Attendees: Councillors N Aitkens - NA
M Morris – MM
S Durrant - SD
A Robertson – ARR
D Till – DT
L Smith - LS
Clerk D Rix – DR
Members of the public Mr J Jump
Mr & Mrs E Cantillon
手机不停重启1/161 2/162 3/163
4/164 5/165 13/166 Apologies for Abnce
Cllr Mann (away) Cllr Clements and Cllr Rushen
Declarations of Interest
Borough Councillor’s Report (attached)
Highlights from Cllr AR’s report included news that SEBC is to invest £39,500 in the bus station to achieve savings and potential for further income. The first stage towards the development of a significant new leisure facility is also underway at Park Farm, Ingham and SEBC has voted to upgrade the street lights it owns and transfer about half to SCC reducing maintenance costs by £157,000 a year.
County Councillor’s Report (attached)
Highlights from Cllr TC’s r eport included news that Suffolk’s 16 year olds have performed better at GCSE than the national figure for the first time since 2007. He said that SCC was eking parental input on its propod admissions policy, ensuring school places are offered to children in a fair way. DR to mention how parents can have their say in the newsletter.
Community Police Officer’s Report
Our local PCSO said that village crime reports will be hard to provide in future as a new computer system doesn’t allow it. However the police will still provide information on trending crimeslike lead theft from churches, burglaries and speed check figures and will try to come to meetings when they can. Regarding lead thefts, Cllr NA said that Whepstead church had no lead and the doors were now left unlocked.
Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (Cllr NA brought forward agenda item 13) Cllr LS said that the village was now registered with Neighbourhood Watch and that she would nd a letter to all tho who were happy to be coordinators for their roads asking them for their email address and mobile phone numbers so that information could be shared quickly.
8/168 9/169 10/170 It was agreed that policing has changed radically and the more that we can do to help ourlves the better. Cllr LS will attend a local policing information evening event on December 10th in Ipswich.
Planning Applications (Cllr NA brought forward agenda item 7)
DC/15/2102/TCA – Whepstead Hall, Brockley Road
To fell 7 conifers. Councillors voted to support the application.
DC/15/2100/LB and DC/15/2099/HH – Whepstead Hall, Brockley Road Installation of a swimming pond in the rear garden. It was agreed to support the application
海南省高考DC/15/2016/HH – Satchels, Old School Road
(i) Porch (ii) conversion of car port to garage (iii) loft conversion and (iv) associated alterations. Councillors voted to support the application.
Cllr DT asked what influence the Parish Council had with planning decisions. Cllr NA said that as long as we were positive or negative, consistent and attended meetings with development control if we felt strongly about an application, then he felt we did have some influence.
(Cllr NA delayed the public forum and discussing planning application
DC/15/1915/FUL as he was a w are that villagers were coming to the meeting to discuss it)
Minutes of the Meeting held on October 7th 2015.
It was propod by Cllr ARR and conded by Cllr MM that the minutes were a true and accurate record of the meeti ng and should be signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on October 7th2015 Cllr NA mentioned that the funding of the 30mph bin stickers had been well received. Cllr ARR said that the application for a defibrillator was in hand and that she had put the Community Centre down as a possible location, but was aware that the bus stop had been discusd. She said that no timescale had been given and asked for support when decisions needed to be made. Clerk’s Report
DR had referred Di Howe to Suffolk Housing following her request for a “children playing” sign at William Flack Place. She had mentioned dog fouling, the Ickworth historian and Fit Villages in the newsletter.
Mark Wray is going to put the village footpath map on the wall in the hall of the Community Centre. D
R had asked the PC’s insurer Came & Co about a joint insurance policy with th e WCA, but they can’t quote as the WCA are in a three year deal until the end of March 2018.
Having forwarded information regarding the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations to the WCA, they have agreed to organi a fete and tea party on June 11th. DR thanked Cllr MM for backing up the PC laptop and helping her overcome a few glitches. He suggested DR purcha a memory stick for future back-ups. DR has reported the potential visibility hazard at the Gypsy Lane junction. Alan Perkins has purchad £30 worth of bluebells which the footpath working party
6/171 planted yesterday, whilst also clearing up the walk along the river and the front of the Com munity Centre. Mr Perkins won’t submit a bill yet, in ca they felt the need for more bulbs.
John Hooper phoned to complain about the full bin at the bus stop. Cllr NA to empty it and DR to remind him in future.
DR said she had reported the obstructed public footpath (1) on land at Pattles Grove and the removal of a stile and footpath sign.
She had forwarded a uful police document on Church Security to Robin Drayton and she had let T
om Nunn –from SCC’s resource management team – know that the laurel hedge on Church Hill still hadn’t been removed by the owners of West Barn and that it would be good if it was gone by Sunday as the Remembrance Service involves churchgoers walking from the church to the war memorial. Cllr NA said that some paving stones that had been laid would be a trip hazard and would need dealing with too.
DR drew councillors’ attention to the fact that neighbouring Lawshall was drawing up a Neighbourhood Development Plan and if they wanted to comment on it they had until Dec 1. DR to speak to Lawshall’s clerk to find out more. DR said that the community speed watch team had thanked the PC for fully financing the 30mph bin stickers and wanted to know if we would consider the erection of small “we’re a speed aware village” style signs around the village. DR to ask Jane Alfred what size they are, how many they want and where they want to put them.
DR updated councillors on the progress of the diversion of the footpath at the bottom of Church Hill. The statutory consultations have been completed with no reprentations for reconsideration. The draft order, to be aled by Suffolk Legal and advertid (triggering a 28 day objection period), should happen later this month. So assuming no objections, SCC should be able to confirm the order early in the New Year. Following that, Mr Cutting would then be asked to sign the Creation Agr
eement to bring the new footpath into being. DR to confirm costs.
(Mr Jump and Mr & Mrs Cantillon arrived at 7.30pm. Cllr NA returned to agenda item 6 and 7)
Public Forum
Mr Jump and the Cantillons said they had not been nt details of the planning application submitted by Pattles Grove Stud - as Adrian Wilson had -despite being neighbours. Planning had apologid and extended their consultation period for a further 21 days. DR confirmed that she had received and circulated to councillors a copy of Adam Ford the enforcement officer’s letter to Angela Rushen, a copy of a letter from Adrian Wilson to the ca officer Charlotte Waugh and a map showing the alleged planning breaches. Mr Jump provided the PC with an aerial photograph of Pattles Grove and Plumpton.
Mr Jump reiterated his concern from the previous PC meeting that a planning application should not have been submitted, as there are a number of
11/172 covenants in place restricting development. Mr Cantillon was concerned about the development causing drainage problems on his land, the potential for dia, the lack of a concrete
business plan or business track record in running a stud, the contravention of policy DM32 for equestrian development which states that the siting of additional buildings should be clo to existing ones. The Cantillonsquestioned what would happen if the Pattles Grove Stud business fails - which they said emed likely given the small amount of land the owner was proposing to run iton – and what all the buildings would be developed into next. Why, asked Mr Cantillon, did the owner- some time ago - turn stables into accommodation if he wanted to run a stud.He was also concerned that a neighbouring fence had been knocked down and a tall building with a window overlooking his yard erected in its place.
Cllr MM remembered that the previous owner of Pattles Grove, Martin Perceval, had applied for an extra dwelling,and had had to come up with a business plan,but had been turned down.
Cllr NA made clear to members of the public that the PC had to look at the planning application on its own merit.
DC/15/1915/FUL Pattles Grove, Chedburgh Road
(i) Change of u from agricultural land to hor stud farm (ii) propod stables, barn, office, yard, hor walker, lunge ring and parade ring (iii) associated landscaping and access.
Cllr NA said that he was concerned by the level of development and felt it was a massive overdevelopment of a very small site, which originally had only a two bedroomed cottage and a few agricultural buildings on it.
It emed that approval had been given for an extension to be built for someone to be employed to look after hors but that this had now been incorporated into the main property. He said that planning enforcement emed to be taking the matter very riously.
Councillors agreed that the development was too much for such a small site. Cllr MM said that the application was completely flawed and councillors made the unanimous decision to reject the application. DR to report decision. (Members of the public left the meeting at 20.02pm)
There was 1 invoice for payment:
SALC – 6 months payroll £`16.80
It was propod by Cllr DT and conded by Cllr ARR that the cheque be paid and the bank reconciliation for the end of September be duly signed.
Bank balance at 30th September 2015
DR had received the tax ba figure of 215.57, but the Borough Councilhad to ratifythis at a full council meeting in December, so we could only agree the Precept in principal.
Councillors had been given a copy of the draft precept at the previous meeting. DR confirmed that we had just over £21,000 in the bank and that the footpath (1) diversion and creation costs would hopefully be fully met by Cllr Clement’s £1,000 contribution and the £1,000 kindly offered by Mr Cutting. DR said that bad on keeping our requirements at last year’s level of £8,730 with the redu
ctions in the Parish Revenue Support Grant to £520 (£663) and Local Council Tax Support Grant to £11 (£22) we would be asking for a precept of £8,199, £154 more. As our tax ba had rin from 208.35 to 215.57 that would mean a cost to Band D houholds in the village of £38.03, 58p less than last year. Cllr NA asked DR to work out what the cost to villagers would be if we asked for the same precept as last year.
丑猫Precept to be approved at December’s meeting.Cllr NA asked Cllr ARR if she could get a copy of the WCA’s accounts as it would be uful to e if there were any areas – like insurance – where the PC could help.
Clerk’s Pay
DR explained to councillors that she had received a pay ri from £8.31 to £8.631 in January which was effective until March next year and that she was happy with that. Her mileage allowance was 0.587p a mile and she received £30 a month for broadband and telephone costs.
Footpaths, Highways and Byways
DR to write to Cllr Clements about the ridiculous road closures in the village recently. Cllr DT said tha
t in getting home one evening he pasd through three “road clod” signs as there were ga ps and he saw no roadworks at all, but found a SCC JCB and truck in his drive!
DR to invite grasscutting quotes via the village newsletter as our contract runs out at the end of January. She has left a message with David Gotts from Hartest asking him to quote. Cllr MM said that from the Cricket team’s point of view, they could not have been happier with the job that was done this year. Regarding a bike stand at the bus stop, DR said she had spoken to planning and that no planning permission was required if we attach a stand to the back of the Bus Stop, as it is a PC ast and not owned by SCC. The West Suffolk Parks Department suggested we look at stands provided by电脑坏了怎么修
uk DR said that a wall mounted rack for four bikes cost £80.83 + VAT. DR to ask Brian Carr to quote for the work and erecting some fence screening between the bus stop and East Barn. DR to write to the