The Project Life Cycle
The investors’吉士粉 capital investment aims to meet the market demands or perceived needs by making the facility satisfy certain objectives within the constraints specified by themlves and relevant regulations; thus, most constructed facilities are custom-made except in the housing market. From the viewpoint of project management, the “owner”门颜色 and “investor” are 家长心得体会synonymous for both have the ultimate authority to make all vital decisions. I吕太后本纪t will be wi for owners to understand the acquisition process basing on agreement clearly, so as to maintain firm control of the quality, timeliness and cost.
The project life cycle for a constructed facility from the perspective of an owner embraces veral stages. Esntially, a conceived project originates from market demands or needs in a timely fashion. In order to pick the best one in the conceptual planning stage, considered various 头皮养护possibilities’ technical and economic feasibility may be assd. After the scope of the project is clearly defined, there comes detailed engineering古币鉴定 design. After the construction is completed, a brief period of start-up or shake-down of the constructed fa
cility is necessary. Finally, the management of facility is turned over to owner until the facility lives out its uful life and is designated for demolition or conversion.
The stages may not be strictly quential. According to actual circumstance, some can iterate and others may be carried out in parallel or with over-lapping time frames. An owner can choo to handle the work in-hou or to contract outside professional rvices in all stages, but most tend to utilize both as needed. The owner is suppod to put weight on the proper roles of various activities and participants in all stages.
The project life cycle may be regarded as a process of project implemented from cradle to grave. Every stage requires different experts, mainly specializing in technical and managerial knowledge domain. The process is complex, so the owner, generally, decompos the entire process and recruits outside planners and financial experts as consultants. Going on long 豆渣的营养价值after the completion and acceptance, the operation and maintenance is usually considered as a parate problem except in the consideration of the life cycle cost of a facility. All stages from conceptual planning and feasibility studies t
股票放量o the acceptance of a facility for occupancy may be broadly lumped together and referred to as the design/construction process, while the procurement and construction alone are traditionally regarded as the province of the construction industry.
There is no single best approach in organizing project. All organizational approaches have benefits and drawbacks, so owner should recognize which one is most appropriate for a specific project. Owners should be concerned with the lifecycle costs of constructed facilities rather than simply the initial construction costs and pay attention to the quality of the finished as well as the cost of construction itlf. Besides, the facility’s operating management should also be considered as early as possible.