8]. As noted in the introduction, we previously found that non-obesity children showed a higher intake ratio of food than the obesity children presumably offt by their level of exerci obesity [2]. To the extent that exerci level and metabolic scope become progressively and significantly reduced in the elderly [9], the dietary factors which were condary in younger individuals may become dominant risk factor for obesity. Diet rather than exerci may be primary factor to differentiate obe from non-obe subjects in the elderly. This repre- nts a new perspective in the shifting of risk factors between young and older subjects.
Figure 1. The subject marks rvings of food by category over a three day interval (days are marked
on the right upper panel). Within each of the eleven categories of foods, black dots corre- spond to each rving, white dots correspond to the deficit from ideal number of rvings, and red dots correspond to rvings in excess of the ideal. Pie chart of the ratio of rvings con- sumed to the ideal are shown at the bottom (with excess hown as additional pie ctors).
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Y. Yaegashi et al. / Health 5 (2013) 361-363363 Table 1. Intake-ratio of food in obesity and non-obesity groups.
Beans Green and
Fruit Oil Sugar Mean
Obesity 0.7 1.4 0.6 3.2 1.2 0.3  2.2    1.0 0.8 1.0 2.4    1.4 non-obesity 0.8 1.2 0.6 2.8 0.9 0.4  1.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.7    1.1  NS * NS ** NS NS NS NS NS ** ** *** *(p < 0.05), **(p < 0.01) and ***(p < 0.001) shows significances between the obesity group and non obesity group using the two-sided Mann-Whitney’s U test. NS shows no significance. Values are mean ± SD.
Since diets thus appear to be important for contribut- ing obesity in older subjects, the prent study developed a visual prentation of foods of MNBC. As a result of the variability in eating patterns within the older age group, it is particularly important that the meal pattern is designed to fit the person’s usual eating habits, including cultural and personal food preferences [10]. Along with the considerations, a simple method of obrving nutri- tional balance for older subjects would be needed. Indi- vidual subject would better appreciated a balance diet using the visual prentation of MNBC. The prent vis- ual prentation of MNBC might also be uful in man- aging not only obesity, but related disorders including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and other dias requiring diet control [11]. REFERENCES
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