Chine Culture—The Types of Chine Fans
China is regarded as the kingdom of making fans. There are four or five hundred types of fans, among them the most popular ones are feather fans, palm? Leaf fans, silk fans, cattail leave fans, round fans (ud by maids in places), folding fans, bamboo fans and goo-feather fans. Each type of fans has its own function. The silk fans were ud by ladies of wealthy families. The round fans were ud by maids of honor in palaces and had the function of blocking the sunshine and warding off the wind, and showing the dignity of emperors. The cattail leave fans were usually ud by peasant women, female rvants, woman matchmakers or dan-chair bearers. As to the scholars, they would prefer folding fans. The goo-feather fan of Zhuge Liang, the most well-known strategist in ancient China, was the symbol of calmness, quick-wittedness and wisdom. In the Chine painting Beauties Wearing Flowers by Zhoufang of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the silk fans with long handles the ladies were holding were a kind of blocking fans. They were made of white silk and were painted with peonies, making fans look very expensive and elegant. In the painting Han Xizai Hosting a Dinner Party by Gu Hongzhong of the South Tang period (937-975), Han Xizai was holding a square silk and bamboo fan with r
ound corners, and his maids were holding round painted silk fans with long handles. It shows that both silk and bamboo fans were favored by powerful families and nobles in ancient China.
China culture—New Year Pictures
Chine people like to hang New Year pictures in their hou to celebrate happiness during the Spring Festival. Traditional New Year pictures have rich contents, vivid color a
nd exaggerated form. Usual New Year pictures are “fishes of every year”, “welcoming fortune”, “new birth”, “the carp jumping over the Longmen gorge”, “three green plants in winter” etc. The history of New Year pictures can be traced back to the Donghan and Liuchao Dynasty. Yangliuqing in Tianjin, Yangjiabu in Wei county Shandong and Taohuawu in Suzhou Jiangsu province are the most famous places for producing New Year pictures.
China culture—The etiquette of tea
China is a country with a time—honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and rve tea to them. Before rving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and rve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the cour of rving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire cour of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be rved at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one hunger.
把龙翻译为dragon 是错误的。实际上,龙和dragon 在性质上的差异非常大,把它们理解成不同的生物更加合理。它们不是相同的生物的两种不同解释。至少六十年前, Loong 这个单词根据它在中文你的对应汉字“龙”的发音创造出来了。龙没有翅膀,但是应龙有翅
回字成语 迄今为止说发现的龙的艺术品中,最早的是六千年前在中国建造的一座用蚌壳堆造而成的雕塑。龙曾经被中国皇帝用作自己的象征。现在它被普通中国人作为吉祥、幸福和力量的象征。
怎么解绑微信手机号Chine culture—The Cultural Connotation of Dragon in China
It is wrong to translate loong as dragon in English. In fact, loong is so different in nature from dragons that it may be more reasonable to consider them as dissimilar creatures, rat
her than as the same creature interpreted differently. The word loong was created on the ba of the pronunciation of its counterpart character in Chine at least 60 years ago. Loong has no wing. But Ying Loong has wings. Loong will become Ying Loong after a one-thousand-years lf-tempering. Loong is generally regarded as benevolent, powerful, worshipful and lucky. It is thought as the source of wind and rain.
李贞The earliest artwork of loong ever discovered was built in China about 6000 years ago. I t is a sculpture of loong made by heaping shells of clam. Loong ud to be the symbol of Chine emperors. Now it stands for luck, happiness and power by ordinary Chine people.
Loong is a part of Chine culture. It is the symbol of the Chine nation. Loong is a spiritual tie linking the Chine people to people all over the world. Chine people are proud to call themlves “the offspring of the Loong”. The famous Chine Kung Fu star Bruce Lees Chine name is Lee Sui Loong, written in English. “Sui Loong” is the pronunciation of “ a little loong” in Chine, and means a strong and smart boy.
橙色用英语怎么说 五行,即使自然现象中木、火、土、金、水五种几种物质。根据它们不同的性质、功能和形态,传统的中医学里以五脏配五行,肝属于木,心属于火,脾属于土,肺属于金以及肾属于水。这种分类法是结合了人类身体的生理和病理和个人的身体本性特征。五行的相生的关系如下:木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木。反过来,五行相克的次序是木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金,金克木。这也同样适用于人体生理功能的内在联系。肝(木)藏血以济心,心(火)之热以温脾,脾(土)化生水谷精微以充肺,肺(金)清肃下行以助肾水,肾(水)之精以养肝。因此传统的中医在治疗肺部疾病之前要先温脾。