Face to Face with Hurricane Camille
I . Write a short note of about 100 words on Las Vegas.
Suggested Reference Books [ SRB ]
1. any standard gazetteer
2. Encyclopedia Americana
3. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Ⅱ. Questions on content:
1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay and face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?
2. What does “Magna Products” stand for?
3. Why did Charlie think they were in real trouble when he found the water tasted salty?
4. Why did Grandmother Koshak, at this critical moment, tell her husband she loved him?
5. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt?
耀耀生辉 6. Why did Grandmother Koshak ask the children to sing?
7. What did Janis understand when John put his arm around her?
Ⅲ. Questions on appreciation:
1. What is the organizational pattern of this piece of narration? How would you classify the first six paragraphs?
2. What does the writer focus chiefly on -- developing character, action (plot), or idea (theme) ?
3. Who is the protagonist or leading character in the story?
4. What opposing forces make up the conflict?
5. How does the writer build up and sustain the suspen in the story?
6. How does the writer give order and logical movement to the quence of happenings?
7. At what point in the story does the action reach its highest point?
8. At what point would you have ended the story? Why?
9. Is the last paragraph important? Why?
Ⅳ. Paraphra:
1. We’re elevated 23 feet. (para 3)血稠吃什么药
2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (para 3)
3. We can batten down and ride it out. (para 4)
4. The generator was doud, and the lights went out. (para 9)
5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! (para 10)
6. The electrical systems had been killed by water. (para 11)
7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (para 17)
8. Get us through this mess, will You? (para 17)
9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. (para 21)
10. Janis had just one delayed reaction. (para 34)
V. Translate paras 21--27 into Chine.
Ⅵ. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words:
1. since the water mains might be damaged (para 5)
2. sit out the storm with the Koshaks (para 6)
3. another neighbor came by on his way inland (para 6)
4. the French doors in an upstairs room blew in (para 8)
5. the generator was doud (para 9)
6.the electrical systems had been killed by water (para 11)
7.it devasted everything in its swath (para 19)
8.she carried on alone for a few bars (para 21)
茯茶的功效与作用 9.make it a lean-to against the wind (para 25)
10.and he pitched in with Seabees in the worst volunteer work of all (para 33)
Ⅶ. Discriminate the following groups of synonyms:
1. demolish, destroy, raze, annihilate
2. disintegrate, decay, rot, spoil, molder, decompo
Suggested Reference Books [ SRB]
1. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language
2. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
3. Reader’s Digest, U the Right Word
Ⅷ. Analy the formation of the following words and list 5--10 ex- amples of each:
1. television秋色宜人的意思
2. northwestward
3. motel
4. bathtub
5. returnees
Suggested Reference books [SRB]
1. any standard dictionary
2. Walker’s Rhyming Dictionary
3. any book on lexicology or word building
Ⅸ. In this narration, the writer makes effective u of verbs. List 10 verbs you consider ud most effectively and give your reasons.
Ⅹ. Mention two examples of each of the following: simile, metaphor, personification.
Ⅺ. Why does the writer u so many elliptical and short simple ntences? Illustrate your answer with a few examples.万物与我为一
Ⅻ. Analy paragraph 1. Does it have a topic ntence, a central idea? How is the paragraph developed? What is the function of the last ntence?
ⅩⅢ. Correct the mistakes in the following ntences. Avoid run-on ntences, ntence fragments, dangling modifiers, illogical or faulty parallelism and unnecessary shifts in point of view.
1. The basketball game was canceled. Becau half of the players were in bed with the flu.
2. The snakes are dangerous however, most snakes are quite harmless.
3. Looking out toward the horizon, she saw only the old cabin in which Mary had been born. A single cottonwood that had escaped the drought. The apparently boundless expan of sunburned prairie.